BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Sunday, November 05, 2023


Innovate. Achieve. Lead.


Trust Areas of Research:

Advanced nanostructured materials: Development of Novel but Cost-effective synthesis routes to prepare nanomaterials and Demonstration of the performances of the synthesized materials and lab scale fabricated prototypes/ devices. Some of the synthesized nanostructured materials are: (i) varieties of single phase ferrites, (ii) hard-soft ferrite nanocomposites, (iii) pure metal and metal alloy nanoparticles, (iv) TiO2 (v) nanoparticles with engineered bandgap energy, (vi) nanoparticle loaded porous materials, (vii) reduced graphene oxide-nanoparticle based nanocomposites, (viii) biomass derived porous carbon- nanoparticle based nanocomposites, (ix) graphitic carbon nitride (gC3N4)- nanoparticle based nanocomposites, (x)  polymer based nanocomposites, etc.

Applications of the designed and synthesized materials in the following areas: 

Materials and Technology for Energy Harvesting from Renewable Sources: Nano-materials to develop high performance mechanically flexible all solid state supercapacitor devices.

Advanced Materials for the Wastewater and Contaminated Water Treatment Technology :   Advanced photo-catalysts to treat  wastewater, discharged from  dye- based industries under natural  sunlight irradiation.

Adsorbents to treat flouride contaminated water.
Advanced catalysis: Heterogeneous  versatile catalysts for model organic reactions.

Materials for Defense Applications: Microwave absorbing smart nanocomposites.


Fundamental Science: Use of Quantum Mechanical Calculations (DFT) for designing the nanomaterials and, to predict and explain their properties. 

 Some representative developed materials and prototypes
List of Sponsored Research Projects:


(A) Ongoing Projects


(A) Ongoing Projects

22) Project Title: Development of New and Novel Nanostructured Materials

Funding amount: Rs 35 lakhs

Funding Agency: Dempo Charities Trust

Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Collaboration: Dempe College of Arts and Science

Status: Ongoing (Started March 2023)

Duration 5 years


21) Project Title: “DBT- Builder BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa campus Interdisciplinary Life Science Program for Advanced research and Education”

Funding amount: Rs 8.43 crore

Funding Agency: DBT

Role of Dr. N N Ghosh: Research Group Leader (Biomaterials Group) and Co-coordinator

Status: Sanctioned Started November 2022

Duration 5 years


20) Title: Radioactive Ion Beam irradiation of a multifunctional nanocomposite composed of multiferroic BiFeO3 nanoparticle and semiconducting graphitic carbon, for tuning its electronic structure and properties and its application in the fabrication of high-performance mechanically flexible all-solid-state supercapacitor device and photo-catalyst for Industrial dye-containing wastewater treatment under natural sunlight and solar power generated simulated solar light.

Sanction reference no. is: CRS/2021-22/02/522

Funding Agency: University Grant Commission and Department of Energy (UGC DAE) Consortium For Scientific Research

Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Principal Collaborator from UGC-DAE CSR: Dr. Sandeep Sitaram Ghugre (Director, Kolkata Center)

Status: Sanctioned (30th March 2022), Started 1st April 2022

Duration 3 years


19) Title: Investigations on synthesis of a polymer which will exhibit photoresponsive features and its structural characterization

Funding Agency: BITSAA

Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Status: Started 2nd May 2022


18) Development of Novel Biolilm Resistant Coat for Implant Devices from Moringa Leaf Extract

Name of Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Funding agency: Indian Council of Medical Research

Status: Ongoing (Starting December 2019)


(B) Completed Projects

17) International Project: Newton Research Collaboration Programme award (Reference NRCP/1415/244, code: FEFE.RSDP18534)

Funding Agency: The Royal Academy Of Engineering (UK)

Amount: £4635

Name of Scientist (India): N N Ghosh

Name of Scientist (UK): Professor Gerard Franklyn Fernando (University of Birmingham)

Status: Completed (2015- 2016)


16) International Project: Title: Development and characterisation of nanomaterials for biosensors and biocatalysts (reference number INT/UK/UKIERI/P-41/2013)

 Funding agency: UKIERI (DST and British Council)

 Amount: Rs 91 lakh

Status: Starting May 2013

Completed (March 2016).

