BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Wednesday, July 19, 2023





  1. Dr. R. Elakkiya, Mr. B. Natarajan/Multilingual Sign Language Recognition and Sign Video Generation tool/ 202241002010A – IPR Chennai, 2022
  2. Dr.R.Elakkiya/Vision based Sign Language Recognition and Visualization Device/ 201841049827- IPR Chennai, 2019
  3. Dr. B. Arthi, Dr. M. Aruna, Dr. R. Elakkiya, Dr. V. Revathi/A system and method of gas leakage prevention, indication and self-servicing for air conditioner/ 201941021853- IPR Chennai, 2019

Books & Book Chapters
  1. Elakkiya, R, 2021, ‘Sign Language Recognition’, Bonfring Publishers, ISBN: 978-81-951626-2-8, 
  2. Padmapriya, G., R. Elakkiya and M. Prakash. "Deep Learning Based Parkinson's Disease Prediction System." In Machine Learning and IoT for Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications, pp. 97-111. CRC Press, 2021.
  3. Asik Ibrahim, N., E. Rajalakshmi, V. Vijayakumar, R. Elakkiya, and V. Subramaniyaswamy. "An Investigation on Personalized Point-of-Interest Recommender System for Location-Based Social Networks in Smart Cities." In Data-Driven Mining, Learning and Analytics for Secured Smart Cities, pp. 275-294. Springer, Cham, 2021.
  4. Selvamani, K & Elakkiya, R2017, ‘Human Computer Interaction’, Lambert Academic Publishing Ltd, ISBN: 978-620-2-00340-7
Journal Publications
  1. Natarajan B, Elakkiya R, Bhuvaneswari R, Saleem K, Chaudhary D, Samsudeen SH. Creating Alert messages based on Wild Animal Activity Detection using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Access. 2023 Jun 26. IF 3.367 [SCI Expanded]
  2. Keerthana S, Elakkiya R, Belqasem A, Srete N, Subramaniyaswamy V, and Indragandhi V. A Systematic Study on Reinforcement Learning Based Applications. Energies. 2023 Feb 3; 16, no. 3: 1512. IF 3.004 [SCI Expanded]
  3. Rajalakshmi E, Elakkiya R*, Subramaniyaswamy V, Alexey LP, Mikhail G, Bakaev M, Kotecha K, Gabralla LA, Abraham A. Multi-Semantic Discriminative Feature Learning for Sign Gesture Recognition Using Hybrid Deep Neural Architecture. IEEE Access. 2023 Jan 2;11:2226-38. IF 3.367 [SCI Expanded]
  4. E. Rajalakshmi , R. Elakkiya *, Alexey L. Prikhodko , M. G. Grif , Maxim A. Bakaev , Jatinderkumar R. Saini , Ketan Kotecha, V. Subramaniyaswamy, “Static and Dynamic Isolated Indian and Russian Sign Language Recognition with Spatial and Temporal Feature Detection Using Hybrid Neural Network”, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(1), pp.1-22, 2023. IF 1.413 [SCI Expanded]
  5. Natarajan, B; Elakkiya, R*, “Dynamic GAN for high-quality sign language video generation from skeletal poses using generative adversarial networks”, Soft Computing, 26(23), pp: 13153-13175, 2022. IF 3.643[SCI Expanded]
  6. Natarajan B, Rajalakshmi E, Elakkiya R*, Kotecha K, Abraham A, Gabralla LA, Subramaniyaswamy V. Development of an end-to-end deep learning framework for sign language recognition, translation, and video generation. IEEE Access. 2022 Sep 28. IF 3.367 [SCI Expanded]
  7. Natarajan B, Elakkiya R*, Prasad ML. Sentence2SignGesture: a hybrid neural machine translation network for sign language video generation. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2022 Jan 26:1-5. IF 7.104 [SCI Expanded]
  8. Elakkiya R*, Teja KS, Jegatha Deborah L, Bisogni C, Medaglia C. Imaging based cervical cancer diagnostics using small object detection-generative adversarial networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022 Jan;81(1):191-207 IF 2.757 [SCI Expanded]
  9. Elakkiya, R *, Deepak Kumar Jain, Ketan Kotecha, Sharnil Pandya, Sai Siddhartha Reddy, E. Rajalakshmi, Vijayakumar Varadarajan, Aniket Mahanti, and V. Subramaniyaswamy. "Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Handling Data Imbalance in Precursor MicroRNA." Frontiers in Public Health 9 (2021). IF 6.461 [SCI Expanded]
  10. Elakkiya, R*, V. Subramaniyaswamy, V. Vijayakumar, and Aniket Mahanti. "Cervical Cancer Diagnostics Healthcare System Using Hybrid Object Detection Adversarial Networks." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2021). IF 5.772 [SCI Expanded]
