4. DST SERB Major research project:
Project Title ‘Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of Fluorescent Molecules in Micellar Systems’
Funding Agency: DST SERB, New Delhi
Duration : Three years (2014-2017)
Amount : 53.09 lacs
3. UGC Major
Project Title: ‘Steady State Measurements of Fluorescent Molecules in Restricted Environments’
Funding Agency: UGC, New Delhi
Duration : Three years (2012-2015)
Amount : 11.64 lacs
2. Time-Resolved Spectroscopy at Interfaces, Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland, Completed in December 2005.
1. Linear and non-linear optical properties of dye sensitized nanoparticles at interfaces, EPFL, Switzerland completed in December 2004.