Microelectronics is a field related to study and micro fabrication of electronic components which help miniaturizing the size of electronic circuits and systems made from semiconductors. Many components of normal electronic design such as transistors, capacitors etc., have their microelectronic equivalent. They are employed in today's chip technologies that accommodate analog, digital and mixed signal circuits on micro-dimensional semiconductor wafers. As techniques improve, the scale of microelectronic components continue to decrease. At smaller scales, the relative impact of intrinsic circuit properties such as interconnections (called the parasitic effects) may become more significant. The M.E. Microelectronics programme aims at offering courses that provide necessary skill set required by microelectronics design engineer to find ways to compensate for or to minimize these effects, while always delivering smaller, faster, and cheaper devices in line with the current technological developments.
The M.E. Microelectronics programme primarily covers the broad areas namely Modeling of Microelectronic Devices, IC Fabrication Technology, VLSI Architecture and Design, CAD tools for Analog and Digital IC Design in addition to discipline based elective courses in emerging & advanced areas.
See the Semester-wise programme structure.