  11. Elakkiya, R*, Pandi Vijayakumar, and Neeraj Kumar. "An Optimized Generative Adversarial Network Based Continuous Sign Language Classification" Expert Systems with Applications (2021): 115276. IF 6.954 [SCI Expanded]
  12. Elakkiya, R., Pandi Vijayakumar, and Marimuthu Karuppiah. "COVID_SCREENET: COVID-19 Screening in Chest Radiography Images Using Deep Transfer Stacking." Information Systems Frontiers (2021): 1-15. IF: 6.191. [SCI Expanded]
  13. Elakkiya, R. "Machine Learning Based Intelligent Automated Neonatal Epileptic Seizure Detection." Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Preprint: 1-9. IF: 1.971. [SCI Expanded]
  14. Elakkiya, R*, "Machine learning based sign language recognition: A review and its research frontier." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, no. 7 (2020): 7205-7224, IF:7.104 [SCI Expanded]
  15. Elakkiya, R., MG Grif, Al Prikhodko, & M? Bakaev. "Recognition of Russian and Indian sign languages used by the deaf people" Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2020, no. 2–3 (79), pp. 57–76. DOI: 10.17212/1814-1196-2020-2-3-57-76. [Russian SCI]
  16. Elakkiya R, Kavithaa G, Vahid Samavatian, K. Alhaifi, Alireza Kokabi, Hossein Moayedi, “Reliability Enhancement of a power semiconductor with optimized solder layer thickness”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.35, no. 6, pp. 6397-6404, 2019, IF:7.224 [SCI Expanded]
  17. Elakkiya R, Vanitha V, “Interactive real time fuzzy class level gesture similarity measure based sign language recognition using artificial neural networks”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.37, no.5, pp.6855-6864, 2019. IF: 1.637. [SCI Expanded]
  18. Vanitha V, Krishnan P,  Elakkiya R,  “Collaborative optimization algorithm for learning path construction in E-learning”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 77,  pp. 325-338, 2019, IF: 2.189. [SCI Expanded]
  19. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, “Subunit Sign Modelling Framework for Continuous Sign Language Recognition”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 74, pp. 379-390, 2019, IF: 2.189. [SCI Expanded]
  20. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, “Enhanced Dynamic Programming Approach for Subunit Modelling to Handle Segmentation and Recognition Ambiguities in Sign Language”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 117, pp. 246-255, 2018, IF: 1.974. [SCI Expanded]
  21. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, “Extricating Manual and Non-Manual Features for Subunit Level Medical Sign Modelling in Automatic Sign Language Classification and Recognition”, Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 175, 2017, IF: 2.415. [SCI Expanded]
  22. Selvamani K, Elakkiya R, Vignesh PS, “A new Approach for Information Retrieval using Knowledge and Frequency based Summarizing”, UGC International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, Vol.6, no. 9, pp. 8-14, 2017, IF:4.655. [UGC Approved]
  23. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, “Sign Language Classification and Recognition: A Review, An International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 33, pp.25383-25386, 2015 [Scopus Indexed]
  24. S. Kanimozhi, Elakkiya R, K.Selvamani, “A New Model for Human Computer Interaction and Sign Language Recognition Using HGR”, Wulfenia Journal, Vol 20, No.3, pp. 94-104, Mar 2013, ISSN: 1561-882X, IF: 2.000. [SCI Expanded]
  25. R. Velumadhava Rao, K Selvamani, R Elakkiya, “A Secure Key Transfer Protocol for Group Communication”, Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ), 83-90, Vol.3, No.6, November 2012. [Scopus indexed]
  26. K. Selvamani, R. Elakkiya, S. Kanimozhi, and D Arivudainambi, “An Enhanced Interactive System for Sensory and Gustatory Impaired People Using Human Gesture Recognition”, Journal of Archives Des Sciences, Issue 9, Vol 65, pp. 152-160, sep 2012, ISSN:1661-464X, IF: 0.474[SCI Expanded]
  27. R. Elakkiya, K. Selvamani, R. Velumadhava Rao and A. Kannan, “Fuzzy Hand Gesture Recognition based Human Computer Interface Intelligent System”, UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security - Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 29-33, Apr 25, 2012, ISSN 2250 - 3757.


