BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, April 02, 2024




    1. Shaukat A., Joshi Y. M.*, Sharma A.,“Tensile deformation and failure of thin films of aging Laponite suspension” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, (2009) 8211-8218.
    2. Shaukat A., Sharma A. and Joshi Y. M.*, “Time-aging time-stress superposition in soft glass under tensile deformation field”, Rheologica Acta, 49, (2010) 1093-1101.
    3. Shaukat, A., Sharma A., Joshi Y.M.*, “Squeeze flow behavior of (soft glassy) thixotropic material”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 167-168 (2012) 9-17.
    4. Shaukat, A., Kaushal M., Sharma A., Joshi Y.M*, “Shear mediated elongational flow and yielding in soft glassy materials”, Soft Matter, 8 (2012) 10107-10114.
    5. Shaukat A., Joshi Y. M., Sharma A.,“Dynamics of soft glassy materials under elongational and squeeze flow fields”, Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena, 2015, 261-305
    6. Mubashshir M., Shaukat A.*, "The Role of Grease Composition and Rheology in Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication", Tribology Letters, 67 (4), 2019, 1-20 
    7. Gavendra A., Shaukat A.*, “The combined effect of matrix molecular weight, filler concentration, and filler-matrix interactions on the dynamic viscoelasticity of polydimethylsiloxane/clay composites”, Rheologica Acta, 62 (11), 2023, 641-663

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