BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, January 10, 2023




Publications in Journals

 1.  "School Dropout and Overeducation in Developing Economies: Feasibility of a Budgetary Solution" (with Sayoree Gooptu), Review of Development Economics, 2022, 1 – 28.

2. ''Love for Variety”, Outside Option and Extensive Margin of Demand’ (with Sovik Mukherjee), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2022. DOI: 10.1111/ijet.12362

3.        ‘Allocation of Adaptation Aid: A Normative Theory’ (with Theresa Stahlke, Anja Brumme and Dirk Rubbelke), Journal of Economics and Statistics, 242(4), August, 471 - 499, 2022.

4.        ‘Role of Transport Sector in Birth of Census Towns in West Bengal’ (with Soumyabrata Chakrabarti), Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 6, 593 – 616, 2022,

5.        ‘Extortion, Competition among States and Private Investment in a Federation: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sector’ (with Paramita Mukherjee and Saheli Bose), Economic Change and Restructuring, 55, 973 – 1004, 2022,

6.        ‘Adoption of Piped Water Source in an Arsenic Affected Area’ (with Sanjana Chakraborty), International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment, 6(5), 124 – 133, 2021.

doi: 10.11648/j.ijeee.20210605.18

7.         ‘Market Competition, Relocation and Lobbying’, (with Amrita Kamalini Bhattacharyya), Economics and Politics, 33(2), 343 – 356, 2021.

8.        ‘Political Reservation and Allocation of Household Public Goods for Backward Communities’, (with Saheli Bose and Malabika Roy), Journal of Rural Development, 39(4), 449-466, 2020.

9.        ‘Birth of Census Towns in India: An Economic Analysis’, (with Saumyabrata Chakrabarti), South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance, 9 (2), 139 – 166, 2020. DOI: 10.1177/2277978720961190.

10.    ‘Assessing the Scope of Gold Refineries in India: Evidence from Survey Data’, (with Paramita Mukherjee), Resources Policy, 69, 2020.

11.    ‘Corruption, Pricing of Public Services and Entrepreneurship in Economies with Leakages’, (with Siddhartha Mitra and Swapnendu Banerjee), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 176(4), 595 - 619, 2020. DOI: 10.1628/jite-2020-0043.

12.    ‘Allocation of Village Public Goods at Community Level: Does Political Reservation Help?’ (with Saheli Bose and Malabika Roy), Constitutional Political Economy, 31(3), 363 – 393, 2020.

13.    ‘Revisiting Economic Costs of Arsenicosis: A PSM Approach’, (with Sanjana Chakraborty), Ecology, Economy and Society: the INSEE Journal, 3(2), 33 – 58, 2020. DOI:

14.    ‘Bureaucratic Competition vs. Monopoly: Measuring Corruption and Welfare’, (with Panchali Banerjee), Indian Economic Review, 55, 51 – 65, 2020. DOI 10.1007/s41775-020-00080-8

15.    ‘Seeking Rent in the Informal Sector’, (with Sugata Marjit, Biswajit Mondal and Saibal Kar), Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 91(1), 151-164, 2020.

16.    ‘Incidence of Corruption on Formal and Informal Sector: Is There Any Symmetry?’ (with Aparajita Roy), Journal of Economic Development, 44 (3), 79 – 99, 2019.

17.    ‘On General and Specific Transfers for Child Support in Divorce’, (with Tilak Sanyal), Journal of Quantitative Economics, 17, 197-213, 2019.

18.    ‘Globalization, Inequality and Economic Policy’ (with Udo Broll and Alexander Kemnitz), Economics and Business Review, 5(19), No.1, 3 – 11, 2019. DOI: 10.18559/ebr.2019.1.1

19.    ‘Lobbying and Bribery’ (with Amrita Kamalini Bhattacharya), Studies in Microeconomics, 7(2), 238 – 251, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/2321022219827397

20.    ‘Capital Endowment and Race to the Bottom in a Federation’ (with Moumita Chel), Indian Growth and Development Review, 12(1), 66-82, 2019.

21.    ‘Threshold Effect of Bank-specific Determinants of Non-performing Assets: An Application to Indian Banking’, (with Samaresh Bardhan and Rajesh Sharma), Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 18 (1), S1 – S34, 2019.

