BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, August 22, 2023




  1. Bahurudeen A and Moorthy (2021). Testing of Construction Materials, ISBN 9780367644956, First International Edition (Boca Raton, London, New York). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.





  1. Mohan, R., G. Athira, A.K. Mali, Bahurudeen A, and P. Nanthagopalan (2020). Systematic Pretreatment Process and Optimization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Dosage for Use in Cement-Based Products. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol 33, pp 04021045, Impact Factor: 2.169 (SCI indexed)
  2. Athira Gopinath, Bahurudeen A, Srinivas Appari (2021). Potential Supplementary Cementitious Material: Influence of Thermochemical Conversion on its Properties, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol 33, Impact Factor: 2.169 (SCI indexed)
  3. Kameshwar P, Athira G, Bahurudeen A, Nanthagopalan P. (2020). Suitable pretreatment process for waste towards dosage optimization and its effect on properties of cementitious mortar. Structural Concrete Journal. Impact Factor: 2.174, Vol 22. pp1–13. (SCI Indexed).
  4. Athira G, Bahurudeen A, Vishnu, VS (2020). Quantification of geographical proximity of waste sources for sustainable waste management and recycling. Waste Management & Research, Impact Factor: 2.771, Vol 38. (SCI Indexed).
  5. Ramakrishna C, Devendra P, Banasri R, Vinod M J, Bahurdeen A, S Appari (2021) Effect of calcination time on the catalytic activity of Ni/γ-Al2O3 cordierite monolith for dry reforming of biogas, Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 46, pp 6341-6357, Impact Factor: 4.939 (SCI indexed)
  6. Athira G, Bahurudeen A, Appari S (2020). Thermochemical Conversion: Composition, Reaction Kinetics, and Characterisation of By-Products. Springer-Sugar Tech Journal. Vol 22. (SCI Indexed).
  7. Athira G, Bahurudeen A, Vishnu, VS (2020). Availability and accessibility of sugar industry waste for its utilization: A network analysis. Springer- Sugar Tech Journal. Vol 22. (SCI Indexed)
  8. Santhose G, Subhani S, Bahurudeen A (2021). Cleaner Production of Concrete by Using Industrial By-Products as Fine Aggregate, Elsevier Journal of Building Engineering, Impact Factor: 3.379, Accepted, (SCI Indexed)
  9. Murugesan T, Vidjeapriya R, Bahurudeen, A (2020). Sustainable use of industrial wastes in crusher sand based concrete. Structural Concrete Journal. Vol 22. Impact Factor: 2.174 (SCI Indexed).
  10. Vinod AS. Vootukuri C, Athira Gopinath, and Bahurudeen A (2020) Cleaner production of zero cement concrete for construction. Elsevier, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 286. pp 125429, Impact Factor: 7.246 (SCI indexed)
  11. Jittin, V., Sumadevi MN, and Bahurudeen A (2020) Potential of sugarcane bagasse ash as supplementary cementitious material and comparison, Elsevier Construction and Building Materials, Vol 273, pp 121679, Published Date: 27/11/2020, Impact Factor: 4.419 (SCI indexed)
  12. Sumadevi MN, Bahurudeen A, and Athira Gopinath (2020). Comparison of sugarcane bagasse ash for industrial acceptance of sugar industry waste in cleaner production of cement. Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 285, pp 124836, Published Date: 30/10/2020, Impact Factor: 7.246 (SCI indexed)
  13. Jittin V, Rajesh R, Bahurudeen A, Bakthavachalam. (2020). Synergistic use and pathway for locally available resource utilisation. Elsevier, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 279, pp 123448, Published Date: 30/10/2020, Impact Factor: 7.246 (SCI indexed)
  14. Vootukuri C, Vinod AS, V, Bahurudeen A and Nanthagopalan P (2021), Use of ashes in Concrete for Effective Upcycling of Locally Available Resources, Elsevier Construction and Building Materials, Vol 285, pp 122851, 2021, Impact Factor: 4.419 (SCI indexed)
  15. Sumadevi CN, Sumadevi MN, Bahurudeen A, Senthilkumar R (2021), Recycling of Industrial wastes as alternative aggregates, Elsevier Construction and Building Materials, Vol 28, pp 123056, Impact Factor: 4.419 (SCI indexed)
