BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, February 20, 2023

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Degree: Ph.D. Defended the thesis "Application of Isoperimetry and Measure Concentration to Analysis of Heuristics" on 24 September 2016.

Heuristics are algorithm design strategies, intuitively conceived, empirically developed, but vaguely described and scarcely analysed. We notice, despite the apparent obscurity, that heuristics ultimately use few geometric motifs and neighbourhood structure notions. Thus, they should be amenable to analysis in settings of spaces structured by metrics and probability measures. We develop tools and techniques demonstrating this. Isoperimetry: how far we need to go to circumscribe enough search space: is a natural geometric notion useful in this analysis. The developed theory is seamlessly applicable across problem classes, discrete and continuous alike.


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Phone: 0832 – 2580121


About the Faculty

Faculty of Computer Science & Information Systems

Skills and Expertise

Programming at all levels, systems programming to AI, several languages. Machine Learning: Theory.
Natural Language Processing (NLP). Computational Linguistics.
Blockchain: efficient consensus.
Computer and Electronic Engineering: design, development, maintenance. Electric fitting and repairs.
Languages: Marathi, Hindi (Khadi Boli and Bambaiya), English: All 4 competencies; Konkani: only listening/reading. 

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