BITS Pilani

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There comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people's books and write your own. - AE

Scopus and Google Scholar Profiles

Scopus EXPORT DATE:19 Feb 2023 
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  • Verma, D.A., Joshi, R.S., Joshi, S.A., Susladkar, O.K. 57193139003;24828982600;57560365000;57559924600; Study of Similarity Measures as Features in Classification for Answer Sentence Selection Task in Hindi Question Answering: Language-Specific v/s Other Measures (2021) Proceedings of the 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 2021, pp. 715-724. Cited 1 time. EDITORS: Hu K., Kim J.-B., Zong C., Chersoni E. PUBLISHER: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) CONFERENCE NAME: 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 2021 CONFERENCE DATE: 5 November 2021 through 7 November 2021 CONFERENCE CODE: 177552 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Rajan, A., Salgaonkar, A., Joshi, R. 57215688946;35485507600;24828982600; A survey of Konkani NLP resources (2020) Computer Science Review, 38, art. no. 100299, . Cited 3 times. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosrev.2020.100299 PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ireland Ltd ISSN: 15740137 DOCUMENT TYPE: Review PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Chakrabarty, S., Joshi, R.S. 57214910776;24828982600; Dark Data: People to People Recovery (2020) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 93, pp. 247-254. Cited 1 time. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0630-7_24 PUBLISHER: Springer ISSN: 23673370 DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Chapter PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Dash, T., Srinivasan, A., Joshi, R.S., Baskar, A. 56464021900;7202314451;24828982600;35434348700; Discrete Stochastic Search and Its Application to Feature-Selection for Deep Relational Machines (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11728 LNCS, pp. 29-45. Cited 3 times. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30484-3_3 EDITORS: Tetko I.V., Karpov P., Theis F., Kurkova V. PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag CONFERENCE NAME: 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2019 CONFERENCE DATE: 17 September 2019 through 19 September 2019 CONFERENCE CODE: 231689 ISSN: 03029743 ISBN: 9783030304836 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Asgaonkar, A., Palande, P., Joshi, R.S. 57201333736;57201334944;24828982600; Is the cost of proof-of-work consensus quasilinear? (2018) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 314-317. Cited 3 times. DOI: 10.1145/3152494.3167978 SPONSORS: PUBLISHER: Association for Computing Machinery CONFERENCE NAME: ACM India Joint 5th International Conference on Data Science and 23rd Conference on Management of Data, CoDS-COMAD 2018 CONFERENCE DATE: 11 January 2018 through 13 January 2018 CONFERENCE CODE: 134482 ISBN: 9781450363419 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Singh, S., Joshi, R.P., Kohli, H. 57191038651;24828982600;7005237397; Optimal Route Searching in Networks with Dynamic Weights Using Flow Algorithms (2016) Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2015, art. no. 7546072, pp. 146-155. Cited 2 times. DOI: 10.1109/CICN.2015.37 SPONSORS: PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. CONFERENCE NAME: 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2015 CONFERENCE DATE: 12 December 2015 through 14 December 2015 CONFERENCE CODE: 123405 ISBN: 9781509000760 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Joshi, R., Deshpande, B., Gote, P. 24828982600;24829204000;56440282700; Objective dimension and problem structure in multiobjective optimization problems (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8602, pp. 639-650. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-45523-4_52 EDITORS: Esparcia-Alcazar A.I. SPONSORS: Free Software Office (OSL) of the University of Granada; Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL); Institute for Informatics and Digital Innovation at Edinburgh Napier University, UK PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag CONFERENCE NAME: 17th European Conference on Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2014 CONFERENCE DATE: 23 April 2014 through 25 April 2014 CONFERENCE CODE: 111599 ISSN: 03029743 ISBN: 9783662455227 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Joshi, R., Deshpande, B. 24828982600;24829204000; Empirical and analytical study of many-objective optimization problems: Analysing distribution of nondominated solutions and population size for scalability of randomized heuristics (2014) Memetic Computing, 6 (2), pp. 133-145. Cited 9 times. DOI: 10.1007/s12293-014-0133-y PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag ISSN: 18659284 DOCUMENT TYPE: Article PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Joshi, R., Deshpande, B. 24828982600;24829204000; Scalability of population-based search heuristics for many-objective optimization (2013) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7835 LNCS, pp. 479-488. Cited 4 times. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37192-9_48 SPONSORS: Algorithms, Algorithms Data Struct. Group; Inst. Informatics Digit. Innov. Edinburgh Napier Univ.; Vienna Univ. Technol., Inst. Comput. Graph. PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag CONFERENCE NAME: 16th European Conference on Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2013 CONFERENCE DATE: 3 April 2013 through 5 April 2013 CONFERENCE LOCATION: Vienna CONFERENCE CODE: 96330 ISSN: 03029743 ISBN: 9783642371912 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Safdari, M., Joshi, R. 26665068400;24828982600; Evolving universal hash functions using genetic algorithms (2009) Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2009, art. no. 5189747, pp. 84-87. Cited 4 times. DOI: 10.1109/ICFCC.2009.66 CONFERENCE NAME: 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2009 CONFERENCE DATE: 3 April 2009 through 5 April 2009 CONFERENCE LOCATION: Kuala Lumpar CONFERENCE CODE: 78291 ISBN: 9780769535913 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
  • Bedekar, M., Deshpande, B., Joshi, R. 24828950900;24829204000;24828982600; Web search personalization by user profiling (2008) Proceedings - 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET 2008, art. no. 4580067, pp. 1099-1103. Cited 9 times. DOI: 10.1109/ICETET.2008.70 CONFERENCE NAME: 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET 2008 CONFERENCE DATE: 16 July 2008 through 18 July 2008 CONFERENCE LOCATION: Nagpur, Maharashtra CONFERENCE CODE: 73554 ISBN: 9780769532677 DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper PUBLICATION STAGE: Final SOURCE: Scopus
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PhD Scholars and Collaborations

