BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Saturday, April 15, 2023

    • Snehanshu Saha



Snehanshu Saha

Snehanshu Saha
Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems and Co-ordinator-APPCAIR
Google-Scholar: (Full List of Publications)
Citations: 1405; h-index: 17; i-10 index: 31 
Email:;; T +91 08322580855
                                                          Citations (As BITS PIlani Faculty): 131 
Co-Founder and Director of Research-HappyMonk AI Labs (Bangalore and Goa); SM-IEEE, SM-ACM
1. Fellow, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE, Contribution in AI (2020)
2. Leadership, Computer Society Global Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award, IEEE, Contribution in Outreach and Volunteer Activities, USD 1000 (2020)
3. Outstanding Alumni Award, Jawharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, for contributions to foundational research in AstroInformatics and continuing education (2020) 
4. Best Paper Award, Steven Yu, V. Raychoudhury, S.Saha; Dynamic Taxi Ride-Sharing through Adaptive request Propagation Using Regional Taxi Demand and Supply, EAI, Mobiquitous (2021)
5.Best Paper Award, Main track of 34th IEEE International Conference on Industrial, Engineering Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems;J.Sarkar, S.Sarkar, S.Saha, S.Das; d-BTAI: the dynamic-Binary Tree Based Anomaly Identification Algorithm for Industrial Systems, IEEE, IEA/AIE (2021)
6. Advisor (Honorary), Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanada (2022) 
Academic Training
PhD in Shallow water Waves and Partial Differential Equations , Mathematical Sciences - University of Texas Arlington, 2008, Texas, USA.
MS Computational Mathematics - Clemson University, , Clemson, SC, USA. 2003
BE (Computer Science and Engineering)-Jawharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (First Class with Distinction), 1999
I develop methods in Computational Learning Theory (COLT), Mathematics of Data Science (MDS), AstroInformatics (AIM) and novel ML/Modeling applications (AML). These and interpretable Deep learning techniques and acceleration in deep and wide neural networks, aided by chaos-causality paradigm are my current and future research interests. My Open Source Educational Initiatives include the following:
1. Machine Learning Blog:
2. Youtube Channel:

I have contributed more than 100 articles in top ranked conferences and Journals including several IEEE and ACM Transactions and am a Senior Member-IEEE, Senior Member-ACM and a Fellow-IETE. I contributed to the theory of machine learning/deep learning and meta-heuristics and developed several state-of-the-art methods in

Deep Learning based classification tasks, optimizers for non-convex problems, proposed a novel anomaly detection method for univariate and multivariate time series data and interpretable tools in Deep learning. I have 03 European Patents, several Sponsored Projects and contributed to Open Source Educational Initiatives. I have designed and introduced a new course, Computational Learning Theory for UG/PG students. I led IEEE Computer Society Bangalore chapter to new heights and helped secure them the best global chapter in 2019. I'm  a co-founder of HappyMonk AI, an AI product company.

Note to students: Since I work in foundational machine learning, it is exceedingly difficult for me to accept semester-long projects/SOPs etc. If you're committed for the grind, spanning at least a year, let's talk!

Ph.D. Students (BITS Pilani) [03] 
1.Jyotirmoy Sarkar, Jan 18, 2023 (Completed) (Senior Staff Scientist, GE Healthcare, Bangalore)
2. Rajib Biswas (2022-current)
3. Lokesh Kumar (co-supervised with Prof. Sanjay Sahay) (2019-current)
Ph.D. supervision (elsewhere) [Completed-12]
Subhamangala BR, 2015 (Scientist, Accenture Research Labs,Bangalore)
Kusuma. M, 2016 (Professor, Dayanand Sagar University, Bangalore)
Sobin CC, 2017  (Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, SRM University, Amravati)
Fidele. H, 2019 (Director of Ngoma Campus, Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda)
Surbhi Agrawal, 2021 (Associate Professor, School of Computing, RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore)
Kakoli Bora, 2021  (Associate Professor, Dayanand Sagar University Bangalore)
Bidisha Goswami, 2021 (Manager-RD Analytics, Michelin India Technology Center, Pune)
Archana Mathur, 2021 (Associate Professor, Nitte Meenakshi Inst. of Technology)
Sudeepa Roy Dey, 2021 (Associate Professor, PES University)
Sumana Sinha, 2023  (Associate Professor, IEM University, Kolkata)
Swati Gambhire, 2023 (Assistant Professor, PES University)
Gouri Deshpande, 2021 (Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Canada)
Ph.D. supervision (elsewhere) [Current-02]
1. Pierre Celestin Zirarushya, The African Centre of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS), University of
2.Sende Ngong Ho, The African Centre of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS), University of Rwanda 
Administrative Responsibilities
Department-Level: DAC member: 2020-22; DRC member: 2020-24
Institute-Level: Chair- the Scientometrics and Ranking committee (2022-current); Member-Convocation committee (2022)
University-Level: Core Committee: Website revamping (2022-current); Core Committee: Ranking (2022-current)
New program Design: Computational Economics (2022)

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