BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Sunday, July 17, 2022


Innovate. Achieve. Lead.


My areas of Research include Resource allocation for Multicast/Broadcast Communication Systems, Small/Femto-Cell Networks, Cognitive Radios, MEC, IRS, FOG Computing, Block-chain for Communication, D2D Communication, V2V Communication, Cloud-RAN, IoT, GNSS Signal Processing, SDR, Evolutionary Algorithms and their use in Engineering Applications (mainly Signal and Image Processing) etc. Currently I am working in Collaboration with professors in leading universities such as NTU Singapore, The Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hongkong and Ryerson, University, Canada, Cranfield University, U.K, Newcastle University, U. K, Ohio University USA.


Current Research:


I am currently working on following research projects/areas:


GNSS Signal Processing:


1. Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Performance Enhancement of GNSS Software Receiver. (Hardware: USRP/DSP Board/FPGA; Software: MATLAB, LabView).


2. Machine Learning based GNSS Scintillation, interference, multipath etc detection, classification and mitigation. (Software: MATLAB, Python, LabView).


3. Machine Learning based Satellite selection for GNSS Software Receiver. (Software: MATLAB, Python, LabView).


IoT and Image/Video Processing:


4. Real time IoT and GNSS based Navigation, Localization and monitoring of High Speed Vehicles. (Software: MATLAB, Python, LabView).


5. Machine Learning based identification and classification of high speed vehicles from videos. (Software: MATLAB, Python, LabView).


4G-5G Communication


6. Energy Efficiency and Resource allocation in MEC/FOG Computing/D2D/ V2V/ Cloud RAN/ HetNets etc. (Software: MATLAB, Python, LabView).


For Resource allocation we use Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithms and other Optimizations tools such as Convex Optimization toolbox, Game theory, Matching theory etc.   


Funded Projects:


1. ISRO/RES/3/720/2016-17 Development of Software Defined Radio (SDR) Based GNSS (GLONASS + IRNSS) Receiver. Funded By: ISRO under RESPOND.


We designed a multi-constellation muti-frequency Software receiver both in MATLAB and in LabView separately.

The developed Software Receiver is capable of providing individual and hybrid solution for following constellations as of now:


2)     IRNSS L5 + GPS L1 + GLONASS L1

3)     IRNSS S  +  GPS L1 + GLONASS L1

4)     GPS L1 + GLONASS L1


Salient Features:


1.    LabView based SDR, which allows simultaneous and parallel tracking of the acquired satellites from different constellations and/or different frequencies. It also allows to use hardware accelerators such as Multi-core, Multi-threading (SIMD) etc. Therefore, significantly reduces the overall execution time.

2.     Improved reliability, availability and accuracy especially in an environment with limited satellite visibility, such  as in urban or mountainous areas.

3.      Interoperability provides user a PNT solution using signals from different GNSS systems.

4.   Iono-Grid corrections and Tropospheric corrections provided with user selectable option. GUI with options for end user to select Iono-grid and/or Tropospheric corrections.

5.   MENU driven user configurability for acquisition, tracking thresholds, satellite elevation mask angle, selection of satellite channels etc.

6.   MENU selectable option for real time display of observables such as I/Q correlation values, C/N0, GDOP, PVT solutions, XYZ coordinates of selected satellite etc.

7.   SDR provides session wise time stamped logs for various observables such as C/N0, PR, Navigation message of all the channels, SV time, PVT logs, GDOP etc. for post processing.

8.     Real time visualization of PSD of received satellite signals.


2. Work Oder No. 11/401/UWR(G)/110(P) regarding Indigenous Development of Automated Correlation System, for Under Water Ranges DRDOGoa.


As Co-PI:


Cloud Based Analytical Sensor Test Kit for Advanced Process Control, funded by Melinda & Gates foundation in collaboration with Prof Srikanth Mutnuri, Head Biological Sciences, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Crainfield University UK and Ohio University USA.


