BITS Pilani

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Research Papers published in International/National Journals:

  1.  T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Skolem graceful signed graphs, Extended abstract published in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 15 (2003), 9-10
  2.  T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Graceful signed graphs: III. The case of signed cycles in which negative sections form a maximum matching, Graph Theory Notes of New York, Vol. XLV, (2003), 11-15, MR 2040207.
  3. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Graceful signed graphs, Czech. Math. Journal, Vol. 54(129)(2), (2004), 291-302, MR 2059251(2005 a:05193).
  4. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Graceful signed graphs: II. The case of signed cycle with connected negative section, Czech. Math. Journal, Vol. 55(130)(1), (2005), 25-40, MR 2121654.
  5. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Graceful signed graphs: V. Union of k copies of the cycle of length three with one vertex in common, International Journal of Management & Systems (IJOMAS), Vol. 20(3), (2004), 246-254 .
  6. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Construction of graceful signed graphs, Defense Science Journal, Vol.56 (5) (2006), pp. 801-808.
  7. T. Singh, S.B. Rao, B.D. Acharya, Minimum robust domination energy of graphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs Combinatorics, Vol. 4 No. 2 (2007), pp. 139-143.
  8. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Two signed Stars are Skolem Graceful,  Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 69(2009), pp. 113-124.
  9. T. Singh, Graceful Signed Graphs on C3k, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 6 No. 1(2009), pp. 201-208.
  10. T. Singh, B.D. Acharya, Mukti Acharya and S.B. Rao, Hypergraceful complete graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 48 (2010), pp. 5-24.
  11. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Skolem graceful signed graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 82(2010), 97-109.
  12. T. Singh, Utpal Roy and Veeky Baths, Disruption of Cell wall fatty acid biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using graph theory, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 2011, 8:5 doi:10.1186/1742-4682-8-5.
  13. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Embedding of Sigraphs in Graceful Sigraphs, ARS Combinatoria, 111(2013), 421-426.
  14. T. Singh, Veeky Baths and Anil Kumar, Disruption of Cell wall fatty acid biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using the concept of minimum robust domination energy of graph, Annual Research & Review in Biology, 4(12):2037-2014, 2014.
  15. T. Singh, Jessica Periera and S. Arumugam, On (k,d)-Skolem graceful graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 48(2015), 81-88.
  16. T. Singh, Aloysius Godinho and S. Arumugam, On S-magic graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 48(2015), 267-273.
  17. T. Singh, Jessica Periera and S. Arumugam,  A new measure for gracefulness of graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 48(2015), 275-280.
  18. T. Singh, Jessica Periera and S. Arumugam,  On (k,d)-hooked Skolem graceful graphs. Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Science, 41 No.1-3(2016), 7-15.
  19. T. Singh, Veeky Baths, S. Indumathi and S. Arumugam, Graph theoretic concepts in the study of biological networks,  Applied Analysis with Applications in Biological and Physical Sciences (2016), 187-200.
  20. T. Singh, Veeky Baths, Marina Dhara and S. Arumugam,  Analysis of Tuberculosis-Human Protein Interaction Network using Centrality Measure(accepted 2016).
  21. T. Singh, A.K. Handa, Aloysius Godinho and S. Arumugam, Distance Antimagic Labeling of Join and Carona of two Graphs, AKCE International Journal of Graph and Combinatorics, 14(2017), 172-177.
  22. T. Singh and Aloysius Godinho, Some Distance Magic Graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 63(2017), 311-315.
  23. T. Singh, A.K. Handa and Aloysius Godinho, Distance Antimagic Labeling of Ladder Graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 63(2017), 317-322.
  24. T. Singh and Aloysius Godinho, Some Distance Magic Graphs, AKCE International Journal of Graph and Combinatorics, 15(1) (2018), 1-6.
  25. T. Singh, Aloysius Godinho and S. Arumugam, The Distance Magic Index of a Graph, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 38(1)(2018), 135-142.
  26. T. Singh,  Manoj Kumar Singh, Dharm Raj Singh and Rajkishore Prasad,  Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multiple Travelling Salesmen Problem using a new Crossover and Population Generation,(to appear in Computacion Y Sistemas: International Journal of Computing Science and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2018), 491–503.
  27. T. Singh, S.B. Rao, E. Sampathkumar, Mukti Acharya and B.D. Acharya, Saturated Edge Coverings of Graphs,  Indian Journal  of Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 4(1) (2018), 47-52.
  28.  T. Singh, Jessica Pereira and S. Arumugam, Edge Consecutive Graceful Labeling of a Graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 280(2020), 214-220(Accepted in 2018). 
  29. Jessica Pereira, Tarkeshwar Singh and S. Arumugam, On k-Hypergraceful Labelings of Complete Graphs,  Indian Journal  of Discrete MathematicsVol. 7(2) (2021), 133-145.
  30. Ravindra K. Pawar and Tarkeshwar Singh, Distance Magic Labeling of Myscielskian Graphs, Accepted 2021.
  31. Jessica Pereira, Tarkeshwar Singh and S. Arumugam, Additively Graceful Signed Graphs, Accepted (2022).
  32. Adarsh Handa, Aloysius Godinho and Tarkeshwar Singh,  On Local Distance Antimagic Labeling of Graphs, Accepted (2022).

