BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, September 12, 2022



Publication Details




Malmurugan N, Wong Heng Gee Anne, Koh Wen Bin, Lee Boon Tat , Rajendra Acharya U, Jagadish Nayak, Teik-Cheng Lim, Wenwei Yu, “Transmission of Breast Images With Patient Information: A Comparative Study” , Performance Evaluation in BREAST CANCER: Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment.   Editors: Eddie Y. K. Ng (Singapore), U. Rajendra Acharya (Singapore) and Jasjit S. Suri  (USA), American Scientific Publisher, Chapter No. 4,  July 2010.


Rajendra Acharya, William Tan, Wong Li Yun, Eddie Y.K. Ng, Lim Choo Min, Caroline Chee, Manjunath Gupta, Jagadish Nayak, Jasjit Suri, The Human Eye” , Image Modeling of the Human Eye Editors: Rajendra Acharya U  Eddie Y.K. Ng,           Jasjit S Suri , Artech House, Boston , Chapter No. 1, Page No. 1 – 36, April 2008.


Wong Li Yun, Rajendra Acharya U, Caroline Chee, Eddie Y.K. Ng, Lim Choo Min  , Jagadish Nayak, “Identification of Different Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy using Retinal Optical Images” , Image Modeling of the Human Eye Editors: Rajendra Acharya U  Eddie Y.K. Ng , Jasjit S Suri , Artech House, Boston , Chapter No. 5, Page No. 115 – 130, April 2008.



Praveen Kumar Reddy Yelampalli, Jagadish Nayak, Vilas Haridas Gaidhane, "A novel binary feature descriptor to discriminate normal and abnormal chest CT images using dissimilarity measures", Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, First Online: 03 January 2019


Jagadish Nayak, “Round the Clock Vehicle Emission Monitoring using IoT for Smart Cities”, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, Vol. 9, No. 11, 2018. Page 616-619


Praveen Kumar Reddy Yelampalli ; Jagadish Nayak ; Vilas Gaidhane, “ Daubechies wavelet-based local feature descriptor for multimodal medical image registration”, ”IET Image Processing, Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2018, p. 1692 – 1702.


Praveen Kumar Reddy Yelampalli , Jagadish Nayak , Vilas Gaidhane, “Medical image rigid registration using a novel binary feature descriptor and modified affine transform”, IET Image Processing, Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2018 , p. 337 –344


Pranavi Macharla, Jagadish Nayak,” Wireless Communication Networks: Advancement to 4G”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET), Volume 8 Issue 2, pp. 30-37, Apr. 2015


J. Alamelu Mangai, Jagadish Nayak and V. Santhosh Kumar, "A Novel Approach for Classifying Medical Images Using Data Mining Techniques", International Journal of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJCSEE) Volume 1, Issue 2 (2013) , page 188-192


Joseph George,.Jagadish Nayak, Steganography on Medical Images to Record Investigation Results, World Academy of Informatics and Management Sciences, Vol 2 Issue 5, August-September 2013.


Prashant Vaidyanathan, Nitish Malhotra, Jagadish Nayak, “A new encryption technique for the secured transmission and storage of text information with medical images”, Engineering Review, Scientific Journals of Croatia, Vol No. 32(1), Page No. 57-63, March 2012.


Rajendra Acharya Udyavara, Wenwei Yu, Kuanyi Zhu, Jagadish Nayak, Teik-Cheng Lim and Joey Yiptong Chan, “Identification of Cataract and Post-cataract Surgery Optical images using Artificial Intelligence Techniques” , Journal of Medical Systems, Springer Netherlands, Vol No. 34(4), Page No. 619-628,Aug  2010.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat , U Rajendra Acharya, Oliver Faust and Lim Choo Min, “Computer Based Identification of cataract and cataract surgery efficacy using Optical Images”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, World Scientific Publishing Company (USA) , Vol No. 9(4), Page No. 589-607 , December 2009


Jagadish Nayak, Rajendra Acharya U, P Subbanna Bhat, Nakul Shetty, Teik-Cheng Lim, “Automated Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Digital Fundus Images”, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer Netherlands, Vol No. 33(5), Page No. 337-346 , October  2009.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U, M. Sathish Kumar, “Efficient Storage and Transmission of Digital Fundus Images with Patient Information Using Reversible Watermarking Technique and Error Control Codes”, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer Netherlands, Vol No. 33(3), Page No. 163-171 , June  2009.


