BITS Pilani

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Book published

Gender Bias and Economic Development: with reference to education: A study of most populated state of India: Uttar Pradesh, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012


Research papers published

  1. Phadke M., Goel M., Bajpai R., Mehta N. (2022) "Designing an Algorithm to Support Optimized Crop Selection by Farmers". In: Fong S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 314. (Scopus Indexed) Springer, Singapore.
  2. M. Goel, A. Agarwal, N. Chandwani and T. Dixit, (2021) "Building an application framework to connect NGOs and Volunteers"  International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM), 2021, pp. 1-5, (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.1109/ICIPTM52218.2021.9388342.
  3. Goel, M., Dixit, T., Singh, A., Bajpai, A. (2021). "Using Gamification to rationalize  excessive use of mobile devices among children and adolescents" COMSNETS 2021 NetHealth Workshop, Bangalore January 09, 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Sheetal Thomas, Mridula Goel, Anmol Agarwal and Asadali Abbas Hazariwala (2021) “Application of Machine Learning to Analyse Handwriting Features of Neuroticism”.  Accepted for publication, Springer Publication (Scopus Indexed)
  5. Sheetal Thomas and Mridula Goel (2021)   “Identifying mutual fund investment behaviour using handwriting analysis”. Accepted for publication, Finance India (Scopus Indexed)
  6. Goel, M., Nidhi Ravishankar (2020) "Impact of Public Policy and Legislation on Autonomy and Empowerment of Women in India"  Gender Issues . (Manuscript ID is GEIS-D-20-00187R2) Accepted.  
  7. Goel, M., Dixit, T., Srivastava, P., Reghunath, R., & Hariram, R. (2020). Cloud-based Mobile and Web application to support managing the treatment of Tuberculosis. 2020 International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2020, 29–34. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal) (Best Paper Award)
  8. Sheetal Thomas, Mridula Goel and Dipak Agrawal (2020) “A framework for analyzing financial behavior using machine learning classification of personality through handwriting analysis” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Elsevier, Vol. 26, June 2020, 100315, (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  9. Mridula Goel and Sheetal Thomas (2020) “Outcomes from Building Transparency in Governance in a Smart City Project in India: A Case Study of Panaji, Goa”, Athens Journal of Business & Economics, Vol. 6 pp.1-20, (listed in RePEC, JURN and others)
  10. Goel, M. (2019) Long hours at work, Stress and Spillovers: Is there a need for reform? The European Financial Review, pp. 59-62, Oct.-Nov.2019. (Invited Article)
  11. Sheetal Thomas and Mridula Goel (2019) “Use of cognitive processes in handwriting to understand financial decision making” The 15th NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, pp. 26, June 2019, NeuroPsychoEconomics International Conference, Rome, Italy.
  12. Jain, S., & Goel, M. (2019). The Volatile Journey of India’s Reservation Policy through Legal Amendments & Inconsistencies. Journal of Governance & Public Policy, 9(2), 77-105.
  13. Sheetal Thomas and Mridula Goel (2018) "Women Participation in Local Governance and Sustainable Development" Social Sciences International Research Journal, International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (India), Vol.4, No.2, pp. 69-83, Dec 2018, ISSN 2395-0544
  14. Pawaskar, Pinky & Goel, Mridula. (2017). Enhancing the effectiveness of marketing a tourist destination using satisfaction analysis. International Journal of Business and Systems Research. 11. 163. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  15. Bhand, U., & Goel, M. (2017). Understanding Innovation by Analyzing the Pillars of the Global Competitiveness Index. International Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 11(8), 2165-2173.
  16. Goel, Mridula & Agrawal, Madhav. (2017). Make in India Policy of 2014 and the Self-Reliance Objective of the 1956 Industrial Policy: Will the outcomes be based on intrinsic differences or a time-contextual positioning. International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, Vol.VII No.1
  17. Pawaskar, P., & Goel, M. (2016). The Tourist Experience: Modelling the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(S1), 1–13. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  18. Pawaskar, Pinky & Goel, Mridula. (2016). Improving the Efficacy of Destination Marketing Strategies: A Structural Equation Model for Leisure Travel. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9.  (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  19. Goel, M., Reflections on Business Incubation Processes in a Technical University. Jyoti Tikoria, Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2016
  20. Padaki, R., & Goel, M. (2015). A Gravity Model Analysis of Effects of Regional Economic Integration on Factor Flows. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 36(4) 121-144. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  21. Pawaskar, Pinky & Goel, Mridula. (2014). A Conceptual Model: Multisensory Marketing and Destination Branding. Procedia Economics and Finance. 11. 255–267. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
  22. Goel, M., & Ramanathan, P. E. (2014). Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility-Is there a dividing line. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11(1), 49-59. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal)
  23. Goel, M., & Pal, A. (2014). One among many? Examining The Efficacy of Mobile Money in India’s Remittance Corridors. The Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, California, USA (Report)
  24. V.K. Narasimhan and Mridula Goel (2013) Capital Adequacy and its Relevance to the Indian Banking Sector: A Study of Four Indian Banks. International Research Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2(11), 1-5,
  25. Goel M. (2013) State Level Inequalities in Economic Development,
  26. Mridula Goel & Shivan Salhotra (2021) Regulation and Bank Performance: Evidence from India, BFSCON-2012 (International Conference on Banking & Finance organised by IMI New Delhi, December 2012)
  27. Goel, M., & Asija, A. (2012). Economic Regulations: Effect on Growth and Stability in Brazil and India. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37, 167-181. (A SCOPUS Indexed Journal)
  28. Pawaskar, P., & Mridula, G. (2012). Tourism: the depth of its meaning. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, 2(10), 26-32. file:///C:/Users/green%20map%20tech/Downloads/ijrcm-3-Evol-2_issue-10_art-6.pdf
  29. Pawaskar, P., & Goel, M. (2012). Tourism and Acculturation: A Study of Goa. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies, 7(1), 1-14.
  30. Goel, M., & Arnab Dasgupta (2003) SPS as a barrier to competition, Management Dynamics, ISSN -0972- 5067 Vol.4 ,No.1, Pgs 47-59 ,March 2003

