Selected scientific talks:
10. Topological transport in Weyl semimetal, DTP, TIFR Mumbai, India, February, 2023 (Contributed).
9. Floquet higher-order topological insulator and superconductor , RRI Bangalore, India, January, 2023 (Contributed).
8. Floquet anomalous higher-order topological superconductor , Physics seminar, IISER Pune, India, November, 2022 (Contributed).
7. Dynamical construction of Quadrupolar and Octupolar topological superconductors, Conference: New Trends in Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems: Methods and Concepts, MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany, August, 2022 (Contributed).
6. Floquet higher-order topology, SNBNCBS Kolkata, India, December, 2021 (Contributed).
5. Dynamics of topological defects, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, February, 2021 (Invited).
4. Dynamic dislocation modes, Young Investigators Meet QCMT, India, December, 2020 (Invited).
3. Floquet higher order topological phases in two dimension, Neel Institute, Grenoble, France, February, 2020 (Invited).
2. Dissipative non-adiabatic topological pumping in an open Floquet system, March meeting American Physical Society (APS), March, 2019 (Invited).
1. Dynamical synchronization transition: an interplay between driving and interaction, German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin, March, 2018.
(extended list is of talk can be found
Selected conferences and workshops (presented poster):
5. PSI-K 2022, Laussane, Switzerland.
4. Emergent phenomena and universality in correlated quantum systems far away from equilibrium 2017, Bad Honnef, Bonn, Germany.
3. Indian Statistical Physics Community Meeting 2016, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore, India.
2. International School on Topological Quantum Matter 2015, Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, India.
1. Quantum Many Body Systems out of Equilibrium 2013, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS), Dresden, Germany,
(extended list is of poster presentation can be found
Academic visits:
Outside India: RIKEN Wako, ICTP Trieste, CNRS Grenoble (Neel Institute), NORDITA Stockholm
Within India: TIFR Mumbai, TIFR Hyderabad, IISc Bangalore, RRI Bangalore, IMSc Chennai, CMI Chennai, IACS Kolkata, ISI Kolkata, IISER Kolkata, IISER Pune, IISER Mohali, IISER Bhopal, IISER Behrampure, IOP Bhubaneswar, NISER Bhubaneswar, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Chennai, IIT Mandi, IIT Ropar, IIT Indore, SINP Kolkata, Uinv. of Hyderabad