Recent Publications:
[J1] Vishwanath R. Singireddy and Manjanna Basappa,
"Dispersing Facilities on Planar Segment and Circle Amidst Repulsion"
Journal of Global Optimization(Springer), 2023 (Accepted).
[C2] Vishwanath R. Singireddy, Manjanna Basappa and Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
“Algorithms for k-Dispersion for Points in Convex Position in the Plane”
Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics
(CALDAM 2023), Gandhinagar, India, Feb 9-11, LNCS 13947, pp. 59-70, 2023.
[C3] Vishwanath R. Singireddy and Manjanna Basappa,
“Dispersing Facilities on Planar Segment and Circle Amidst Repulsion”
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks (ALGOSENSORS 2022), Potsdam, Germany, Sep 8-9, LNCS 13707, pp. 138-151, 2022.
[E4] Vishwanath R. Singireddy and Manjanna Basappa,
"Locating Obnoxious Facilities on a Line Segment"
Extended abstract, 7th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Online conference, May 18- 20, 2022.
[J5] Manjanna Basappa,
“Line Segment Disk Cover”,
Discrete Applied Mathematics (Elsevier), Vol. 305, pp. 261-271, May 2021.
[J6] Manjanna Basappa, Ramesh K. Jallu, Gautam K. Das and Subhas C. Nandy,
“The Euclidean k-Supplier Problem in R^2”,
Operations Research Letters (Elsevier), Vol. 49(01), pp. 48-54, January 2021.
[C7] Vishwanath R. Singireddy and Manjanna Basappa,
“Constrained Obnoxious Facility Location on a Line Segment”
Proceedings of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2021), Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Canada, Aug 10-12, pp. 362-367, 2021.
[C8] Monith S. Reyunuru, Kriti Jethlia and Manjanna Basappa,
“The k-Colorable Unit Disk Cover Problem”
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA
2021), Cagliari, Italy, Sept 13-16, LNCS 12949, pp. 402-417, 2021.
[C9] Manjanna Basappa and Sudeepta Mishra,
“Interference Reduction in Directional Wireless Networks”
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology
(ICDCIT), Bhubaneswar, India, January 7-10, 2021, LNCS 12582, pp. 114-126, 2021.