BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, April 06, 2023




 International Journals/ Bulletins


Sl No





SN Pichika, G Meghana, Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan, Aruna Malapati, Multi-component fault classification of a wind turbine gearbox using integrated condition monitoring and hybrid ensemble method approach  Applied Acoustics, (Accepted), (IF: 3.614)


Nivedan Vishwanath, Aditya K. Saravanakumar, Kush Dwivedi, Kalluri R.C. Murthy, Pardha S.Gurugubelli, Sabareesh G. Rajasekharan, “ 3D Numerical investigation of a rounded corner square cylinder for supercritical flows” Wind and Structures, Vol 35(1), pp 55-66, (IF: 1.729)


Limbadri, K. P Wankhede, Suresh K, S K Singh, Sabareesh G R, “Flow Stress Modeling of Tube and Slab Route Sheets of Zircaloy-4 Using Machine Learning Techniques and Arrhenius Type Constitutive Equations” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Available online (I.F: 2.036)


Hemanth M Praveen, G R Sabareesh, V Inturi, A Jaikanth, Component level signal segmentation method for multi-component fault detection in a wind turbine gearbox, Measurement (Accepted), (IF: 3.927)


I Vamsi, Hemanth M P, Pavan Kumar, G R SabareeshDamage monitoring of pultruded GFRP composites using wavelet transform of vibration signals, Measurement (Accepted), (IF: 3.927)


I Vamsi , B Sai Venkatesh, G Praharshitha, P Brahmini Priya, G R Sabareesh, Vikram Pakrashi, An integrated condition monitoring scheme for health state identification of a multi-stage gearbox through Hurst exponent estimates, (Accepted), (I.F : 5.71)


SN Pichika, R Yadav, Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan, Hemanth Mithun Praveen, Vamsi Inturi, Optimal sensor placement for identifying multi-component failures in a wind turbine gearbox using integrated condition monitoring scheme. Applied Acoustics, Vol 187, Feb 2022, (IF: 3.614)


Inturi V, P K Penumakala, G R Sabareesh, "Effect of multiple defects and multi-component failure on the dynamic behaviour of a wind turbine gear box, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-15, Jan 2022 (Available Online) (IF: 2.334)


Nachiket,, A. Siddhant, A. Sahane, O, Sabareesh G R, “Estimation of dynamic characteristics of a wind turbine blade” Materials Today proceedings (Available online)




A K Verma, I Vamsi, P Saurabh, R Sudha, G R Sabareesh, S Rajkumar, (2021)"Wavelet and deep learning based detection of SARS-nCOV from thoracic X-ray images for rapid and efficient testing, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 185, (IF: 6.954)


Hemanth Mithun Praveen, G R Sabareesh, (2021), Wavelet Based Real-time planetary gearbox health monitoring under non-stationary operation, Experimental Techniques, Available online (Since Oct 2021), (IF: 1.16)


S Das, M Bohra, Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan, YVD Rao, (2021),Investigations on the band-gap characteristics of one-dimensional flexural periodic structures with varying geometries, Journal of Vibration and Control, Available online since June 2021 (IF: 3.095)


Vamsi Inturi, N Shreyas, GR Sabareesh, (2021) Anfis-Based Defect Severity Prediction on a Multi-Stage Gearbox Operating Under Fluctuating Speeds, Neural Processing Letters, (Available Online) (IF: 2.908)


Vamsi Inturi, S Pratyush, GR Sabareesh, (2021) Detection of Local Gear Tooth Defects on a Multistage Gearbox Operating Under Fluctuating Speeds Using DWT and EMD Analysis, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-10, June 2021 (Available Online) (IF: 2.334)


Hemanth Mithun Praveen, Akshay Jaikanth, Vamsi I, Sabareesh G R, (2021) "Fingerprinting based data abstraction technique for remaining useful life estimation in a multi-stage gearbox". Measurements , Vol 174, (IF: 3.927)


Inturi. V,  N Shreyas, K Chetti, G R Sabareesh (2021), Comprehensive fault diagnostics of wind turbine gearbox through adaptive condition monitoring scheme", Applied Acoustics, Vol 174 (IF:2.639)


K Shruti, SR Govindray, SG Rajasekharan, PN Rao (2021), Estimation of wind pressure coefficients on multi-building configurations using data-driven approach, Wind and Structures, Vol 32 (2), 127-142 (IF:2.47)


V Inturi, GR Sabareesh, K Supradeepan, PK Penumakala, (2021), Principal component analysis based gear fault diagnostics in different stages of a multi-stage gearbox subjected to extensive fluctuating speeds, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering


