BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Innovate. Achieve. Lead.




  •  Machine Dynamics, Vibration & Control
  •  Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
  •  Optimization using Genetic Algorithms.
  •  Acoustics
  •  Vibration Based Condition Monitoring using Machine Learning


Sr. No.

Name of candidate

Title of Ph.D. Thesis


K.V.R.B. Prasad

 Genetic algorithms for optimum design of turbo-alternator (Thesis defended successfully in January 2012)


Raghavendra D. Naik

 Stability, Resonance and Bifurcation in Vehicle Suspension System (Thesis Defended successfully in October 2014)


Kiran D. Mali

Vibration Analysis Perforated Plates (Thesis Defended successfully in January 2016)



Effect of Fouling on the Performance of a Heat Exchanger (Thesis defended successfully in July, 2012)


Varinder Singh

Development of Models for Analysis and Design of Integrated Manufacturing System. (Thesis defended successfully in October, 2013)


 Amit Rajput

Preparation and characterization of polybenzoxazine-ferrite based magnetic nanocomposite, Prof. N.N. Ghosh (Supervisor), Prof. P.M. Sigru(co-supervisor) (Thesis defended successfully in October, 2013)                              


 Vivek Chandran

 Gyro-less Attitude and Attitude-Rate Estimation For A Satellite Using Non Linear Models and Star Vector Observations. Co-supervisor: Dr. N.S. Manjrekar, EEE.

(Submitted thesis on July 22, 2023)



 Chandrashekhar Chauhan

 An acoustic study, characterization and Standardization of Sarswati Veena

Co-supervisor: Prof. Radhika Vathsan, Physics 

(Successfully defended thesis on August 9, 2023)    


 Ramesh Bhat

Vibration Based Ship Propeller Condition Monitoring using Machine Learning (Ongoing)


 Avdhut Jakhi

Feature Engineering for Condition Monitoring of Machines Using Vibration Signature Analysis using Machine Learning (ongoing)


  1. National MEMS Design Center from NPMASS. Coventorware, Comsol, Intellisuit Softwares are received throgh this grant.
  2. DST -FIST grant of Rs. 80 lakhs for Mechanical Department, out of which Rs. 25 lakhs are for Dynamics & Vibration Lab. (2011-2016)
  3. RO-RO Challenge for C130J Aircraft (Lockhead Martin Corporation) 2015-16 , US$ 25,000
  4. DST -SERB the project titled, "An acoustic study, characterization and standardization of the Sarasvati Veena ". approved on January 4, 2017, amount Rs. 36..96 Lakhs under EMR Grant scheme. Co-PI: Prof. Radhika Vathsan, Physics
  5. BITS CDRF grant title , "Feature Engineering for Condition Monitoring of Machines Using Vibration Signature Analysis using Machine Learning " ( PI : Prof Ramprasad Joshi, Prof. P.M.Singru), Rs 20 lakhs (C1/23/135) 
  6. BITS Sparkle grant  for Staircase Climbing wheelchair, Rs 2 lakhs



Patent Granted:
  1. Singru Pravin Madanrao, Narayana Yaswanth,Verma Prakhar, Nair Yadukrishnan Sathish, S Gopikrishna" Multi Legged Stair Navigating Device", Application No. 202011052024,Application Filing Date: 30 November 2020, granted on 19/10/2023.
 Patent Filed
  1. Singru Pravin Madanrao, Gupta Appurv, Kalola Meet Govindbhai, Bana Ankit, “Human powered multi-purpose machine”, Application No. :201611017379, Application Filing Date: 18 May 2016.
  2. P.M. Singru , S. Deopujari, R. Shetty, B. Mistry, “An Endotracheal Tube For Measuring Endotracheal PressureApplication No .201711011547, Application Filing Date: March 30, 2017.
  3. Singru Pravin Madanrao, Tejas Zodge, "An Apparatus for Turning a Page of a Book" , Application No. 201911012057,Application Filing Date: 27 March 2019.

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