Research Papers under Review:
  1. Goel, Mridula; Goyal, Samarth; Thomas, Sheetal (2021) Finding the Optimal Debt Level for Emerging Market EconomiesUnder review for publication in the Annals of Financial Economics (Scopus Indexed).

  2. Phadke, M., Goel, M (2021) "Measuring Financial Inclusion: A State-Wise Impact Analysis of India’s National Mission on Financial Inclusion", Under review for publication for publication in International Journal of Emerging Markets (Scopus Indexed) (Manuscript ID is IJOEM-04-2021-0651) 

  3. Sheetal Thomas, Mridula Goel, and Naresh Kumar Peesapati (2021) "An exploratory study to understand financial behavior of neurotic individuals using handwriting analysis." Under review for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.

  4. Goel, Mridula; Nizam, Taaha; Thomas, Sheetal; Bhand, Ujjwala(2021) Using a startup promotion lens to analyse India’s National Education Policy 2020Under review for publication in the Journal of Innovation: Organization & Management (Manuscript ID: IOM-2021-0141)

  5. Sheetal Thomas & Mridula Goel (2021) "Sentiment Analysis and Financial Risk profiling using preference responses to lottery winnings" Under review for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Manuscript number: JEBO-D-21-00789)
  6. Naresh Kumar Peesapati & Mridula Goel (2021) "Connection between Clusters, Networks and Performance of Firms: A Review" Under review for publication in the Journal of Industry and Innovation (Manuscript ID: CIAI-2021-0063)
  7. Mridula Goel; Sheetal Thomas (2020) "Building Extrinsic Motivators into the design of an assessment exercise to promote students’ learning". Under review for publication in the Journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (Manuscript ID: RPTL-D-20-00157)
  8. Goel, M (2020) Decoding strategies for a socially useful innovative product to establish in domestic and overseas markets" Under review for publication in the Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies.   (Manuscript ID is EEMCS-07-2020-0248).
Chapters in Books:
  1. Goel M., Nayak S. (2018) Policy Implications for Financial Inclusion of Unskilled Labor Migrants: Insights from Goa. In: Mishra A., Arunachalam V., Patnaik D. (eds) Current Issues in the Economy and Finance of India. ICEF 2018 2018. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
  2. Mridula Goel & Yash Sharma (2017) Need and Challenges in Minimizing Wastes in a SME Automotive Firm: Case Study of Janus Auto*. ET Cases- FLAME, 1-14. Accessible at
  3. Goel Mridula ,T. Sanghvi, K Dahiya, Role of CSR in Entrepreneurship Development , Ed. by Chari Vishal, Gaonkar Rekha, Corporate Social Responsibility- APH Publishers ,New Delhi 2013
  4. VAT: A necessity for Indian Industry & Trade in  VAT: A necessity for Indian industry and trade, Royal Book Co, Lucknow, 2004

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