BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, January 17, 2022

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Sponsored Projects

  1. DST-MATRICS, grant amount 6.6 Lakhs, Title: "Computation of free energy changes based on the conformations of biomolecules in two states during ligand binding and other biochemical reactions: a novel approach to screen drug targets", Status: approved January 2022, Duration: 3 years, Start date: To be announced
2. CSIR, grant amount 8.55 Lakhs. Title: "Development of Database for Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Towards Understanding Mechanism Control and Therapeutics Against Mitochondrial Dysfunction"

Status: Ongoing. Duration: 3 years. Start Date: 1st August 2020 
3.  DST-MATRICS COVID-19 Special call, grant amount 5.5 Lakhs. Title: "Efficient prediction strategy of COVID 19 based on pandemic data and immunoinformatics, integrated on artificial intelligence (AI) platform
Status: completed. Duration: 1 year. Start Date: 16th July 2020 
4. DST-SERB, grant amount 19.4 Lakhs.  Title: "Novel approach to develop computational pipeline to predict functions of cysteines in Proteins of Unknown Function (PUFs) and Domains of Unknown Function (DUFs), based on protein microenvironments"
 Status: completed. Duration: 3 years. Start date: 11th October 2018.
5. BITS-PILANI, research initiation grant. Rs. 2.0 Lakhs. Title of the project: "Application of micro-environment property descriptor to develop protocols for function annotation.
Status: Completed. Project Duration: 2nd April 2013 to 1st April 2015
6. UGC-BSR Grant of Rupees 5.4 Lakhs. Title of the project: "Application of micro-environment property descriptor to explore free energy changes in amylodogenic protein aggregation" 


Status: Completed. Project Duration: 2nd October 2013 to 1st October 2015

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    An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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