Jagadish Nayak,  P Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U, “Automatic identification of Diabetic Maculopathy stages using fundus Images”, Journal of Medical Engineering and Technologies, Taylor and Francis, Vol No. 33(2), Page No. 119-129 , February  2009.


Rajendra Acharya U, Meena Sankaranarayanan, Jagadish Nayak, Chen Xiang, Toshiyo Tamura  , “Automatic Identification of Cardiac Health Using Modeling Techniques: A Comparative Study” , Information Sciences, An International Journal of  Informatics and Computer Science Intelligent Systems Applications, Elsevier, Vol No. 178(23), Page No. 4571-4582 , December  2008.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U, Lim Choo Min, Manjunath Gupta,  “Automated Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages using Digital Fundus Images”, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer Netherlands, Vol No. 32(2), Page No. 107-115 , April 2008


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U, U.V. Aithal , “Classification and Analysis of Speech Abnormalities”, Information Technology in Bio-medicine(ITBM-RBM), Elsevier  France, Vol No. 26, Page No. 319-327 , December  2005.


Jagadish Nayak , P Subbanna Bhat , Rajendra U, Niranjan U.C, “Simultaneous storage of medical images in the spatial and frequency domain : A comparative study”, Biomedical Engineering Online. BioMed Central Journal, BioMed Central Journal, Vol No. 3, Page No. 1-10 , June  2004



Praveen Kumar Reddy Yelampalli, Jagadish Nayak, Member, and Vilas H Gaidhane, Blood Vessel Segmentation and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Images using Gradient Operator and Statistical Analysis”,  World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2017 (IAENG WCECS),San Francisco , USA. 25-27 October 2017.  [Won best paper award]


Saptadeep Debnath , Jagadish Nayak “Visual Odometry Data Fusion for Indoor Localization of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017), Saveetha College of Engineering, Thandalam, Chennai, Tamilnadu , India, 21-22 September 2017. 


Siddhaling Urolagin, Jagadish Nayak, Likitha Satish,” A Method to Generate Text Summary by Accounting Pronoun Frequency for Keywords Weightage Computation” Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Engineering & Technology (ICET’2017) Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, 21-23 August, 2017


Ayush Ashish Shirsat and Jagadish Nayak, “Visible Light Communication Using Mimo Channel To Achieve Better Snr At High Bit Rate” , the 8thinternational Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, (8th ICCCNT 2017), July 3 - 5, 2017 IIT – Delhi, India


Praveen Kumar Reddy , Jagadish Nayak, “Local Diagonal Laplacian pattern : A New MR and CT Image Feature Descriptor”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE-2016) 21-23 December , 2016 C.V Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.


Mrugesh Thaker, Jagadish Nayak, "Architectural design, implementation and verification of DDR memory controller for high speed application" IEEE sponsored 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS 2016),25-26 January , 2016, Coimbotore , India


Rangapriya Parthasarathy, Heiko Hengen, Jagadish Nayak, “Development of 3D Scanning Algorithms”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 2-4, 2015, India.


Shyam Sumukh S R, Raghav Gupta, Jagadish Nayak, “A Comparative Analysis in Hardware Partitioning of a Steganographic based LSB-substitution Algorithm”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol I WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA


Jagadish Nayak,  “Automated Classification of Normal, Cataract and Post Cataract Optical Eye Images using SVM Classifier”, International Conference of Signal and Image Engineering (ICSIE), World Congress on Engineering 2013, London, U.K., 3-5 July, 2013.


Jagadish Nayak, Nitish Malhotra and Prashanth Vaidyanathan,  “A New Encryption Technique for the Secured Transmission and Storage of Text Information with Medical Images”, International Conference on Innovative technologies (IN-TECH 2011), Bratislava, SLOVAKIA, 01 to 03 September 2011, Page No. 253-255. [Won best paper Award]


Subramanya Nayak, Dr Puttamadappa,  Dayananda Nayak, Jagadish Nayak, Stanley Oswald Maben, “PCA. based EGG signal analysis and classification”, International Conference on Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB), SINGAPORE, 10 - 12 December 2007, Page No. A1006.


H. V. Balachandra Achar, Jagadish Nayak, “Secure Medical Image Data Systems” , Proceedings of the International conference on Robotics, Vision,  Information , and Signal Processing (ROVISP-2007), Penang, MALAYSIA, 28-30 November 2007.