Indian Lead scientist: Dr Narendra Nath Ghosh,

UK lead scientist: Prof. Paul Anthony Millner, University of Leeds


15) International Project: The Royal Academy Of Engineering for Research Exchanges with China And India Award (2010)

Funding Agency: The Royal Academy Of Engineering (UK)

Name of Scientist (India): N N Ghosh

Amount : GBP 2870

Name of Scientist (UK): Professor Gerard Franklyn Fernando (University of Birmingham)

Status: Completed (2011)


National Projects: 


14) Title: Development of Mesoporous Silica (or Alumina)- SiC-metal nanoparticle based nanocomposites for Radar Absorption Application at High Temperature (ERIP/ER/201803003/M/01/1737)

Funding Agency: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), India

Amount: Rs 15 lakhs

Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Status: Completed Sanctioned (October 2018- August 2022)



13) Title: Development of Photocatalyst embedded Graphene based membranes for Treatment of Dye containing waste water under sunlight.

Funding Agency: The Aditya Birla Science and Technology Company Private Limited and BITS Pilani

Amount: Rs 53 lakhs

Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Status: (Starting June 2018)

Completed (31st march 2021)


12) Title: Design and synthesis of graphene oxide based AIE-sensor for selective detection of Hg(II) and organic mercury in aqueous medium

Funding Agency: DAE-UGC consortium, India

Amount: Rs 7 lakhs

Name of Principal Investigator: Dr Amrita Chatterjee

Name of Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Status: Starting March 2017

            Completed 31st March 2020


11) Title: “Investigation on microstructures of hard-soft ferrite nanocomposites and influence of microstructure on their properties” (Ref: CSR-KN/CRS-68/2014-15/ 508)

Funding Agency: University Grant Commission- Dept. of Atomic Energy Consortium for Scientific Research, India

Amount: Rs 7,00,000/-

Name of Principal Investigator: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed

 starting 2014

Completed March 2017

Duration: 3 years


10) Title "Development of Polymer-Ferrite (and/ or Graphene Nanocomposites having High Thermal Stability and Microwave Absorption Property for Radar Absorbing Coating Applications (ERIP/ER/1305004/01/1523)

Funding Agency: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), India

Amount: Rs 14,59,000/-

Name of Principal Investigator: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed

            (starting 2014)

           (Completed 2017)

Duration: 3 years


9) Title: “Preparation of Magnetically Separable, Mesoporous TiO2 Catalysts and Study of their Catalytic Properties” CSIR Sanction letter No 02(147)/13/EMR-II)

 Funding Agency: CSIR, New Delhi

Amount 16,30,000/-

Principal Investigator: Dr. Narendra Nath Ghosh

Status: Completed

 (Staring date: 1st December, 2013)

Completed December 2016

Duration: 3 years


8) Title: Development of Nanostructured High Surface Area Alumina and Silica based adsorbent with Tailored Pore structure for Removal of Fluoride ions from Ground Water  (Sanc no: 2010/37C/2/ BRNS/ 827)

Funding Agency: Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), India

Amount: Rs 29,07,150/-

Name of Principal Investigator.: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed (2014)

Duration: 3 years


7) Imprinted polymer for sensing and removal of selected antibiotic and pesticide residue”Project no. NFBSFARA/PHT-4007/2013-14      

Funding Agency: National Funds for Basic and Strategic Research in Frontier Areas of Agricultural Science, ICAR, New Delhi

Principal Investigator: Prof. Sunil Bhand

Co-Investigator :Prof. NN Ghosh

Cooperating Centre PI: Dr. Y.S. Rajput

Cooperating Centre PI: Prof Sudhir Chandra

Total Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 125.25511 Lakh,  

Status: Completed (1st October 2013 to 31st March, 2015). 


6) Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Novel biosensors techniques for analysis of pesticide residues, aflatoxin, heavy metals and bacterial contamination in milk Project no. Comp4/C10125.

