BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, June 16, 2023




                                                     Publications with BITS Affiliation

  1. M. Anand, P. Danumjaya and P.R.S. Rao, A nonlinear mathematical model on the Covid-19 transmission pattern among diabetic and non-diabetic population, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (2023), doi:
  2. P. Danumjaya, K. Balaje, Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for one-dimensional Rosenau equation, J. Anal, (2022)

  3. Shekhar, Suman, Ravi Ragoju, G. Shiva Kumar Reddy, and P. Danumjaya,

    The effect of first-order chemical reaction on rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection in a sparsely packed porous layer, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity (2022) (accepted for publication) 
  4. P. Danumjaya, Ambit Kumar Pany and Amiya K. Pani, Morley FEM for the fourth-order nonlinear reaction-diffusion problems, Comput. Math. Appl. 99, (2021)  229-245.

  5. P. Danumjaya and Monalisa Anand, Modeling Perspective of Diabetes Mellitus with Tuberculosis, J. Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies, 1(2) (2021), 121 - 140.

  6. Santosh Kumar Bhal, P. Danumjaya, and Graeme Fairweather, The Crank-Nicolson Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method for One-Dimensional Parabolic Problems with Interfaces, Jour. of Comp and Appl. Math. 383, 1-10 (2021).

  7.  Santosh Kumar Bhal, P. Danumjaya and Graeme Fairweather, High-Order Orthogonal Spline Collocation Methods for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems with Interfaces, Math. Comput. Simulation, 174, 102-122 (2020).

  8. Santosh Kumar Bhal, P. Danumjaya and Graeme Fairweather, A FourthOrder Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method for Two-Dimensional Helmholtz Problems with Interfaces, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Eq. 36(6), 1811-1829 (2020).

  9. P. Danumjaya and Merina Dhara, Stability Preserving Non-Standard Finite Difference Schemes for Diabetes with Tuberculosis Infectious Model, Lett. Biomath. 6(2), 1-18 (2019).

  10. P. Danumjaya, Santosh Kumar Bhal and Anil Kumar, Orthogonal Spline Collocation Methods for fourth-order Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, Int. J. Comput. Methods Eng. Sci. Mech, 20(5), 460-470 (2019).

  11. P. Danumjaya and Santosh Kumar Bhal, A Fourth Order Orthogonal Spline Collocation Methods for the One-Dimensional Helmholtz equation with a discontinuous Coefficient, J Anal, 27, 377-390 (2019).

  12. P. Danumjaya, Merina Dhara and Veeky Baths, Mathematical modeling and dynamics of tuberculosis infection among diabetic patients in India, J Anal, 27, 451-463 (2019).

  13. P. Danumjaya, Finite Element Methods for onedimensional fourth-order semilinear partial differential equation, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 2, 395-410 (2016).
  14. P. Danumjaya and Amiya K. Pani, Mixed Finite Element Methods for a fourth order reaction diffusion equation, Journal on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 28, pp. 1227-1251 (2012).
                                            Publications Before Joining BITS Pilani
  1. P. Danumjaya and A. K. Nandakumaran, Orthogonal cubic spline collocation method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182 pp 1316-1329, (2006).

  2.  P. Danumjaya and Amiya K. Pani, Numerical Methods for the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) equation, Int. Jour. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol 3, Number 2, pp 186-210, (2006).

  3. P. Danumjaya and Amiya K. Pani, Orthogonal Cubic Spline Collocation Method for the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) equation, Jour. of Comp and Appl. Math., Vol 174/1 pp 101-117, (2004).

  4. P. Danumjaya, An orthogonal cubic spline collocation method for the Fisher-Kolmogorov (FK) equation, Industrial Mathematics, Alpha Science Int'l Ltd., 2006. 

  5. P. Dhanumjaya and A. K. Pani, Finite element method for the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) equation, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Ed. D. Bhaguna, Narosa Publ. House, New Delhi, (2005).

  6. P. Danumjaya and Amiya K. Pani, Semidiscrete Galerkin Method for the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) equation, Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Systems: Modelling, Simulation and Applications, held December: 26-29 (2000), Nanded, India.
                                                                      Book Chapters  
        1.    P. Danumjaya and Hari Shanker Gupta, An ill-posed Cauchy problem for second order
              elliptic equation appearing in a sonic boom, Technical Report, IISc, Bangalore (2008).

Papers Submitted to the Journals 
  1. Monalisa Anand, P. Danumjaya and Merina Dhara, Dynamic Epidemic Model on Tuberculosis Infection among Diabetes population with Time Delays;

    Journal: Filomat (under review)

  2. P. Danumjaya, Anil Kumar and Amiya K. Pani, Asymptotic behaviour of the semidiscrete FE approximations to weakly damped wave equations with minimal smoothness on initial data; 

    Journal: Journal of Scientific Computation (under review)

  3. Santosh Kumar Bhal, P. Danumjaya and G. Fairweather, A Note on the ADI Crank-Nicolson Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method for 2D Parabolic Problems with an Interface; 

    Journal: Computers & Mathematics with Applications (under review)

  4. M. Thamban Nair, and P. Danumjaya, A new regularization for time fractional backward heat conduction problem;

    Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (under review)

  5. Jai Prakash Tripathi, Nitesh Kumawat, P. DanumjayaVijay Pal Bajiya and Komal Tanwar, Transmission Dynamics of Co-infection COVID-19 with Diabetes in India: An Optimal Control Analysis; 

    Journal: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (under review)
 Papers under preparation:
  1. Monalisa Anand, P. Danumjaya and P. Raja Sekhara Rao, A Nonlinear Mathematical model on the Covid-19 Transmission pattern among Diabetic and Non-diabetic population: A Delay model.

  2. Monalisa Anand, P. Danumjaya and P. Raja Sekhara Rao, A nonlinear mathematical model to study the dynamics of Diabetes and Tuberculosis with two time delays.

  3. P. Danumjaya, Amit Pany and Amiya Kumar Pani, Mixed hp-Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Fourth Order Nonlinear Parabolic problems.

  4. K. Balaje and P. Danumjaya, Mixed Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods (DGFEM) for the Two Dimensional Roseneu equation. 

  5. P. Danumjaya, K. Balaje and Sanath Keshav, Virtual Element Methods for BenjaminBonaMahony (BBM) equation.


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