G. Subramanya Nayak, Jagadish Nayak, “Electroglottographic Signal Acquisition and Neural Network based classification for pathology” , Proceedings of IFMBE , 3rd International conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA, 11-14 December 2006, Volume-15,  Page 54-57.


Kevin Noronha,  Jagadish Nayak, S.N. Bhat, “Enhancement of Retinal Fundus image to highlight the features for detection of abnormal eyes”, Proceedings of the International conference IEEE TENCON-2006, HONGKONG, 14-17 November 2006.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, M Sathish Kumar, “Reliable transmission and storage of medical images with patient information “,Proceedings of the International Conference On Robotics, Vision, Information And Signal Processing(ROVISP 2005), Penang, MALAYSIA, 20-22 July 2005.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat,  M Sathish Kumar , Rajendra Acharya U , “Reliable and robust transmission and storage of medical images with patient information”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore , INDIA, 12-14 December 2004.


Jagadish Nayak, P.Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U  , Niranjan U.C ,Ong Wai Sing , “AR modeling using heart rate variability signals”, Proceedings of the  IEEE TENCON 2004, Chaingmai , THAILAND, 21-24 November 2004, Page No. 422-425.


Jagadish Nayak , P Subbanna Bhat , “Identification of Voice Disorders using Speech  Samples”, Proceedings of  IEEE TENCON 2003 , Convergent Technologies for the Asia-Pacific, Bangalore, INDIA, 15-17 October 2003.



Kevin Noronha,  Jagadish Nayak, S.N. Bhat , “Feature Analysis in Retinal Fundus images of Normal and Diabetic Retinopathy” , Proceedings of the National Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (NCSPC – 2006), J. N. N. College of Engineering, SHIMOGA –Karnataka, INDIA, 7 – 8 July 2006.


H. V. Balachandra, M. Sathish Kumar and Jagadish Nayak, “Confidential Storage and Transmission of Patient Data in DICOM Medical Images”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Devices, Intelligent Syatems and Communications (MITDISC-2005), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, September 26-28, 2005.


Murali Mohan, Jagadish Nayak, “Image Restoration Using Spatial Filters”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Devices, Intelligent Systems and Communications MITDISC-2005, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, September 26-28, 2005.


H.V. Balachandra Achar, M Sathish Kumar, Jagadish Nayak, “Efficient And Robust  Watermarking of DICOM Images With Patient Information”, Proceedings of the  National Conference on Image Processing 2005, Bangalore,  March 23-25, 2005.


G.S. Nayak, K.K. Mahato, Jagadish Nayak, “Feature Extraction, classification and Recognition of Fluorescence Signals with Different Pathological Conditions Using Neural Network Classifier”, Proceedings of Fourth DAE-BRNS National LASER  Symposium. (NLS-4), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,  Mumbai, January 10-13, 2005.


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, M Sathish Kumar, "Rajendra Acharya U,Reliable Transmission and Storage of Medical Images with Patient Information using Error Control Codes",IEEE INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, INDICON 2004, Page No. 147-150, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR 721302, DECEMBER 20-22, 2004


Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, M Sathish Kumar, “Quality enhancement of interleaved text in salt and pepper noise corrupted images”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Electronic circuit and Communication systems, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab.



Sushanta Kabir Dutta, Jagadish Nayak, “Spread Spectrum Watermarking”, Proceedings of the PGFEST-2006, NMAMIT Nitte, INDIA, 28-29 April 2006, Page 186-189.


H.V. Balachandra Achar, M Sathish Kumar, Jagadish Nayak, “Efficient and Robust  watermarking of  DICOM images with patient information”, Proceedings of the  PG Fest at NMAMIT, Nitte, INDIA, April  29-30, 2005, Page 93-96.


Chandrasekhar Padiyar, Jagadish Nayak, “Spatial and Frequency Domain Algorithms for Robust Digital Water Marking”, Proceedings of the PG Fest at NMAMIT , Nitte, INDIA, May 7-8 2004.


Nachiket Das , Jagadish Nayak, “Automatic Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy: Detection From color Fundus Image of the Human Retina”, Proceedings of  the  PG Fest at NMAMIT, Nitte, INDIA, May 7-8 2004.


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