My Part was to develop a plug and play kind of IoT based Sensor kit which is capable of transmitting real time data from different sensor to Azure and Google cloud. The indigenous devices developed for communication is called “Cube” which is a solar powered (self sustained) device. It used XBee 3G for communication. The end user can communicate with the cube using developed web/mobile application. The end user can plug any sensor and just to need to provide the upper and lower threshold for warnings or control. The application automatically updates the system as per the inputs provided by the end user.


The best part is that the end user required no knowledge of programming to use this device.  

 Working/Worked as Advisory committee/Associate Editor 
1. Communications, Acta Press, Canada.
2. International Journal of  Modelling and Simulation, Acta Press, Canada.
3. Member advisory Committee Transstellar Journal publication and Research Consultancy. 
Working as Reviewer for:


1.      IEEE Transactions Evolutionary Computation.

2.      IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatic.

3.      IEEE Systems Journal.

4.      Wireless personal communication (Springer)

5.      Springer’s Frontiers of Computer Sciences in China

6.      Elsevier’s Computers & Electrical Engineering

7.      Elsevier’s Information Sciences

8.      International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, ACTA Press Canada.

9.      Elsevier’s International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

10.   IEE Networks

11.   IEE Communication

12.   Elsevier's Applied Soft Computing.

13.   Wiley's Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies

14.   TPC member IEEE GLOBECOM 2015-2022.

15.   TPC member for IEEE ICC 2016-2022.

16.   TPC member VTC-2022  

Invited Talks/Guest Lectures:

Delivered invited talk at ICCCT 2015 held at MNIT Allahabad during 25-27 Sept 2015.

Delivered invited Guest lecture to cadets of INA Ezhimala at INA Ezhimala during 23rd to 25th of Feb 2015.

Delivered an invited talk in Defence Electronics Conclave DEFCON-2017 held on April 28th, 2017 at Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC), Hyderabad. The title of talk was "Industry Academia partnership for indianization for Defense Sector".

Delivered invited Guest Lectures in Advanced GNSS Signal Processing in, GNSS-18, held at Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), Osmania University during 20-25 August 2018.

Delivered invited lectures in TEQIP-III sponsored Short Term Training Program on “Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)” held in SVNIT Surat during 24-28 June 2019.

Delivered invited Guest Lectures in GNSS and IRNSS Software Receiver: Signal Processing and Its Applications, GNSS-19, held at Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), Osmania University during 09-13 September 2019.

Delivered invited Guest Lectures on Acquisition of GNSS Signals in ECE Department of Osmania University on 12 September 2019.

Delivered invited Guest Lectures on Introduction to Acquisition of GNSS Signals in ECE Department of Osmania University on 20 February 2019.
Delivered invited Guest Lectures on Acquisition of GNSS Signals in ECE Department of NIT Mizoram on 21-22 December 2020.
Delivered invited Guest Lectures on Wireless Channel Modelling for Multipath Environment  AAE Department of Hongkong Polytechnic University on 20 May 2022.

Recent Workshops Attended


Attended various sessions at Workshop on Outcome Based Learning Using Pedagogy Framework Model held at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa campus during 10th-11th February, 2017

Attended various sessions at Gates Analytics workshop held at Cranfield University, UK, during 10-12 January 2017

Attended various sessions at ICCCT 2015 held at MNIT Allahabad during 25-27 Sept 2015

Attended various interaction and training sessions on NUMBER THEORY and CRYPTOGRAPHY held at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa campus during 15‐17, December 2015.

Attended various talks and interaction sessions held at Defence Electronics Conclave DEFCON-2017 on April 28th, 2017 at Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC), Hyderabad.

Attended various sessions and talks in Conclave on CATALYZING STARTUP ECOSYSTEM THROUGH ACADEMIA - INDUSTRY COLLABORATIONS organized by the EEE Department in collaboration with SRCD on 18th of August 2018.

Attended various talks and interaction in Advanced GNSS Signal Processing in, GNSS-18, held at Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), Osmania University during 20-25 August 2018.

Attended various talks and interaction in TEQIP-III sponsored Short Term Training Program on “Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)” held in SVNIT Surat during 24-28 June 2019.

Attended various talks and interaction in GNSS and IRNSS Software Receiver: Signal Processing and Its Applications, GNSS-19, held at Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), Osmania University during 09-13 September 2019.



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