  16. T. Murugesan, Athira Gopinath, Vidjeapriya R and Bahurudeen A, (2021) Sustainable opportunities for sugar industries through potential reuse of sugarcane bagasse ash in blended cement production, Springer-Sugar Tech Journal. Accepted, (SCI Indexed)
  17. Jittin V, Bahurudeen A, Ajinkya SD (2020). Utilisation of rice husk ash for cleaner production of different construction products, Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact factor: 7.246) Vol 263, (SCI indexed)
  18. Murugesh T, Vidjeapriya R, Bahurudeen A. (2020). Development of sustainable alkali activated binder for construction using SCBA and MW, Springer- SugarTech Journal, Vol 22, 85-895 (SCI Indexed)
  19. Murugesh T, Vidjeapriya R, Bahurudeen A. (2021). Reuse of silicarich bagasse ash in concrete, Springer- Silicon Journal (SCI Indexed)
  20. Athira G, Bahurudeen A, Prasanta K. Sahu Manu Santhanam, Prakash N, Lalu S (2020). Effective utilization of sugar industry waste. Springer-Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol 22. Impact factor: 2.139 (SCI Indexed)
  21. Murugesh T, Vidjeapriya R, Bahurudeen A (2020). Resource Utilization Between Sugar and Construction Industries, Springer-SugarTech Journal, Vol 21, (SCI Indexed)
  22. Athira. G, Bahurudeen. A, Appari.S (2019). Sustainable framework for cleaner production in agriculture, energy, and construction industries. Elsevier-Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact factor: 7.246), Vol 236. (SCI indexed)
  23. Shingare PP, Jittin V, Bahurudeen A, Athira G and Senthilkumar R (2019). International Perspectives on Industrial Concrete and the way forward in India. IC Journal. Vol 93, 22–38. (Scopus Indexed)
  24. Athira. G, Bahurudeen. A, Appari.S, Praksh. N. (2018) A Circular Framework for the Valorisation of Sugar Industry Wastes. Elsevier-Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact factor: 7.246), Elsevier, Vol 203, pp 89-108, 24/08/2018. (SCI Indexed)
  25. Siva, T., Yamuna, V., Bahurudeen, A., Santhanam, S., Athira, G., (2018).  Durability of Concrete with Agro Waste – A Local Approach to Sustainability, Green Materials Journal, ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers, London) publishers (SCI Indexed)
  26. Mahima, S., Moorthi, P.V.P., Bahurudeen, A., Athira G (2018). Influence of chloride threshold value in service life prediction of reinforced concrete structures. Springer Sadhana. 43, 115. (SCI Indexed)
  27. Deepika, S., Anand, G., Bahurudeen, A., Santhanam, M.: Construction Products with Binder. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol 29, issue 10, 04017189 (2017). (SCI Indexed).
  28. Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A., Ramesh, A., Kumar, N.: (2017) Need of an efficient particle size analysis and its influence on properties of concrete. IC Journal. Vol 91, 51–68. (Scopus Indexed)
  29. Mahima, S., Bahurudeen, A., Santhanam, M., Jayachandran, K.: Service life prediction of blended concrete in marine splash zone. Elsevier Mater. Today Proc. 4, 9664–9672 (2017). (Scopus Indexed)
  30. Priya, Appari, S., Aniruddha, T., Sanket, R., Bahurudeen, A.: Quantification of Carbon Content in cogeneration boiler waste and Its Effect on pozzolanic Reactivity. Elsevier Mater. Today Proc. 4, 9656–9663 (2017). (Scopus Indexed)
  31. Murugesan, T., Bahurudeen, A., Sakthivel, M., Vijay, R., Sakthivel, S.: Performance evaluation of Burnt Clay-Fly Ash Unburnt Bricks and precast paver blocks. Elsevier Mater. Today Proc. 4, 9673–9679 (2017). (Scopus Indexed)
  32. Bahurudeen, A., Kaiser Wani, Basit M and Manu Santhanam (2016). “Pozzolnic performance of SCM”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol 28, Issue 2. (SCI Indexed)
  33. Bahurudeen, A., Hemalatha, M.S., Santhanam, M (2016): Need of an efficient procedure for the evaluation of pozzolanic performance of supplementary cementitious materials. IC Journal. Vol 90, 80–92. (Scopus Indexed)
  34. Mahalingam, B., Nagamani. K., Kannan, LS., Haneefa, MK., Bahurudeen, A., (2016) Assessment of hardened characteristics of raw fly ash blended self-compacting concrete. Elsevier-Perspectives in Science, 8, 709—711.