Devika Ajay Verma: Part-time. 2016 Qualified; 2018 December Proposal Accepted:
"Syntactio-Semantic Relationships with reference to Karaka Theory and Paninian Grammar and Their Influence on Question-Answer Systems Design in Indo-Aryan Languages."
Objective of the Proposed Research: To computationally investigate syntactio-semantic relationships between words of Indo-Aryan languages based on Karaka Theory and Paninian Grammar with the main object of study being Hindi:
  1. Identification of Syntactic Elements via Semantics create a computational framework for identification of karaka attributes, using lexical-syntax semantic analysis by textual processing algorithms and/or machine learning, with a specific application to Hindi queries.
  2. Influence on Query Processing in Hindi QA-Systems of such an identification to be studied as a comparison between this approach and the usual keyword-based approaches using suitable computational frameworks.
  3. Generalization to the family of Indo-Aryan langages to be explored through recursion of the first two objectives to one more language other than Hindi in the family. 
Work so far: Objectives 1,2 achieved; 3 in the process of achievement. During the first publication, stronger results than expected for objective 3 were obtained, as noticed by the international research community: generalization to non-Indic langauges. A first-of-its-kind karaka annotator developed. One publication, in the ACL Anthology, done. The next is in the process of a third revision.
Bhuvanesh Malik joined full-time in 2020 Feb and then the Covid19 Pandemic hit India. He spent rest of the year at his home (in Haryana) doing pre-quali coursework online for the second semester, and finally decided to quit before 2021.
Sabyasachi Shadangi, part-time, has just joined the PhD program in August 2022. Preparing for the qualis now. The topic is going to be in NLP and/or computational linguistics, and the thrust will be on low-resource languages. He has his second degree from WILP, BITS Pilani.
Annie Rajan, a PhD scholar registered under Prof. Ambuja Salgaonkar in UDCS, Mumbai University, has been a collaborator since 2018, working on Konkani Language NLP. She is in the final stages of completion, draft thesis submitted.

