- Materials Science
- Coatings
- Computer aided product design, Computer aided molecular design
- Heat Exchangers Network Design
- Modeling of Atmospheric dispersion of toxic gases, Consequence analysis
- Wastewater treatment
- Energy recovery / conservation
- PCMs for energy storage
- Process System Engineering
Ongoing Ph.D. research:
2017PHXP0004U Pankaj Vyas - Formulation of high-performance fire retardant - Intumescent coatings based on novel fillers including nano particulate fillers
2021PHXP0902U Jigneshkumar D Thakkar - Design and Development of Sustainable Self-Healing Smart Coating for Various Substrates
Ongoing Undergraduate Projects:
Swastik Shailendrakumar Nagrikar - Alternate sources of sustainable raw
materials for coatings
Completed Undergraduate Projects:
2020A1PS0092U - Priyanka Saginala – Heat Exchangers
2019A1PS0164U Ankita Anil Ambore - Cooling System in Solar Cells
20A9PS0070U - Natasha Ranjan Basu - Crystallization and its applications in the pharmaceutical industry
2020A1PS0202U - Kaeshaun Singh - Water Desalination
2020A1PS0096U - Ummal Fahadha - Chemical Sensors
2018A1PS0055U - Prarthanaa Sankaranayanan - Synthesis of Adhesives and their Applications in various fields
2018A1PS0158U - Karwa Anugraha Anand - Formulation of Emulsion Based Adhesive / Binder
2019A1PS0005U - Lakshya Bhartia - Building a Hydrogen Economy: The Most Efficient Method of Producing Hydrogen on an Eco-Friendly Manner
2017A1PS0284U - Krishi Punjabi - Sustainable Use of Alternate Sources of Energy in Cement Industry
2017A1PS0047U - Viniith Sarawate - Characterization and optimization of Inorganic PCMs for micro and nano-Encapsulation of Thermal Energy
2017A1PS904U - Rigveda Janai - Encapsulating Organic Phase Change Materials in different Polymers and improving it as a Thermal Energy Storage Medium
2016A1PS0157U - Sonu - Applications of Lignin
2016A1PS0308U - Simran Sajnani - Extraction and Characterization of Lignin from Non-wood Biomass
2016A1PS0180U - Shifa Sanaur - Simulation of Heat Integrated Distillation column using a software tool
2016A1PS0182U - Anna Joy - Wastewater Management through Electrocoagulation
2016A1PS0222U - Urvashi Satwani - Using Artificial Intelligence to Find Ways to Replace Animal-based Food Products
2015A1PS0200U - Mit Desai - Optimization of heat exchanger network - review of various methods and application to a case study
2015A1PS0406U - Varun Selvam - Optimization of Water Treatment in Metallurgical Industries
2016A1PS0222U - Urvashi Satwani - Review on Plant-Based Cheese Manufacturing Process
2016A1PS0333U - Sania Suaris - Storage of Solar Energy
2017A1PS0028U - Rohit Bharadwaj Kallakuri - Review of Multi-effect Desalination techniques
2015A1PS0340U - Shivank Gupta - Extraction of essential oils for production of bio-additives using vacuum distillation
201A1PS024U - Jithin Gopakumar - Computer Aided Property Estimation for Pure Components
2014A1PS267U - Amardeep Singh - Computer Aided Property Estimation for mixtures