Y. Akhtar and S. Maity, Covering Array on the Cartesian Product of Hypergraphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, under review.
Y. Akhtar, F. Zhang, C. J. Colbourn, J. Stufken, and V. R. Syrotiuk, Scalable Level-wise Screening Experiments using Locating Arrays, Journal of Quality Technology, published online, 2023. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00224065.2023.2220973)
Y. Akhtar, C. J. Colbourn, and V. R. Syrotiuk, Mixed Covering, Locating, and Detecting Arrays via Cyclotomy, Springer Nature Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, to appear.
Y. Akhtar, A Hyperedge Coloring and Application in Combinatorial Testing, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, 19, 2, 125-132, 2022.
Y. Akhtar, and F. K. H. Phoa, Cost-efficient Mixed-level Covering Designs for Testing Experiments, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 14, 6, 2020.
S. Maity, Y. Akhtar, R. C. Chandrasekharan, and C. J. Colbourn, Improved Strength Four Covering Arrays with Three Symbols, Graphs and Combinatorics, 34 (1), 2018, 223-239.
Y. Akhtar and S. Maity, Mixed Covering Arrays on 3-Uniform Hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 232, 8-22, 2017.
Y. Akhtar and S. Maity, Covering Arrays on Product Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 33 (4), 635-652, 2017.
Y. Akhtar, S. Maity, and R. C. Chandrasekharan, Generating Test Suites with High 3-Way Coverage for Software Testing, IEEE CIT-2016, 10-17, 2016.
Y. Akhtar, S. Maity, and R. C. Chandrasekharan, Covering Arrays of Strength Four and Software Testing, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 139, 391-398, 2015.
Y. Akhtar and S. Maity, Mixed Covering Arrays on Hypergraphs, Communications in Computers and Information Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 305, 327-338, 2012.
Y. Akhtar and F. K. H. Phoa, A Construction of Cost-Efficient Designs with Guaranteed Repeated Measurements on Interaction Effects, Preprint.