List of All Publications (including unpublished)

  • Devika Verma, Ramprasad Joshi, Shubhamkar Joshi, and Onkar Susladkar. Study of similarity measures as features in classification for answer sentence selection task in hindi question answering: Language-specific v/s other measures. In Proceedings of the 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pages 262–271, 2021.
  • Annie Rajan, Ambuja Salgaonkar, and Ramprasad Joshi. A survey of Konkani NLP resources. Computer Science Review, 38:100299, 2020. 
  • Sangeeta Chakrabarty and Ramprasad S Joshi. Dark data: People to people recovery. In ICT Analysis and Applications, pages 247–254. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 
  • Sangeeta Chakrabarty and Ramprasad S Joshi. Dance is a Natural Language of the Soul, Composition and Recursion that of Aesthetics. Invited talk (followed by a panel discussion) at: International Workshop on Computer Assisted Music and Dramatics: Possibilities and Challenges (CAMAD:PAC ’19) 25, 26, 27 February, 2019.; To be published (accepted after editorial revisions) as : Sangeeta Chakrabarty and Ramprasad S. Joshi. Computable Aesthetics for Dance. Ambuja Salgaonkar and Makarand Velankar (eds.) Series title: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Book title: Computer Assisted Music and Dramatics. Springer. 
  • Tirtharaj Dash, Ashwin Srinivasan, Ramprasad S Joshi, and A Baskar. Discrete stochastic search and its application to feature-selection for deep relational machines. In International conference on artificial neural networks, pages 29–45. Springer, Cham, 2019. 
  • Aditya Asgaonkar, Pranav Palande, and Ramprasad S Joshi. Is the cost of proof-of-work consensus quasilinear? In Proceedings of the ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data, pages 314–317, 2018. 
  • Ramprasad S. Joshi. When Many Queens Fight Over Territoty: How to make MIN-CONFLICTS Work. 2017 Unpublished:
  • Ramprasad S Joshi. Why quicksort average time is close to its best time. 2017. Unpublished: 
  • Ramprasad S Joshi. Application of isoperimetry and measure concentration to analysis of heuristics. PhD thesis, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, 2016. 
  • Sunit Singh, Ram Prasad Joshi, and Harsh Kohli. Optimal route searching in networks with dynamic weights using flow algorithms. In 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), pages 146–155. IEEE, 2015. 
  • Ramprasad Joshi and Anshul Ravichandar. Queues with unit length times. Paper presented at 3rd Meeting on Statistics, Athens, 24-26 June 2015 At: Athens University Museum, Athens, Greece 
  • Ramprasad Joshi. Hi-tech Labour in the Age of Monopoly and Speculative Capital. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of IWPMS, At: Panteion University, Athens, 22-24 June 2015. 
  • Ramprasad Joshi and Bharat Deshpande. Empirical and analytical study of many-objective optimization problems: analysing distribution of nondominated solutions and population size for scalability of randomized heuristics. Memetic Computing, 6(2):133–145, 2014. 
  • Ramprasad Joshi, Bharat Deshpande, and Paritosh Gote. Objective dimension and problem structurein multiobjective optimization problems. In European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, pages 639–650. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014. 
  • Ramprasad Joshi and Bharat Deshpande. Scalability of population-based search heuristics for many-objective optimization. In European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, pages 479–488. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
  • Debasis Patnaik, Ram Prasad Joshi, Aman Asija, and Mudit Raaj Gupta. Self-esteem and financial risk preference: Impact on risk perception and risk propensity. In The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, page 69, 2012.
  • Mustafa Safdari and Ramprasad Joshi. Evolving universal hash functions using genetic algorithms. In 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, volume 2009, pages 84–87. IEEE, 2009. 
  • Mangesh V Bedekar, Bharat Deshpande, and Ramprasad Joshi. Web search personalization by user profiling. In 2008 First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, pages 1099–1103. IEEE, 2008.


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