22.    ‘On Determination and Efficiency of Stamp Duty Revenue Collection: Evidence from West Bengal’, (with Paramita Mukherjee), Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (23), 114 – 122, 2018.

23.    ‘UK-India Economic Relation in Post-BREXIT Era’, (with Rajat Acharyya), Trade and Development Review, 10 (1-2), 62-73, 2017.

24.    ‘On Autonomous Devolution from the Union Government, Provision of Local Public Goods and Welfare of the States’, (with Moumita Chel), Indian Economic Review, 51 (1-2), 21- 41, 2017.

25.    ‘Estimating Elasticity of Import Demand for Gold in India’ (with Paramita Mukherjee and Debasmita Das), Resources Policy, 51, 183 – 193, 2017.

26.    ‘Bank-specific Determinants of Nonperforming Assets of Indian Banks’ (with Samaresh Bardhan), International Economics and Economic Policy, 13 (3), 483 – 498, 2016.

27.     ‘Perceived Corruption Frequency and Size of Corruption in Economies’ (with Aparajita Roy), Indian Growth and Development Review,7(1), 42 – 60, 2014.

28.    ‘Can Breakthrough Innovations Serve the Poor (BOP) and Create Reputational (CSR) Value? Indian Case Studies’ (with Shyama V. Ramani), Technovation, 35, 295 – 305, 2014.

29.    ‘Willful Default in Developing Country Banking System: A Theoretical Exercise’ (with Samaresh Bardhan), Journal of Economic Development 38(4), 101 – 120, 2013.

30.    ‘Does a Salary Hike Reduce Corruption?’ (with Siddhartha Mitra), Economics Bulletin, 33 (4), 2540 – 2544, 2013.

31.    ‘Toxicity and Profitability of Rice Cultivation under Wastewater Irrigation: The Case of East Calcutta Wetlands’ (with Abhishek Das, Anirban Akhand and Gautam Gupta), Ecological Economics, 93, 292 – 300, 2013.

32.    ‘Determinants of Stamp Duty Revenue in Indian States’, South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance, 2 (1), 33 – 58, 2013.

33.    ‘A Note on Welfare Effect and Desirability of Inequality Inducing Transfers’ (with Tilak Sanyal), Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 82(3), 301 – 311, 2011.

34.    Public Economics and the Environment’ (with Sujan Pandit and Tilak Sanyal), India Macroeconomics Annual, 79 – 99, 2011.

35.    R & D Cooperation in Emerging Industries, Asymmetric Innovative Capabilities and Rationale for Technology Parks’ (with Shyama V. Ramani), Theory and Decision, 71, 373 – 394, 2011.

36.    Incidence of an Outsourcing Tax on Intermediate Inputs’ (with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Sugata Marjit), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 30(2), 1271-1277, 2010.

37.    Copyright Infringement, Product Quality and Producer’s Profit’ (with Dyuti Banerjee), Review of Law and Economics, 3(3), 793 - 816, 2007.

38.    ‘Poverty, Taxation and Governance’ (with Sugata Marjit and Martin Kolmar), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 15(3), 325 – 333, 2006.

39.    ‘Of Guns and Trees: Impact of Terrorism on Forest Conservation’ (with Gautam Gupta), Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 11, 221 - 233, 2006.

40.    Private Contribution for Public Projects: Government vs. NGOs’ (with Sugata Marjit and Gautam Gupta), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 159(3), 553-570, 2003.

41.    Harassment, Corruption and Tax Policy: Reply’ (with Sugata Marjit and Arijit Mukherjee), European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 19, 899-900, 2003.

42.    ‘Bribery in a Model of Harassment with Costly Verification', (with Sugata Marjit) Arthabeekshan Vol. 11, 2002.

43.   Harassment, Corruption and Tax Policy’ (with Sugata Marjit and Arijit Mukherjee), European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 16, 75-94, 2000.


