Invited talks:
Delivered an invited talk on " Novel Biodegradable Packaging Material Embedded with Metal Nanoparticles” at Webinar Series on the Theme "Indians Speaking from Abroad" organized by S.S.E.S.A's Science College, Nagpur, India in Association with Microbiologists Society, India on Sunday 30th October 2022
Delivered an invited talk on “Integration Of Nanotechnology And Polymer Science For Development Of Antimicrobial Polymers” at a webinar on New Perspectives in Life Sciences amidst Covid times on 29 April 2022 organized by St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa, Goa, India.
2. Delivered an invited talk on “Biosynthesized Nanofertilizers and Nanopesticides for sustained agriculture in arid environments” at a webinar on Contributions of Biological Sciences for Sustainable Environment on 25-26 February 2022 organized by Wilson College, Mumbai, India.
3. Delivered an invited talk on “Polymers Embedded with CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles: A Boon For Food Packaging” at The Frontiers of Microbiology: Man-Microbe Dynamics organized by SIES College, Mumbai, India on 18-19 September 2021.
DeDelivered an invited talk on “Vaccines and Immunization: Myths or facts” at a webinar on Awareness of COVID19 infections and prevention at Emerson FZ LLC on 3rd February 2021.
Delivered an invited talk on “Nanofertilizers and Nanopesticides: A Boon for Agriculture” at a webinar on Emerging Research in Microbiology on 12th December 2020 organized by Ponda Education Society’s RS Naik College of Arts and Science, Ponda, Goa, India.
1. Delivered an invited talk on " Role of metal nanoparticles in enhancing Agricultural Produce" at the International Conference on Innovative Practices in Agricultural Biotechnology 2020 during 29 August 2020 held at Shri Vyankatesh Arts, Commerce and Science College, Deulgao Raja, India.
2. Delivered an invited talk on "Biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles and their potential use as Biofertilizer and Biopesticide" at the International Conference on Microbes for Better Tomorrow 2020 during 22-23 February 2020 held at The Maldives National University, Male, Maldives.
3. Delivered an invited talk on "Synthesis of metal Nanoparticles for Applications in Sustained Agriculture" at the International Conference on Microbes for Better Tomorrow 2018 during 17th to 19th February 2018 held at Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Pune, India, (pp Invited talks iv).
4. Delivered an invited talk on "Synthesis of metal Nanoparticles for Applications in Sustained Agriculture" at the International Conference on Nanotechnology for Human Welfare (ICNHW-2018) during 1st to 2nd February 2018 held at H.V. Desai College, Pune, India, (pp 9)
5. Dr. Trupti Gokhale was invited to give an Invited Talk on "Synthesis of metal Nanoparticles for Applications in Agriculture" at the International Conference on Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience (ICANN-2017) during 7th to 9th December 2017 held at Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati, India.
6. Invited as an expert in the field of Biotechnology for the Career Orientation Program at Our Own High School, Sharjah Girls, Sharjah, UAE on 13th December 2017.
7. Delivered an invited talk on Development of Biosensors at the Inaugural of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Microbiology Department, Bharti VidhyaPeeth, Pune, India on 11th July 2017.
8. Delivered an invited talk on Alternate Medicines practiced in Arab regions at International Conference on Ancient Science and Technology Retrospection and Aspiraitons (ASTRA 2017) on 18th and 19th January 2017 held at H.V. Desai College, Pune, India.
9. Delivered a Career Counseling talk on 'Careers in Engineering' at the Times Education Exhibition, Amonora Mall, Pune on 14th May 2017.
10. Invited as an expert in the field of Biotechnology for the Career Orientation Program at Our Own High School, Sharjah Girls, Sharjah, UAE on 13th October 2016.
11. Delivered a counseling talk on 'Introduction to Biotechnology' at the Higher Education Summit organized by The Young Vision on 13th -14th January 2015.
12. Delivered a virtual lecture on "Development of Biosensors" at a National Seminar on 'Biotechnology for Better Tomorrow' on 26th February 2015 at Gogate-Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri, India.
13. Development of Biosensors, at National Symposium on ‘Exploring the Environment- A Microbiological Approach’ marked to celebrate 50 Years of the Microbiology Department of Wilson College, Mumbai, India on 5th January 2013.