BITS Pilani

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Research Scholars

Research Scholars

Research Scholar

B S A S Rajita (Supervisor)

 Status: Awarded on 29.10.2022.
Research Topic: Analysis of Temporally Evolving Social Network Patterns

Social network analysis (SNA) is a process of analysis of a social network. An important area of interest in Social Network Analysis relates to social network communities, for example how patterns evolve in these communities over a time, analysis of social community structure and uncovering patterns of interaction among social structure entities. We propose to investigate different techniques for identifying temporal patterns and events in social networks that evolve over time. We present a framework for detecting the evolution of dynamic social communities, along with tracking the events and transitions related to communities. These events can be considered as building blocks for pattern detection in networks with evolving communities. These detected events and transitions could then be used for predicting the future patterns of these social networks. The aim of our analyses is to gain insights related to key questions that pertain to the dynamics of the specific network and also possibly for predicting the future patterns of these social networks and infer valuable insights from it.

Soumya Prakash Otta (Supervisor)
Status: Continuing 
Research Topic: Security as a Service: for Secured Authentication in a Hybrid Cloud Environment.

To design and implement Security as a service by ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability as well as strict policy based authentication to access control in a hybrid cloud environment.

Deepa Kumari (Supervisor)
  Status: Continuing 
Research Topic: A Blockchain based Patient-Centric EHR System for Prediction of Future Medical Complications

Electronic Health Record (EHR) contains the total description of patient medical information (in digital form) such as diagnosis, prognosis, demographic, vital signs, medical images, billing data, etc. The current system lacks in transparency and security of storing such big data. Millions of people worldwide are admitted to hospital every year because of medical complications caused by the side effects of certain drugs. Some patients with critical diseases (like cancer) develop many other medical complications, such as gastrointestinal system infection, diarrhea, heart diseases, severe ear infections, skin rashes, etc., during their treatment. 

Ramisetty Kavya (Co-Supervisor)
Status: Continuing 

Decision-making is the process of choosing an alternative which results in desired outcomes. Choice would be difficult in case of uncertainty in the information, and in case of co-occurrence of alternatives. In domains like healthcare, there is always a possibility for uncertain data and alternatives co-occurrence. Both ambiguity and vagueness can be eliminated with the help of domain-experts, but not uncertainty. It can only be measured, and represented precisely for maximum usage of available information. Moreover, different decision-makers may have different experience levels, thought processes, and attitudes while diagnosis. There is a chance for socio-economic factors to impact the diagnostic decision-making. This research focuses on developing a decision support system based on evidence theory and prospect theory to aid decision-makers with explainable knowledge about all the alternatives in uncertain decision-making scenarios in the field of immunology. 

 FD Student Thesis
  • Student Name: Yashdeep Ramesh Thorat, Role: Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Prof. Koay Teong Beng, Type: Off-Campus Thesis, Thesis Title: Browser based Mission Control and Cloud Support for Autonomous Under Water Vehicles. Duration: Semester II 2019-2020.
  •  Student Name: Kunal Verma, Role: Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Mr. Namandeep Singh, Type: Off-Campus Thesis, Thesis Title: Establishing and Evaluating Correlations among Fragmented Data across Rippling's Identity Systems. Duration: Semester II 2020-2021.
  • Student Name: Anuj Kharbanda, Role: Supervisor, Type: On-Campus Thesis, Thesis Title: Web Based Dynamic Multi-Factor Authentication (DMFA) System. Duration: Semester I 2021-2022.
  • Student Name: Navdeep Singh Narasinghia, Role: Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Prof. Norbert M. Linke, Type: Off-Campus Thesis, Thesis Title: Quantum Computing using a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer. Duration: Semester II 2021-2022.

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