Publications in Edited Volumes

1. ‘Subaltern Urbanization: The Birth of Census Town in West Bengal’ (with Saumyabrata Chakrabarti) in T. Banerjee Chatterjee, A. Ghose, and P. Roy (ed.) Risks and Resilience of Emerging Economies - Essays in Honour of Professor Ajitava Raychaudhuri, Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

2. ‘Dehobyabsar Noitikota: Arthanaitik Drishtikon Theke’ (Ethics of Prostitution: An Economic Perspective) in S. Marjit (ed.) Nabyo Sangrakhanbad: Atrhabislesan Prababndha Sangkalan, Gangchil, Kolkata, 84 – 96, 2022, (in Bengali) 

4. ‘Gold Refining Industry: Challenges and the Way Forward’ (with Paramita Mukherjee) in Commodity Insights Yearbook 2020, NISM and MCX, Mumbai, India, 36 – 40, 2020.

5. ‘Tax Incidence of Two-Sided Monopoly Platform’ (with Sovik Mukherjee) in M. S. de Vries, J. Nemec and V. Junjan (ed.) From Policy Design to Policy Practice, NISPAcee Press, Bratislava, 2019.

6. ‘Red Tape, Corruption and ICT’ (with Poulomi Bhattacharya) in D. Maiti, C. Fulvio and M. Arne (ed.) Digitization and Development: Issues for India and Beyond, Springer, Singapore, 345 – 360, 2019.

7. ‘Fiscal Decentralization and Decentralized Financing’ (with Sugata Marjit) in P. K. Das (ed.) Decentralization, Governance and Development: An Indian Perspective, Orient Blackswan, Hyderabad, 71-81, 2017.

8. ‘Does Foreign Aid Corrupt?: A Theoretical Note’ (with Sugata Marjit) in S. Banerjee, V. Mukherjee and S. Halder (ed.) Understanding Development: An Indian Perspective on Legal and Economic Policy, Springer (India), New Delhi, 115 – 123, 2015.

9. ‘Market Liberalization and Rent Seeking in India’ (with Sugata Marjit) in R. D. Congleton and A. L. Hillman (ed.)  Companion to Political Economy of Rent Seeking, Edward Elgar, UK, 410 – 420, 2015.

10. ‘Technology Transfer as a Means to Combat Global Warming’ (with D. Rubbelke and T. Sanyal) in S. Marjit and M. Rajeev (ed.) Emerging Issues in Economic Development: A Contemporary Theoretical Perspective, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 219 – 247, 2014.

11. ‘Education, Corruption and Growth’ in C. Roy and J. Barman (ed.) Right to Education: An Accelerator of Social Transformation and Economic Development, New Academic Publishers, New Delhi, 45 – 52, 2013.

12. ‘Market Disrupting Product Innovations and Corporate Social Responsibility’ (with Shyama V. Ramani) in Patricia Crifo and Jean-Pierre Ponssard (ed.) Corporate Social Responsibility: From Compliance to Opportunity? Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 281 – 299, 2010.

13. ‘Poverty, Utilization of Foreign Aid and Corruption: The Role of Redistributive Politics’ (with Sugata Marjit) in S. Lahiri (ed.) Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid, Volume 1, Elsevier, 17 - 29, 2007.

14. ‘Preventing Global Climate Change: Technology Transfer from Developed to Developing Countries’ (with Dirk Rubbelke) in D. Rubbelke and K. John (ed.) Development Aid and Environmental Protection, Peter Lang Verlag, 51 – 75, 2007.

15. ‘Entreprenurial Culture, Occupational Choice and Tax Policy: A Simple Theoretical   Model’ (with Saibal Kar) in Ajitava Raychadhuri and Joyashree Roy (ed.) Development Challenges: Some Contemporary Issue, Allied, New Delhi, 1 – 20, 2006.

16. ‘Management of Common Property Resources: A Survey’ in G. Gupta (ed.) Revisiting Resources, Allied, New Delhi, 60 – 84, 2005.

17. ‘Labor Standard: Implications for the Developing Economies’ in R. Acharyya (ed.) Essays in International Trade: Theory and Policy for the Developing Economies, Allied, New Delhi, 123 – 147, 2005.



1. ‘Understanding Development: An Indian Perspective on Legal and Economic Policy’ edited by S. Banerjee, V. Mukherjee and S. Halder, Springer (India), New Delhi, 2015.


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