BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, May 16, 2023




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Refereed Journals:


  • (2022): “Poverty Changes among regions of Uttar Pradesh: A Decomposition Exercise during the 2000s”, forthcoming the Indian Economic Journal; ABDC: B (with Sahoo, P. & M. Singh)


  • (2022): “Pro-poorness of Growth in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu: A Comparative Analysis during 2000s”, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW),Vol. 57, No. 24, 11 June, 2022 ; SCOPUS indexed; (with Sahoo,P.).


  • (2022): “Do Women Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence Go Hand in Hand? Evidence from India”, Review of Development and Change, Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp. 238–263;; UGC Care-I, RePEc.


  • (2015): "Poverty Estimates in India: Old Versus New Methods, 2004-05", Poverty and Public Policy, vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 44-63. doi: SCOPUS indexed journal; (with Srijit Mishra)



Pathak, D. C. (2011): Poverty and Inequality in Uttar Pradesh: A Decomposition Analysis, Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-5807-2.


Book Chapters:

  • Pathak, D. C. & Srijit Mishra (2013): "Poverty in India and Its Decompositions: A Critical Appraisal of the New Method" in the India Development Report, 2012-13 (ed. S Mahendra Dev), pp. 209-223, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
  • Pathak, D. C. & S. K. Pant (2009): "Micro Finance - A Magic Wand for Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of SGSY" in Micro-Credit and Rural Development (eds. Thakur A K & Praveen Sharma), pp. 111-133, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
  • Pathak, D. C. & S. K. Pant (2008): "Micro Finance: A Case Study of Jaunpur District" in Micro Finance and Poverty Eradication: Indian and Global Experiences (eds. Lazar D & P Palanichammy), pp. 469-491, New Century Publications, New Delhi.


National Journals:
Pant, S. K., Firdaus F. Rizvi, and D. C. Pathak (2013): "Inter-Regional Disparities in India: Threats and Challenges", Academicia, vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 173-190.


Under Review:
"Intimate Partner Violence in India: A Study of Associated Factors", currently undergoing revision after reviewers' comments from a SCOPUS indexed journal.
Working Papers:

Untitled as of now: This work tries to see how education modifies the neighbourhood's effects on IPV.


Popular Press:

  • "The cryptocurrencies conundrum", Telangana Today, Opinion page, September 07, 2021.
  • "An exercise with little impact", Telangana Today, Opinion page, July 20, 2019.
  • "Getting the growth rate to go up", Telangana Today, Opinion page, July 03, 2019.
  • "We are the Nation", Telangana Today, Opinion page, November 28, 2018.
  • "Demonetisation demystied", Telangana Today, Opinion page, September 04, 2018.
  • "Sending wrong education signals", Telangana Today, Opinion page, August 02, 2018.
  • Durgesh Chandra Pathak (2011): "Ek Nishabd Kranti", Garbhnaal, Issue 51, pp. 28-30, February 2011.


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