BITS Pilani

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  1. Shrikant Shankarrao Pawar, Pronamika Borthakur, Tufan Chandra Bera, Kuldip Singh Sangwan, Developing energy efficient milling strategy for variable curved geometry using constant engagement method, Procedia CIRP, 116 (2023) 402-407.
  2. Shrikant Shankarrao Pawar, Tufan Chandra Bera, Kuldip Singh Sangwan, Towards Energy Efficient Milling of Variable Curved Geometries, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 94 (2023) 497-511.
  3. Patil Mahesh, Singh Varinder, Srinivasa Prakash Regalla, Amit Kumar Gupta, Tufan Chandra Bera, Bade Simhachalam, Krishna Srinivasa, The effect of ultrasonic vibrations on residual stresses and material properties of steel tubes during the cold tube drawing process, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2022 (Article in Press).
  4. Patil Mahesh, Singh Varinder, Srinivasa Prakash Regalla, Amit Kumar Gupta, Tufan Chandra Bera, Bade Simhachalam, Krishna Srinivasa, Producing high quality cold drawn steel tubes using an optimal thickness of tin as a tribo-layer, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121 (2022) 4663-4675.
  5. S. Shekhar, T.C. Bera, Comparative study of estimated surface roughness using GA and PSO techniques for milling of thin-walled structures, Lecture Notes on Mechanical Engineering, (2022) 289-301.
  6. S.S. Pawar, T.C. Bera, K.S. Sangwan, Energy consumption modelling in milling of variable curved geometry, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120 (2022) 1967-1987.
  7. S.S. Pawar, T.C. Bera, K.S. Sangwan, Modelling of spindle energy consumption in CNC milling, Procedia CIRP, 105 (2022) 192-197.
  8. S. Banerjee, S.S. Pawar, T.C.Bera, K.S. Sangwan, An investigation on reduction of cutting energy consumption using high efficiency machining strategy, Procedia CIRP, 105 (2022) 198-203.
  9. Hareendran Manikandan, Tufan Chandra Bera, A turning simulation environment for geometric error estimation of thin-walled parts, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (2022) 789-809.
  10. Hareendran Manikandan, Tufan Chandra Bera, Modelling of dimensional and geometric error prediction in turning of thin-walled components, Precision Engineering 72 (2021) 382-396.                   
  11. S.S.Pawar, T.C. Bera, K.S.Sangwan, Modelling of energy consumption for milling of circular geometry, Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 470-475.
  12. Patil Mahesh, Singh Varinder, Srinivasa Prakash Regalla, Amit Kumar Gupta, Tufan Chandra Bera, Bade Simhachalam, Krishna Srinivasa, Tin layer as a solid lubricant for cold tube drawing processes, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 9 (2022) 459-472.
  13. Patil Mahesh, Singh Varinder, Srinivasa Prakash Regalla, Amit KumarGupta, Tufan Chandra Bera, Bade Simhachalam, Krishna Srinivasa, Parametric optimization of the generation of the porous layer for lubrication in tube drawing process, Materialstoday: Proceedings, 28 (2020) 1560-1564.
  14. T. C. Bera, H. Manikandan, A. Bansal, D. Nema, A Method to Determine Cutting Force Coefficients in Turing Using Mechanistic Approach, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2018) 99-103.
  15. Manikandan Hareendran, Ashutosh Madhavarao Bable, Tufan Chandra Bera, An Investigation on Thermal Aspect in Peripheral Milling of Thin-Walled Geometries, Materials Today: Proceedings (Accepted).
  16. H. Manikandan, T. C. Bera, S. K. Patil, Study of effect on cutting force coefficients in turning, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, 2 (2015) 70-73.
  17. T.C. Bera, An investigation of surface errors in thin-walled machining, Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 2 (2012) 53-66.
  18. T.C. Bera, K.A. Desai, P.V.M. Rao, Error compensation in flexible end milling of tubular geometries, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211 (2011) 24-34.
  19. T.C. Bera, K.A. Desai, P.V.M. Rao, On milling of thin walled tubular geometries, IMechE, Part:B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (2010) 1804-1816.


  1. Amresh Kumar, Tufan Chandra Bera, B. K. Rout, Numerical investigation on bubble dynamics using DOE approach in cavitation machining process, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India.
  2. Shivang Shekhar, Tufan Chandra Bera, Comparative study of estimated surface roughness using GA and PSO techniques for milling of thin-walled structures, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing” (RAM-2021), SVNIT, Surat, India, 2021.
  3. Dev Anand Gupta, Tufan Chandra Bera, Computational study of drag reduction methods, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing” (RAM-2021), SVNIT, Surat, India, 2021.
  4. S. S. Pawar, T. C. Bera, K. S. Sangwan, "Modelling of Energy Consumption for Milling of Circular Geometry" in 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Jaipur, India, 2021.
  5. T. C. Bera, H. Manikandan, A. Bansal, D. Nema, A method to determine cutting force coefficients in turning using mechanistic approach, Proceedings on International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, San Diego, California, USA, 2017. 
  6. Manikandan Hareendran, Ashutosh Madhavarao Bable, Tufan Chandra Bera, An investigation on thermal aspect in peripheral milling of thin-walled geometries, Proceedings on International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 2016.
  7. H. Manikandan, T. C. Bera, S. K. Patil, Study of effect of feed on cutting coefficients in turning, Proceedings of International Conference on “Mechanical, Material, Industrial, Automotive, Aeronautical and Nano-Technology”, New Delhi, India, 2015.
  8. T.C. Bera, Improvement of surface accuracy in milling of thin-walled straight geometries, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013.
  9. T.C. Bera, An approach to error reduction in milling of thin-walled components.  Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Tamilnadu, India, 2013.
  10. T.C. Bera, A flexible force model for peripheral milling of thin-walled curved geometries, Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology, Montreal, Canada, 2012.

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