K Shruti, SR Govindray, SG Rajasekharan, PN Rao (2021), Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction of Wind Pressure Coefficients on Buildings, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 102(2),403-409


B Upendra, B Panigrahi, K Singh, G R Sabareesh (2021), Numerical investigation on dynamic stability of a pick and place robot arm, Adv in industrial machines and mechanisms, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engg, Springer, pp 587-596




Sachchidanand Das., Kush Dwivedi., Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan., Yendluri Venkata Daseswara Rao(2020), "Vibration attenuation and bandgap characteristics in plates with periodic cavities", Journal of Vibration and Control, Available online (IF:2.169)


I.Vamsi, G.R.Sabareesh, P.K.Penumakala, (2020) "Bearing Fault Severity Analysis on a multi-stage gearbox subjected to fluctuating speeds", Experimental Techniques, Vol 44, pp 541-552 (IF:1.058)


Shruti K, Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan,P N K Rao, (2020), "Wind induced interference effects on two, three and four building configuration" International Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 11(3)




I.Vamsi, G.R.Sabareesh, P.K.Penumakala, (2019) "Comparison of condition monitoring                      techniques in assessing fault severity for a wind turbine gearbox under non-stationary loading", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Vol 124, 1-20 Elsevier. (IF:6.471)


I.Vamsi, G.R.Sabareesh,Supradeepan. K, P.K.Penumakala,(2019) "Integrated Condition Monitoring Scheme for Bearing Fault Diagnosis of a Wind Turbine Gearbox", Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol 25(12), 1852-1865, SAGE, (IF:2.169)


Hemanth Mithun Praveen, Tejas, Sabareesh G R, (2019), Automated fault detection of wind turbine gear box using data driven approach, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, Vol 10(1), 1-12.


K Shruti, S Rajesh, GR Sabareesh, PN Rao, (2019), Study of Interference Effects on Chimneys, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1276(1).


Vamsi Inturi., Karthick Chetti., Shreyas N., Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan(2019), Hyperparameter optimization for enabling multi-level feature classification in a wind turbine gearbox, Vibroengineering Procedia, Vol 29, pp 24-30.


Hemanth Mithun Praveen., Divya Shah., Krishna Dutt Pandey., Vamsi I., Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan(2019), PCA based health indicator for remaining useful life prediction of wind turbine gearbox Vibroengineering Procedia, Vol 29, pp 31-36.


Sreeram Rajesh, K Shruti, Sabareesh.G.R, P.N.Rao, (2019), Study of interference effects of wind turbine structures, Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, , Vol 8, Page: 49


Sabareesh G R, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura, (2019), "Vulnerability of roof and building walls under a translating tornado like vortex", Frontiers in Built Environment , 5 (53).  


V.Inturi, G.R.Sabareesh, V. Sharma, (2019) "Integrated Vibro-Acoustic Analysis and Empirical Mode Decomposition for Fault Diagnosis of Gears in a Wind Turbine", Procedia Structural Integrity, 14, 937-944


Shruti K, RaoP.N., Sabareesh G R (2019) Across Wind Load Analysis using CFD for sustainable design of tall structures, Advances and Challenges in Structural Engineering, Geomast 2018. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Springer, Cham




V.N.Balavignesh,G.Bharadwaj, G.R.Sabareesh, I.Vamsi (2018)  “Comparison of conventional method of fault determination with data-driven approach for ball bearings in a wind turbine gearbox", International Journal of Performability Engineering , Vol 14(3), 397-412


G.R.Sabareesh, Shuyang Cao, Jin Wang, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura, (2018)“Effect of building proximity on external and internal pressures under tornado-like flow”, Wind and Structures, Vol 26(3), 163-177




SailenduBiswal, Jithin Donny George, G R Sabareesh, (2016) “Fault size estimation using vibration signatures in a wind turbine test-rig”, Procedia Engineering,Vol 144, 305-311, Elsevier Publication 


Nikhil.T, Sagar I, Chaitanya C, Chandrahas.T, Sabareesh G R, (2016), “Design and development of a test-rig for determining vibration characteristics of a beam,” Procedia Engineering,Vol 144, 312-320, Elsevier Publication.


Before 2015


Geetha Rajasekharan Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura,(2013) “ Ground roughness effects on internal pressure characteristics for buildings exposed to tornado-like flow”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial aerodynamics, Vol 122, pp 113-117.(IF: 2.739)


Geetha Rajasekharan  Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura (2013), “Characteristics of internal pressure and resulting roof wind force in tornado-like flow”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial aerodynamics, Vol 112, pp 52-57. (IF: 2.739)


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura,(2012) “ Dependence of surface pressures on a cubic building in tornado like flow on building location and ground roughness”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial aerodynamics, Vol103,pp 50-59. (IF: 2.739)


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura,(2011) “ Characteristics of surface pressures on a building under a tornado-like flow at different swirl ratios”, Journal of Wind and Engineering, Vol8(2), 30-40.


