BITS Pilani

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Journal Publications

  1. Coutinho, Shawnn., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R.,  (2022):  Is Hospital Service Quality Relevant during COVID 19 Pandemic?  Journal of Health Management, Vol.24(3),
  2. Prabhudesai, R., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. , Pangarkar, N. and Sinha, A.K. (2022), "Performance impact of behavioural factors in alliances by SMEs: an empirical analysis", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  3. Prabhudesai, R., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V., and Pangarkar, N. (2022), "Resource type and SME alliance formation: the contingent role of perceived environmental uncertainty", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  4. Naik, Sankalp., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2022):  Risk and Risk Management: a Historical Review and Research Agenda, Int. J. of Business Continuity and Risk Management,  Vol.12(3).
  5. Coutinho, Shawnn., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R.,  (2021):  Antecedents and Outcomes of Patient Satisfaction: A Study of Dialysis Centers in India. , Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University, Vol.18(3), 540-547.
  6. Coutinho, Shawnn., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R.,  (2021):  “Antecedents and Outcomes of Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare : A Conceptual Model”, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol.37(4), 300-315.
  7. Coutinho, Shawnn., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R.,  (2021):  Evaluating Health System Efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case of Indian Healthcare System, Gurukul Business Review, Vol.17, 27-38.
  8. Prabhdesai, R., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, Agarwal, S  (2021):  "Impact of individual-level antecedents on SME internationalization: A methodological review", FOCUS: Journal of International Business, Vol. 8:1, pp. 170-186.
  9. Naik, Sankalp., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2021):  Benefits of Enterprise Risk Management: A Systematic Review of Literature, Journal of Finance and Banking Review, Vol. 5:4, 28-35
  10. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R., (2019):  Firm Resources and Entrepreneurial Orientation as Predictors of SME Alliance Formation: Moderating Role of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Academy of Management Global Proceeding, Vol , I , B -E, ISSN (print): 2638-4892.
  11. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V,, & Prabhdesai, R  (2018): An Empirical Study on TQM Practices and its Influences on Employee Satisfaction and Performance in Technical Institutions-Teachers’ Perspectives,  Journal of Management and Marketing Review, Vol. 3:3, 169-178.
  12. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V (2018): Availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities in Secondary Schools, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.5:8, 588-593.
  13. Prabhdesai, R., & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2018): “Understanding the international strategic alliances of SMEs: A case-study approach”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol.35:1, 102-125.
  14. Prabhdesai, R., & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2018): “What drives trust-performance relationship in SME alliances?” International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol.20:3, 316-327.
  15. Prabhdesai, R., & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2018): “Analyzing the impact of perceived environmental uncertainty on SME alliance formation: An Indian perspective” International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, Vol.12:1, 37-43.
  16. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Prabhdesai, R., (2018): “What drives SME explorative-exploitative alliance formation: An integrated perspective”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol.15:1, 79-98.
  17. Prabhdesai, R., & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, (2017): “Antecedents of SME alliance performance: A multilevel review” Management Research Review, Vol.40:12, 1261-1279.
  18. Prabhdesai, R., Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V, & Boon Chuan Ang . (2017): Exploring Emerging Latin America: Implications for German Companies Using Spain as a Springboard Country”, Global Business Review, Vol. 18:4, 993-1009.
  19. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V., Lalitha, P., & Srikar, P. V. N. (2015): Barriers to the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Secondary Schools: Teacher’s Perspective, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 7:2, 190-208.
  20. Lalitha, P. & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2014): Factors Influencing the Usage of ICT in Secondary Schools:  A Case Study in Telangana State of India, Developing Country Studies, Vol. 4:14, 42-47.
  21. Prakash, N. & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2014): Lean Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises-A Structured Literature Review, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1:4, 78-84.
  22. Pradhan, K. N. & Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2014): Review of Neuromarketing, International Journal of Developments in Trade, Commerce and Business, Vol. 1:7, 44-48.
  23. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. & Prabhudesai, R (2014): Sweatshop Practices in the Global Apparel Industry, International Research Journal of Commerce, Business and Social Sciences, Vol.3:3, 138-143.
  24. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. & R. Sivadas (2013): The Usage and Impact of ICT in Secondary Schools: A Case Study, Rajagiri Management Journal, Vol.7:2, 52-58.
  25. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. & R. Sivadas (2013): Impact of Online Marketing on Small and Medium Size Business: A Case Study, Rajagiri Management Journal, Vol.7:2, 90-97.
  26. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2013) ‘Supply Chain Management Practices and its Implementation: A Case Study’, Supply Chain Pulse, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.26-35.
  27. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2012) ‘Multiple Performance Dimensions to Measure Supply Chain Performance’, International Journal of Business and General Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 40-55.
  28. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. (2012) ‘A Conceptual Framework for Measuring Supply Chain Performance’, Journal of Business Management and Research, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 39-55.
  29. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V., Govindan, K. and Kulkarni, D.M. (2010) ‘Role of IT in SCM environment’, International Journal of Business Performance and Supply chain Modeling, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 81-90.
  30. Prasad, Ch.V.V.S.N.V. and Goel, T.C. (2008) ‘Factors influencing supply chain performance’, ACRM Journal of Business and Management Research, vol. 3, no.1, pp.35-38.





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