BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, September 02, 2019




02 Aug 2019     'The Bad Pasts of Good Norms: Identifying Postcolonial Silences and Agency in the Opium Ban'
                        International Conference on Exploring the Agency of the Global South in International Studies
                        International Studies Association, Accra, Ghana
26 Mar 2019    'The Enduring Spaces and Growing Constraints for Academic Freedom and Choice in IR in India'
                       Workshop on Academic freedom, IR knowledge and policy advice in the ‘post-truth’ era
                       International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada
05 Mar 2015   'Theorising Borders and Territoriality'
                       International Workshop on Encountering Borders 
                       The Association of Borderland Studies and Institute of Chinese Studies
                       Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India
10 Jan 2015    'The Global South Spatial Imaginary: A Critical Assessment of Postcolonial Spatiality'
                       International Studies Association Conference on the Global South, Singapore
11 Dec 2013    'What is International Relations? New Definitions in International Relations'
                       Annual International Studies Convention, JNU, New Delhi, India
11 Dec 2012    'Towards an Understanding of Borders and Territory in India'
                       1st Annual Convention of Indian Association of International  Studies, New Delhi, India 
10 Oct 2012     'Borders, Borderings and Borderlands: Locating Spaces for "Fuzziness" in India'
                       Workshop on Borders and Boundaries in IR: Barriers, Buffers, Bridges, Breaches and Bazaars
                       Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, India
03 Aug 2012    'In Search of Alternatives to Border-related Disputes and Concerns'
                       3rd GCOE-SRC Border Studies Summer Programme
                       Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
23 Dec 2010    'Energy in India's National Security Strategy'
                       Workshop on National Security Strategy
                       Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India
26 Oct 2010    'Energy Resources and Energy Security:Caught Between State Sovereignty and Responsibility'
                       International Energy Dialogue 2010 on Energy Security 
                       5th TERI-KAS Conference  Goa, India
05 Jul 2010      'Energy Resources in Peripheral Border Regions: A Look at the Himalayas'
                       International Conference on Geothermal Energy and other Energy Resources of Ladakh
                       Leh, India
25 Mar 2009    'State of IR Teaching and Research in Indian Universities'
                       Workshop on Upgrading International Studies in India                         
                       Centre for Policy Research and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore 
27 Nov 2008    'India-Russia Cooperation in the Energy Sector'
                       Seminar on India-Russia Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Prospects
                       Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, India
14 Oct 2008    'India’s Energy and Climate Concerns: The Inter-linkages, Constraints and Policy Choices'
                      Annual Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change: Implications for Human Security 
                      Research Unit on International Security and Cooperation (UNISCI), Madrid, Spain
16 Nov 2007   'Theorising Boundaries: From the "Westphalian" to the Post-Colonial'
                      National Seminar on Rethinking Borders in Contemporary International Politics 
                      ML Sondhi Institute for Asia-Pacific Affairs and SIS, JNU, New Delhi, India
28 Oct 2006    'Deviations from Westphalian Territoriality'
                      Workshop for Young Scholars from the Global South                     
                      Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland

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