Research Papers published in Conference Proceedings:

  1. T. Singh and Mukti Acharya, Characterization of signed graphs whose negations are switching equivalent to their iterated line sigraphs, Proc. of Conference of Graph Theory and Applications (CGTA-2001) (Eds.: R.J. Wilson, R. Balakrishnan and G. Sethuraman), Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (2004), 15-24.
  2. S.B. Rao, T. Singh and V. Parameswaran, Some sigma labeled graphs: I. Proc. of National Conference of Graphs, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications (NCGCAA-2004) (Eds.: S. Arumugam, B.D. Acharya and S.B. Rao), Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (2004), 125-134.
  3. T. Singh, S.B. Rao, B.D. Acharya and Mukti Acharya, Graceful complete signed graphs, Extended abstract published in Proc. of National Conference of Graphs, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications (NCGCAA-2004) (Eds.: S. Arumugam, B.D. Acharya and S.B. Rao), Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (2004), 123-124.
  4. T. Singh,  Skolem and hooked Skolem graceful sigraphs, Labelings of Discrete Structures and Applications (Eds.: B.D. Acharya, S. Arumugam, and A. Rosa), Narosa Publishing House, (2008), pp. 155-164.
  5. Tarkeshwar Singh, Manoj Kumar Singh and Dharm Raj Singh, A hybrid heuristic algorithm for Euclidean traveling salesman problem, IEEE Proc. International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation(ICCCA 2015) (2015), pp. 767-772.
  6.  Adarsh K. Handa, Aloysius Godinho, and T. Singh, Some Distance Antimagic Labeled Graphs, Proc. Algorithms and Discrete Mathematics (CALDAM 2016)(Eds. Satish Govindrajan and Anil K. Maheshwari), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 1906 (2016), 190-200.
  7.  T. Singh, Jessica Periera and S. Arumugam, m-Gracefulness of Graphs, Proc. Algorithms and Discrete Mathematics (CALDAM 2016)(Eds. Satish Govindrajan and Anil K. Maheshwari), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 1906 (2016), 289-298.
  8.  Tarkeshwar Singh, Manoj Kumar Singh and Dharm Raj Singh, A Hybrid Algorithm with Modified Inver-Over Operator and Ant Colony Optimization for Traveling Salesman ProblemAdvances in Computing, Control and Communication Technology,  Springer Singapore (2016), 141-150..
  9. T. Singh and Aloysius Godinho, Group Distance Magic Labeling of Cnr Proc. Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM 2016)(Eds. Daya Gaur and N.S. Narayanaswamy), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 10156 (2017), 187-192.
  10.  T. Singh and Aloysius Godinho and S. Arumugam,  Nearly Distance Magic Graphs Proc. International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (ICTCSDM 2016) (Eds. S. Arumugam, Jay Bagga, Lowell W. Beineke and B.S. Panda), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 10398 (2017), 187-192, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-64419-610.


Research Papers Submitted for Publications:

  1.  T. Singh, Jessica Pereira and S. Arumugam, Embedding of Graceful Sigraphs with Graph Theoretic Property P( Revised 2020).
  2. T. Singh and Aloysius Godinho and S. Arumugam,  d-Vertex Magic Graphs (Submitted 2019).

Research papers under revision

  • T. Singh, Hooked Skolem Graceful Signed Graphs.
  • T. Singh, Aloysius Godinho and Amitava Bhattacharya,  On S-magic Graphs.

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