  35. Mahima S, Soumya K, Bahurudeen A, Haneefa MK, Mahalingam B (2016). "Advanced Machines and Automation Techniques in Modern Construction Practice and Their Possible Use in India" Applied Mechanics and Materials, pp 839-845.
  36. Bahurudeen, A. and Manu Santhanam. (2015) “Influence of different processing methods on the pozzolanic performance.” Elsevier-Cement and Concrete composites. Vol 56, pp 32–45 (SCI Indexed)
  37. Bahurudeen, A., K. Deepak, D.V. Gokul, and Manu Santhanam. (2015) “Performance evaluation Portland pozzolana cement in concrete.” Elsevier-Cement and Concrete composites. 59, 77–78. (SCI Indexed)
  38. Bahurudeen, A., K.S. Vaisakh, and Manu Santhanam (2015). “SCBA as supplementary cementitious material: Availability and potential for use in concrete.” IC Journal. Volume 89, 41-50. (Scopus Indexed)
  39. Siva Teja, J. Rajeswari, K. Deepak, Bahurudeen A, M.K. Haneefa, M. Santhanam (2015). “Development of an efficient procedure for sustainable low carbon cement manufacturing.” Applied Mechanics and Materials.787, pp 142-146.
  40. Bahurudeen, A., A.V. Marckson, A. Kishore, and M. Santhanam. (2014) “Development of BA based Portland pozzolana cement and evaluation of compatibility with superplasticizers.” Elsevier-Construction and Building Materials. 68, 465–475. (SCI Indexed).



  1. Bahurudeen, A. and M. Santhanam. (2014) “Performance evaluation of BA based cement for durable concrete.” Proceedings of 4th International conference on the Durability of concrete structures. Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 275-281.
  2. Deepika S, Madhuri G, Bahurudeen, A, Santhanam M (2015). “Development of BA blended geopolymer for use in concrete”. RILEM International Conference Concrete 2015, Australia, pp. 1070-79.
  3. Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A: Utilization of Industry By-Products in the Manufacture of
    Sustainable Bricks and Reduction of Excessive Landfilling, Conference on Next frontiers in civil engineering: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, IIT Bombay, (2018)
  4. Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A., Kumar, A.: Effective utilization of industry waste ash for sustainable cement production in India. International Conference-Recycle 2018. IIT Guwahati, Guwahati (2018)
  5. Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A: Influence of Location on the Service Blended Concrete Structures, Conference on Next frontiers in civil engineering: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, IIT Bombay, (2018)
  6. Anand Kumar, R., Pardeep, K., Bahurudeen, A., Moorthi, P.V.P., Subair, M., Nikhil, S.: Influence of Aggregate Modelling on Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Concrete. In: International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems, Vol. 2. pp. 587–596, IIT Madras Chennai (2017)
  7. Nivedha, P., Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A., Sahu, P.K.: Identification of Suitable Ready Mix Concrete Suppliers Using Geographic Information System. In: International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems, 71st RILEM Annual Week & ICACMS. pp. 675–682, IIT Madras Chennai (2017).
  8. Prasanta K Sahu, Bahurudeen A, Appari, Classrooms of Future: A Concept Note, Conference on Current Practices and Future of Classroom Teaching at Higher Education Level, BITS Pilani (2016).
