Broad Subject: Technical/Business/Professional COMMUNICATION
Project Title: CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION – – An empirical analysis of cross cultural communication variables in Indian Industries leading towards developing appropriate strategies for multi-cultural workplaces and Academia.
a. To understand and analyse the problems arising out of cross cultural variables in communication in the multi-cultural workplaces and critically assess the existing curriculum for communication courses in Indian Universities.
b. Research, intensively, upon the gap between academic curriculum and corporate needs that is much talked of in most corporate sponsored Seminars and Conferences on Business Communication.
c. To develop appropriate strategies to meet the challenges of cross cultural communication for them.
d. To prepare a curriculum for a Course in orientation and implementation of Cross-Cultural Communication at Undergraduate and Graduate levels in technical and non-technical education programmes, Teacher Training Programmes including B.Ed, M.Ed, Technical Teachers Training Programme, UGC Refresher Course and Executives of Corporations with a multicultural characteristic.
e. To prepare and publish a handbook on Cross Cultural Communication, in order to document the findings of the empirical study that can serve as, both, a textbook for the proposed course on Cross Cultural communication as well as a piece for popular reading.