BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Wednesday, August 09, 2023




SCI Journal Articles


Shekhawat K., Lohani R., Dasannacharya C., Bisht S., Rastogi S. (2023). Automated generation of floorplans with non-rectangular rooms, Graphical Models, 127: 1 - 23 (IF: 1.09).

Pinki, Shekhawat K. (2023). An annotated review on graph drawing and its applications, AKCE International Journal of Graph and Combinatorics, 1 - 24 (IF: .73).


Raveena, Shekhawat, K. (2023) A Theory of L-shaped Floor-plans, Theoretical Computer Science, 942: 57 - 92 (IF: 1.002).

Bisht, S., Shekhawat, K., Upasani, N., Jain, RN., Tiwaskar, RJ.,  Hebbar, C. (2022) Transforming an Adjacency Graph into Dimensioned Floorplan Layouts, Computer Graphics Forum, 1-18. (IF: 2.36).


Shekhawat, K., Jain, RN., Bisht, S., Kondaveeti, A., Goswami, D. (2021) Graph-based Approach for Enumerating Floorplans Based on User Specifications, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 35(4) 438-459. (IF: 1.634).


Kumar, V., Shekhawat, K., (2021) A Transformation Algorithm to Construct a Rectangular Floorplan, Theoretical Computer Science, 871:94-106 (IF: 1.002).


Shekhawat, K., Upasani, N., Bisht, S., Jain, RN. (2021) A Tool for Computer-Generated Dimensioned Floorplans based on given Adjacencies, Automation in Construction, Vol. 127 (IF: 10.517).


Upasani, N., Shekhawat, K., Sachdeva, G. (2020) Automated generation of dimensioned rectangular floorplans, Automation in Construction, Vol. 113, Article 103149 (IF: 10.517).

Shekhawat, K., (2018). Enumerating generic rectangular floorplans, Automation in Construction 92: 151-165 (IF: 10.517).

Shekhawat, K., Duarte, J.P. (2018). Introduction to generic rectangular floor plans, AIEDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 32(3): 331-350 (IF: 1.634).

Shekhawat, K. (2017). Mathematical propositions associated with the connectivity of architectural designs. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 8(4): 653-661 (IF: 4.79). 

Shekhawat K. (2017). A computer-generated plus-shaped arrangement and its architectural     applications. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 4(4): 318-329 (IF: 6.17). 

Shekhawat, K. (2016). Best connected rectangular arrangements. Alexandria Engineering Journal 55: 445-449 (IF: 6.67). 

Shekhawat, K. (2015). Computer-aided architectural designs and associated covariants. Journal of Building Engineering 3: 127-134 (IF: 7.15). 

Shekhawat, K. (2015). Why golden rectangle is used so often by architects: A mathematical approach. Alexandria Engineering Journal 54: 213-222 (IF: 6.67). 

Shekhawat, K. (2015). Automated space allocation using mathematical techniques. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 6: 795–802 (IF: 4.79). 


Scopus-Indexed/Web of Science Journal Articles/Conference Papers


Shiksha,  Shekhawat, K., Komdaveeti, A., Rastogi, S., Duarte J. (2023) Rectangular floorplans with block symmetry, CAADRIA 2023, Vol 2, 391 - 400.

Kumar, V., Shekhawat, K. (2023) Uniqueness of Rectangularly Dualizable Graphs, Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 1-13 (Scopus). 


Pinki, P., Shekhawat, K. (2023). An Algorithm for Customizing Slicing Floor Plan Design. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 641.

Pinki, Shekhawat K. (2022). Characterization of Graphs Based on Number of Bends in Corresponding Floor plans. In 2022 The 6th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems (ICACS 2022), September 16–18, 2022, Larissa, Greece. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.


Pinki, Shekhawat K. (2022). Linear-time construction of floor plans for plane triangulations, Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, 1-20 (Scopus).



Kumar, V., Shekhawat, K. (2022)  Transformations among rectangular partitionsTransactions on Combinatorics 12(3): 143-163 (Scopus).



Liu, J., Xue, Y., Duarte J.P., Shekhawat, K., Zhou, Z., Huang, X. (2022). End-to-end Graph constrained Vectorized Floorplan Generation with Panoptic Refinement, Computer Vision – ECCV 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 13675 (Scopus). 


Kumar, V., Shekhawat, K., (2021) Rectangularly Dualizable Graphs: Area-Universality, Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, 28(1): 75-91 (ESCI).


Shekhawat, K. (2021) A Graph Theoretic Approach for the Automated Generation of Dimensioned Floorplans. PROJECTIONS, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2021, Volume 1, 141-150 (Scopus).


Shekhawat K., Pinki (2020). Construction of architectural floor plans for given adjacency requirements. RE: Anthropocene, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2020, Volume 1, 315-323 (Scopus).


Shekhawat K., Pinki, Duarte J.P. (2019). A Graph Theoretical Approach for Creating Building Floor Plans. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1028: 3-14 (In: Lee JH. (eds) Computer-Aided Architectural Design. "Hello, Culture". CAAD Futures 2019) (Scopus).


Shekhawat K., Duarte J.P. (2017). Rectilinear Floor Plans. Communications in Computer and Information Science 724: 395-411 (In: Çagdas G., Özkar M., Gül L., Gürer E. (eds) Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Future Trajectories. CAADFutures 2017) (Scopus).


Shekhawat, K. (2014). Algorithm for Constructing an Optimally Connected Rectangular Floor Plan. Frontiers of Architectural Research 3: 324-330 (Scopus).



Refereed Conference Papers


Shekhawat, K. (2022). A Mathematical Approach for Generating a Floor Plan for given Adjacency Requirements. In: Gero J. (eds) Design Computing and Cognition’20 pp 247–266 (Book Chapter Springer).


Shekhawat, K., Duarte J.P. (2018). A compositional schema for the automated generation of best connected rectangular floor plans. Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism, Chapter 17, 259 - 273, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Book Chapter).


Shekhawat, K., Duarte J.P. (2017). Automated best connected rectangular floorplans. In: Gero J. (eds) Design Computing and Cognition '16 pp 495–511 (Book Chapter Springer).




















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