International Conference Publications

  1. Selvamani K, Elakkiya R, Vignesh PS, “A new Approach for Information Retrieval using Knowledge and Frequency based Summarizing”, 4th International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities (ICNFESMH), IETE, Hyderabad, 2017.
  2. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, “An Active Learning Framework for Human Hand Sign Gestures and Handling Movement Epenthesis Using Enhanced Level Building Approach”, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 48, 2015, pp. 606-611, DOI: [Scopus, SCImagojr-0.26]
  3. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, Kanimozhi S, “An enhanced model for effective recognition and segmentation of SLG in dynamic video sequence using boosted learning algorithm”, IEEE 11th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), 108 - 113, 2014, DOI: 10.1109/ICNSC.2014.6819609. [Scopus, SCImagojr-0.15]
  4. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, Kanimozhi S, “A framework for recognizing and segmenting sign language gestures from continuous video sequence using boosted learning algorithm”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), 498 – 503, 2014, DOI: 10.1109/ICICICT.2014.6781333. [Scopus, SCImagojr-0.15]
  5. Elakkiya R, Selvamani K, Kannan A, “An intelligent framework for recognizing sign language from continuous video sequence using boosted subunits”, IET Forth International Conference on SEISCON, 297-304, 2013, DOI: 10.1049/ic.2013.0329. [Scopus indexed]
  6. R. Elakkiya, K. Selvamani, R. Velumadhava Rao and A. Kannan, “Fuzzy Hand Gesture Recognition based Human Computer Interface Intelligent System” in the Proc. Of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, pp: 344-348, Feb 2012, DOI: 10.3850/978-981-07-1403-1_741.
  7. R. Elakkiya, K. Selvamani, S. Kanimozhi, Rao. Velumadhava and A. Kannan, “Intelligent System for Human Computer Interface Using Hand Gesture Recognition”, Procedia Engineering, Vol 38, pp: 3180-3191, Sep 2012, DOI: [Scimagojr-0.28]
  8. R. Elakkiya, K. Selvamani, S. Kanimozhi, Rao. Velumadhava, J. Senthilkumar, “An Interactive System for Sensory and Gustatory Impaired People Based On Hand Gesture Recognition” Procedia Engineering, Vol 38, pp: 3166-3172, Sep 2012, DOI: [SCImagojr-0.28]
  9. Selvamani K, Kanimozhi S, Elakkiya R and Kannan A, “Enhanced Multipath Routing and Proactive Route Maintenance for Congestion Minimization and Transient Link Failures”, in the International conference on wireless networks, ICWN’12, Las Vegas,2012. [SCImagojr-7 H index]
  10. Selvamani K, Anbuchelian S,  Kanimozhi S,  Elakkiya R, Bose S, Kannan A, “Hybrid framework of intrusion detection system for resource consumption based attacks in wireless ad-hoc networks” , in the proc. of International Conference on  Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), pp. 8 – 12, 2012. [SCImagojr-6 H index]


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