Funding Agency: National Agricultural Innovation Project, ICAR & The World Bank.

Prof. Sunil Bhand (Consortium PI)

Co-Investigator (Prof. NN Ghosh)

NDRI Karnal: Dr. Naresh Kumar Consortium (partner)

IIT Delhi: Prof Sudhir Chandra & Prof Ratnamala Chatterjee (partner)

Punjabi University Patiala: Prof Neelam Verma (partner)

Total funding 2943.736 lakh

Status: Completed (Feb 2008- March 2014).


5) Title: "Development of a novel aqueous solution based “one pot” synthesis route for hard-soft-ferrite nano-composites and their properties.”


Funding Agency: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), India

Amount: Rs 14,98,000/-

Name of Principal Investigator: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed (2013)


4) Title: Preparation and characterization of Nano- Ferrite Powders and Polybenzoxazine-Nanoferrite Composite (ERIP/ER/060/5042/M/01/929)

Funding Agency: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), India

Amount: Rs 16,53,300/-

Name of Principal Investigator: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed (2010)


3) Title: Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica and Alumina based Oxide Materials (SR/S1/IC-39/2006)(SERC)

Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India

Amount: Rs 21,79,400/-

Name of Principal Investigator.: N N Ghosh

Status: Completed (2010)


2) Title: Studies on Moulding Compounds and Compression Moulding Techniqes for Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Fasteners

Funding Agency: DST, India

Principal Investigator: Prof. B G C Babu (Dept of Mechanical Engineering)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Total Amount: 19,51,200/-

Status: Completed (2010)


1) Title: Techno-economic feasibility studies on an alternative process route for removal of methanol, ammonia and carbon di-oxide from process condensate in an ammonia fertilizer plant.

Funding Agency: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizer, India

Principal Investigator: Prof. Srinivas Krishnaswamy (Dept of Chemical Engineering)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. N N Ghosh

Total Amount: Rs. 86,98,800/-

Status: Completed (2010)


 List of research student

Sl no

Name of the Student

Topic of research



Prita Pant Sarangi

Development of chemical methodologies for synthesis of α- Fe2O3 and Ni(1-x)ZnxFe2O4 nanopowders and study of their structural and physical properties.

PhD degree awarded (2011)


Bhanudas Naik

Preparation and characterization of mesoporous silica and alumina based materials.

PhD degree awarded (2012)


Amit Balsing Rajput

Preparation and characterization of polybenzoxazine- nanoferrite based nanocomposites.

PhD degree awarded (2013)


Subhenjit Hazra

Development of a “one pot” synthesis route for preparation of hard Ferrite- soft Ferrite nanocomposites.

PhD degree awarded (2015)


Dayananda Desagani

Development of metal oxide nanoparticle incorporated mesoposrous materials for removal of fluoride ions from ground water.

PhD degree awarded (2016)


Barun Kumar Ghosh

Development of novel chemical methodology for preparation of metal nanoparticle loaded esoporous silica based catalysts for variety of organic reactions and magnetic separation of catalysts.

PhD degree awarded (2018)


Debabrata Moitra

Development of Novel Synthetic Methodologies For The Preparation of Multifunctional Ferrite-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites and Study of Their Microwave Absorption and Catalytic Properties.

PhD degree awarded (2018)


Madhurya Chandel

Development of nanoferrite-graphene oxide nanocomposites as versatile advanced catalyst.

PhD degree awarded (2020)


Priyanka Makkar

Development of new synthetic methodologies for preparation of multifunctional porous carbon- magnetic nanoparticle based nanocomposites and their applications as super capacitor and versatile advanced catalyst.

PhD degree awarded (2022)


Debika Gogoi

Development of Cu/Cu2O/CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Decorated Carbon-based Nanocomposites: Applications in Catalysis and Flexible Supercapacitor Devices.

PhD degree awarded (2023)


Rajeshvari Samatbhai Karmur

Development of 2-D nanocomposites

Registered for PhD program. CSIR JRF


Darshana Upar

 Synthesis and application of 2-D material - nanoparticle nanocomposites and their applications

Admitted as JRF in January 2023

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