BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, June 15, 2023

Facilities and Benefits

Facilities and Benefits
  • Faculty Seed Grant

    BITS Pilani announces a single unified “Faculty Seed Grant” (FSG) replacing Research Initiation Grant (RIG), Additional Competitive Research Grant (ACRG) and funds under Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics (OPERA), as an upgraded fund support.
    The grant amount will be used to support faculty members primarily to address the following points:
    (a) To provide seed grant to all faculty members who have been offered a regular academic position of Assistant Professor and above since July 01, 2022 in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad and Dubai Campuses.
    (b) To promote inter-disciplinary research across different disciplines and campuses (The scheme referred as “CDRF”, announced by the Dean SRCD, will be applicable to i) faculty members who are not entitled to Faculty Seed Grant and ii) to the off-campus faculty members who are holding a regular position of Assistant Professor and above).
    (c) To forge seed collaborations and initiate new areas of research among the faculty members.
    New faculty seed grant is a variable grant. The amount for the grant will vary depending on the faculty member’s need for consumables, manpower and small equipment, with a maximum cap of Rs 20 lakhs. An additional grant of up to Rs. 20 lakhs will be provided as a matching grant for external sponsored research projects, to cover up to 50% of the cost of equipment (non-recurring items). The intention of the matching grant is to boost the chances of success for the proposal. With this, the new faculty seed grant can go up to 40 lakhs, in principle.  The seed grant will be disbursed over two years, unless it is meant for equipment purchase etc. Faculty members will require to submit a detailed research proposal, outlining the background of the area of research, unambiguous statement of the problem, defined objectives and expected tangible outcomes, to the relevant department. All proposals above Rs. 10 lakhs, will undergo an external review. However, it is mandatory for all faculty members receiving FSG to submit proposals to external agencies for grants within one or two years of receiving the FSG. Inability to do so will make them ineligible for any such support from the Institute in the future. The operational guidelines for execution of the New Faculty Seed Grant will be announced through a separate communication.

  • Research Initiation Grant


    The Research Initiation Fund is designed to attract faculty to BITS to perform quality research. This policy together with the Seed Grant Scheme provides a substantial package to begin a scholarly research program at BITS. 


    • Enable the beginning of research and related activities for a newly recruited faculty who has significant potential to attract external funding.
    • To attract high quality faculty in the present scenario. 


    Grants shall be awarded soon after joining BITS for upto Rs. 2 Lakhs and the amount should be spent within 24 months of appointment. (Based on requirement and progress an additional amount of Rs. 2 Lakhs may be considered after an year.)


    • Any new faculty of BITS appointed at the level of an Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12
       or above. 
    • All faculty members who joined BITS on or after August 1, 2009 at the level of Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 or above or were promoted as Assistant Professors, Grade-I in Academic Level-12
       on or after August 1, 2009 will be eligible for this grant.
    • The initiation grant can also be considered for those recruited in the last three years provided they have not received funding under the new ‘Seed Grant” scheme of BITS. The grant will, however, be contingent upon their performance in the past few months/years, and upon the strength of the proposal. 
    • The faculty should commit to do research and to seek external funding for R & D projects. 

    Application Process: 

    Faculty members should apply for Research Initiation Grant, to his/her Head of the Department, soon after joining BITS by providing details of the research to be carried out in the prescribed form. Total budget should not exceed the prescribed limit.

    Selection Criteria:

    • Research plan should describe research that is sustainable and has potential to attract external funding.
    • Itemized budget should be consistent with research plan.

    Evaluation Process: 

    The application/proposal will be reviewed by respective Departmental Research Committee (DRC). On recommendation of DRC, Director of the campus will consider, approve and sanction the fund. The Head of Department will play a key role in monitoring the expenditure of funds.

    Guidelines for Expenditure:    

    • The funds may be used to purchase specialized research equipment, databases, software and laboratory supplies (chemicals/glasswares/plastiwares), sample collection and analysis.
    • The funds may also be used to buy books and subscribe to journals not available at BITS.
    • The funds may be used to engage students at all levels on part time basis providing stipend.
    • The funds may be used to travel to technical conferences or for travel for the purpose of data collection, meeting or to initiate collaborations. But attending training programme may not be permitted.
    • Desktops, laptops, printers and peripherals may not be purchased with this amount.    However, Servers, storage systems, network equipment may be permitted.
    • The fund is not to be used for secretarial assistance and any other such expenditure.
    • Record of purchase will be maintained by the department


    All purchases/expenses should be processed in accordance with BITS policies and procedures.