G.R.Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura,(2012), “Experimental investigation of external and internal pressures acting on building models in tornado-like flow”, Wind Effects Bulletin, Vol17, 22-25.


S.Radhika, G.R.Sabareesh, G.Jagadanand, V.Sugumaran, (2010), Precise wavelet for current signature in 3Φ IM, Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Vol37 (1), 450-455, Elsevier Publication. (IF: 5.452)


V.Sugumaran, G.R.Sabareesh, K.I.Ramachandran,(2008) “Fault diagnostics of roller bearing using kernel based neighborhood score multi-class support vector machine, Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Vol34(4),3090-3098, Elsevier Publication. (IF: 5.452)

 International Conferences


Sl No

Publication Details


Govind R B, Praharshitha G, Brahmini Priya, S N Das, Sabareesh, Achieving Vibration Isolation in plates embedded with repeating periodic cavities, 28th Intnl Congress on Sound and Vibration, Singapore, July 22-27, 2022


M Onkareshwar, V Inturi, S P Rajendra, P K Penumakala, Sabareesh G R, "Effect of local gear tooth failures on gear mesh stiffness and vibration response of a single stage spur gear pair", Proc of 14th International Conf on Vibration Problems,


S N Das, Kachita Kohli, Ayush K, Sabareesh G R, (2020), Effectiveness of periodicity in a geometry in vibration isolation, IMECE 2020 Conference, ASME, Nov 16-19, 2021


Shruti Konka, Sabareesh G R, P.N.Rao, (2019) "Comparative study of interference effects on buildings and other structures" 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15), Beijing, China, Sep1-6.


Kush Dwivedi, Manuj Kushwaha, Sabareesh G Rajasekharan, (2019), Effect of Corner Geometry Modifications on Wind Loading of Structure(2019), 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15), Beijing, China, Sep1-6


V. Inturi,P R Sachin, G R Sabareesh,(2019), "Supervised Feature Selection Methods for Fault Diagnostics at Different Speed Stages of a Wind Turbine Gearbox,International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Intelligent Computing (MoSICom 2020), BITS Pilani, Dubai campus, UAE, 2020


K.Shruti, Sabareesh G R, P.N.Rao,(2018) , "Computational studies of Wind induced Interference effects on group of buildings and cooling towers "International Workshop on Wind Related Disasters and Mitigation, Sendai, Japan, March 11-14 2018.


Kaustav Bhadra, G.R.Sabareesh, K.Ram Chandra Murthy,(2017) "Cross-Wind load effects on different vehicle body geometries" 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Liege, Belgium, July 3-8, 2017.


Inturi Vamsi, Sabareesh G R, Peumkala P K, Shesha Bhuvan Karthik, (2017)“A comparative study on efficacy of condition monitoring techniques in  a wind turbine under stationary and  non-stationary loading conditions”, 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, Nov 29-Dec2, 2017


Hemanth Mithun Praveen, Sabareesh G R, Onkar Phatak,(2017) “A study on multi-component failure interactions within a planetary gearbox of a wind turbine”, 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, Nov 29-Dec2, 2017


K.Singh, N.Bojja, S.Das,  G R Sabareesh,Y.V.D.Rao, (2017) "Investigations on vibration characteristics of a meta-material beam”, ,  13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, Nov 29-Dec2, 2017


G R Sabareesh, Jin Wang, Shuyang Cao, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura,(2016) “Studies on interference effects of building models exposed to tornado-like vortex”, 8th International Colloquium of Bluff Body Aerodynamics and applications, Boston, United States, June 2016


Abhishek G, Ramsankar V, Sreesankaran M, G R Sabareesh, N Jalaiah,(2016) “Effect of vehicle body geometry and passive drag reduction techniques on drag coefficients”, 8th International Colloquium of Bluff Body Aerodynamics and applications, Boston, United States , June 2016


SailenduBiswal, G.R.Sabareesh,(2015) “Design and development of a wind tubine test rig for condition monitoring applications” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Automation and Control, Pune, India, May 2015


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh , Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura (2013) ,Characteristics of tornado vortex developed under a translating tornado-like flow simulator, 8thAsia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Chennai, India


RK Goliya, NK SamaiyaGR Sabareesh, Abhay Gupta,(2013) “Current status of interference effect studies on tall buildings”, 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Chennai


