BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, May 01, 2023

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects

 Number of ongoing Projects  Number of Completed Projects  Number of Projects under Review
  • Funding Scheme: Research Initiation Grant, Funding Agency: BITS,
Sanctioned Amount: INR 2,00,000,   Role: PI,
Project Title-Development Effect of Inherent Non-linearity on operational Failure of Damaged Structural Elements. 
Duration: from 02/11/2019 to 01/11/2021.
  •  Funding Agency: DRDO
Sanctioned Amount: INR 9,76,000,   Role: Co-PI,  (PI: Dr. Sabareesh GR)
Project Title- Fabrication and Vibration Testing of 3-D Printed Polymer Structures 
Duration: 2021-2022.
  • Funding Scheme: Additional Competitive Research Grant, Funding Agency: BITS,
Sanctioned Amount: INR 10,00,000,   Role: PI,
Project Title-Development of a robust and efficient crack detection technique for wind turbine rotor 
blades using nonlinear vibration response characteristics,   
Duration: from 02/11/2020 to 01/11/2022. 
  •  Funding Agency: ICMR
Amount: INR 1,892,236.80     Role: PI,                  
Project Title-  Design and Development of a Miniature Broadband Vibration Energy Harvester to Power Biomedical Implantable Device
Status: Ongoing
  •  Funding Agency: BRNS
Amount: INR 2569600    Role: Co-PI,                  
Project Title- Development of a meta-material based vibration isolation frame for housing fuel bundles
Status: Ongoing
  •  Funding Agency: DST
Amount: INR 4118000    Role: Co-PI,                  
Project Title- Development of Robotic-Milling System using Topology Optimization Method
Status: Ongoing 

Consultancy Project 

  • Funding Agency: Poddar Infra Pvt. Ltd.
Amount: INR 1765280            
Project Title-  Development of an integrated software and hardware-based system to estimate the axial
stresses in hangers used in network arch bridges
Status: Ongoing
  • Funding Agency: MPM Pvt. Ltd.
Amount: INR 2,13000         
Project Title-  Development of Image processing method for casting industry
Status: Approved     

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