  9. Athira, G., Mahima, S., Bahurudeen, A., Jayachandran, K., Moorthi, P.: Service Life Prediction for Bridge Structures Exposed to Aggressive Marine Environment. In: 12th TPMDC Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai IIT Bombay, (2016)
  10. Subair M, Moorthi PVP, Aniruddha T, Sanket R and Bahurudeen A., Influence of cement-aggregate interface on evaluation of ultrasonic pulse velocity test for rigid pavement. In: 12th TPMDC Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, IIT Bombay, (2016)
  11. Athira, G., Sanket, R., Aniruddha, T., Prateek, A., Bahurudeen, A.: Assessment of Sustainable Alternative Cementitious Materials Using Characterization Techniques. In: Proceedings of National Conference: Innovation for Sustainability (CEC-2016). pp. 430–445, NIT Hamirpur (2016)
  12. Athira, G., Bahurudeen, A., Appari, S.: Sustainable material processing of BA. In: The 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials & Materials processing. , IIT Kharagpur, (2016)
  13. Mahima, S., Moorthi, P.V.P., Bahurudeen, A., Influence of cover depth on service life of blended cement concrete, NCTACE, 2016
  14. Madhuri P, Bahurudeen, A, Santhanam, M (2015) “Development of ambient cured slag based alkali activated concrete for use in precast industry” UKIERI Concrete Congress:
    Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, NIT Jalandhar, India. pp. 136-147.
  15. Gokul D, Viswanath M, Bahurudeen A, Early age compressive strength prediction of mortar using isothermal calorimetry and linear regression model International Conference on Modelling and simulation in civil engineering, ICMSC 2015, India
  16. Siva T, Bahurudeen A, Haneefa, Modeling the hydration kinetics of blended cements. International Conference on Modelling and simulation in civil engineering, India, 2015
  17. Deepika, S, Godara, A, Mondal, D, Bahurudeen, A, Santhanam, M (2015) “Development of sustainable concrete paver blocks using BA blended cement”. ICI International Conference ACECON 2015, India, pp. 201-208
  18. Yamuna V, Bahurudeen, A, Santhanam, M (2015) “Performance evaluation of sugarcane blended cements against sulphate attack”. UKIERI Concrete Congress: Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, NIT Jalandhar, India.148-57.
  19. Kunal B, Bahurudeen A, Haneefa MK and Mahalingam B, Microstructural characterization of rice husk and residual ash for the production of superior blended concrete, International conference on innovation in structural engineering (IC-ISE), 2015
  20. Yamuna V, Bahurudeen, A, Santhanam, M (2015) “Durability performance of BA and RHA blended cements”. ICI International Conference ACECON, India. Vol 2.159-166
  21. Priya, Appari S, Aniruddha T, Sanket R, Bahurudeen A, Determination of carbon content of residual bagasse ash and its influence on pozzolanic performance, International Conference on recent trends in Engineering and Material Sciences, (ISBN 978-93-5254-230-7)
  22. Murugesan T, Bahurudeen A, Sakthivel, Senthilkumar, Chinnusamy, Dhanasekaran, Quality assessment of burnt clay bricks and unburnt fly ash bricks. International Conf on recent trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016, (ISBN 978-93-5254-230-7)
  23. Mahima S, Jayachandran K, Bahurudeen A, Service life prediction of sugarcane bagasse ash blended concrete, International Conference on recent trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016, (ISBN 978-93-5254-230-7)
  24. Bahurudeen, A. and M. Santhanam. (2014) “Development of sugarcane blended cement for durable and sustainable concrete.” Proceedings of 2nd International conference on durability of concrete. New Delhi, India, December, 252-257.
  25. Bahurudeen, A. and M. Santhanam. (2014) “Durability performance of concrete with blended cements. International workshop on improving performance of concrete structures.” The 4th International fib Congress, Mumbai, India.
  26. Bahurudeen, A. and M. Santhanam. (2014) “SCBA- An alternative supplementary cementitious material.” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in civil engineering and chemistry of innovative materials, India, 837-842.
  27. Bahurudeen, A. and M. Santhanam (2013) “Characterisation of SCBA as supplementary cementitious material in concrete.” Proceedings of UKIERI concrete congress- Innovations in concrete construction, NIT Jalandhar, India, March, 181-185.

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