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh , Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura (2012) ,Ground roughness effects on internal pressures and local roof wind forces of building exposed to tornado-like flow, 7thBluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications Colloquium, Shanghai, China


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh , Masahiro Matsui , Yukio Tamura (2011) ,Characteristics of internal pressure and resulting roof wind force in tornado-like flow, 13thInternational Conference on Wind Engineering (13ICWE), Amsterdam, Netherlands


Sabareesh.G.R, Yukio Tamura, Masahiro Matsui (2011), Surface pressure characteristics on a building model in tornado like flow as a function of location from vortex centre. In proc of International Symposium on Wind Engineering (ISWE5), Shinjuku, Japan


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura, (2010), “Development of a vortex flow generator and investigations on pressure acting on building models in tornado-like flow”, In Proc of 1st India-Japan Symposium on Emerging Technologies, Kudanshita, Japan


G.R.Sabareesh, Yukio Tamura , Masahiro Matsui , Akihito Yoshida (2010), “Numerical evaluation of fluctuating internal pressures for various opening configurations in buildings”, In Proc of 5thComputational wind engineering conference (CWE2010), North Carolina, U.S.A


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh, Yukio Tamura, Masahiro Matsui, Akihito Yoshida (2009),”Fluctuating pressures on cube faces and simulator floor in tornado-like flow”, In Proc of  5th Europe and African Conference on Wind Engineering(5EACWE), Florence, Italy


GeethaRajasekharan Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui, Akihito Yoshida, Yukio Tamura (2009), "Pressure Acting on a Cubic Model in Boundary-layer and Tornado-like Flow Fields", In proc of 11thAmericas Conference on Wind Engineering(11ACWE) ,Puerto-Rico, San-Juan.


G.R.Sabareesh, E.A.Gopalakrishnan, R.Ajith Kumar, S.Vengadesan, B.H.L.Gowda,(2007), “Interference effects on the flow-induced oscillation of rectangular cylinders, “In Proc of 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia”


V.Sugumaran, G.R.Sabareesh, K.I.Ramachandran,(2006) “A Comparative study of Various Classifiers Using Histogram features for Fault Diagnostics of Taper Roller Bearing, “ In Proc of 5th International Conference on Industrial Tribology at Indian Institute of science, Bangalore, India


V.Sugumaran, G.R.Sabareesh, K.I.Ramachandran, (2006) Fault Diagnosis of a Taper Roller Bearing Through Histogram Features and Proximal Support Vector Machines, Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing at Hubli, Karnataka, India


Recent National Conferences



Inturi Vamsi, Sabareesh G R, "A study on effectiveness of predictive strategies in combination for wind turbine gear box condition monitoring" Proc of National Conference on recent advances in Industrial Tribology and Maintenance- 10-11 March, 2017, NIT Rourkela


Hemanth Mithun Praveen, Sabareesh G R, Himanshu Rathee (2016), "Novel wind turbine gearbox system for remaining useful life prediction and multi component failure detection based experiments",8th National Conference on Wind Engineering, IIT-BHU,Varanasi, Dec 2016


G R Sabareesh, Jin Wang, Shuyang Cao, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura (2016), "Influence of tornado-simulator geometry on surface pressures acting on scaled low-rise building models", 8th National Conference on Wind Engineering, IIT-BHU,Varanasi, Dec 2016


Jai Agarwal, Parth Gupta, Meghana Maddala, G.R.Sabareesh (2016), 2nd National Conference on Design and Manufacturing Technologies for Product Life Cycle, BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, India, March 2016


Jithin George, Sailendu Biswal, G R Sabareesh,(2015), “Methodologies and Analysis Techniques in Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring-A Review”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETTAS 2015), Kottayam


G.R.Sabareesh, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura,(2014) “Instantaneous roof pressures under translating tornado-like vortices presented at “7th National Conference on Wind Engineering” Thapar University, Patiala


Syed Adil, G R Sabareesh, YVD Rao, (2014), Investigations on flow induced vibration of a square cylinder           , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Sciences (ICEMS), Hyderabad


G R Sabareesh, M Dwivedi, A Gupta, P K Pande, (2012) “The State of art Wind Tunnel Facility in Guna–An Overview” 6th National Conference on Wind Engineering, CSIR CRRI, New Delhi


Kishor Kumar, Kamal Poddar , G.R.Sabareesh, (2012) “Effect of complex building shapes and Interference on overall wind loads” 6th National Conference on Wind Engineering, 2012, CSIR CRRI, New Delhi



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