    Expected Outcomes:

    BITS expect that faculty who avail Research Initiation grant will seek external funds to support their research program within two years of the commencement of the grant. And otherwise enhance their teaching performance. The report of the faculty on the use and outcome of the grant will be part of the Faculty appraisal. 
    For existing Faculty: Those who were recruited during last three years may submit a proposal and similar support can be provided based on (i) strength of proposal and  (ii) faculty performance as per the appraisal during last three years. It will not be automatic. If the concerned faculty is covered under the new seed grant policy, he/she will not be eligible to this additional grant.

  • Seed Grant Scheme


    The Seed Grant scheme of Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani is designed to stimulate competitive research in strategic areas of national or international importance, to promote innovative product and technology development, and/or to facilitate the start of research programs which will potentially develop into creative ventures on their own through external funding. An interim review of the policy will be performed.  


    • To aid a faculty to start a research program that has the potential to sustain by attracting funds from external agencies. 
    • To test a novel idea and to generate preliminary results before submitting proposals to external agencies. 
    • To promote inter-faculty collaboration in emerging areas. 
    • To promote generation of IPR and product/process development. 
    • To attract and retain talent. 


    • Grants shall be awarded with a maximum value of Rs.20 Lakhs.
    • The duration of the Grant will be 2 years. It could be extended by another year after a complete review of the outcomes. 


    • Any faculty member of BITS holding a PhD degree with a proven track record of quality research and employed in BITS for at least one semester. 
    • Any group consisting of faculty of BITS and collaborators from other institutes who shall provide an undertaking that they will submit a proposal for an externally funded program with the same proposers during or within 6 months of the completion of the seed funded project. External collaborator cannot be Co-PI in the seed grant. However, where required, letters from such collaborators may be attached in the proposal with commitment (such as facility use) clearly specified. They should also demonstrate that they do not have funding from external agencies for their proposed research.
    • Any group comprising BITS faculty, PhD scholars, undergraduates, and post- doctoral fellows belonging to BITS with the principal investigator (PI) being a BITS faculty with PhD. Only BITS faculty can be PI. Participation by students of any category is encouraged but they may be only named as personnel in the project. 
    • At any time, a PI can submit only one application. However, he/she can be a co- investigator in more than one proposal.
    • The PI at the time of submission of application shall not have a running project funded by the seed-funding scheme in which he or she is the PI.
    • However, to encourage younger faculty members, proposal from faculty members having/completed any major project of Rs 10.0 lakhs or more will not be considered.
    • Faculty members having Research Initiation Grant are eligible to apply

    Application Process:

    • The call for proposals may limit research funding to a few strategic areas. 
    • Pre-proposals should be submitted for short-listing.  
    • The short-listed applicants will be asked to submit a full proposal of maximum 7 pages including figures and references. 
    • The full proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee. The PI will be invited to make a presentation before the selection committee. (Refer to evaluation process) 
    • Decision on the grant award will be announced. 


    Proposals will be invited maximum twice in a year. A decision will be made within 10 weeks of the submission deadline of the application. 

    Selection Criteria:

    • Innovative interdisciplinary research
    • Team of faculty members whose expertise is complimentary. 
    • Promise of sustainable research and development attracting external funds.
    • Budget matches the claimed outcomes. 
    Potential to generate intellectual property. (Including product and process development) 
    Evaluation: The total evaluation process will follow a two stage scheme :-
    Stage 1:
    • Pre-proposals will be evaluated by a rating scheme which considers each of the selection criteria. Additional points will be awarded for the following cases:  
    • The proposal is from a new faculty 
    The proposal is linked with PhD program of students.  
    The selection committee would comprise a core of three or more internal faculty members. The committee would also take inputs from all those PIs who have submitted the pre-proposals.  
    Stage 2:
    • The PIs of the shortlisted pre-proposals will be asked to submit a full proposal.
    • The selection committee would comprise a core of three or more internal (or external) faculty members/experts who may seek inputs from internal and/or external reviewers (as required). 
    • The full proposal will be rated for intellectual merit and its broader impact. 
    • The selection committee may if required, discuss proposals with R&C Division, and may seek further information from the PI before making a final decision. 
    • The proposal evaluation will consider the alignment of the budget with the deliverables.
    The committee may suggest that two or more proposals be combined if the committee deems it advantageous, and may award an amount greater than Rs.20 Lakhs.  


    • The decision of the selection committee will be conveyed to the PI who will be the contact person for all administrative matters regarding the project. 
    • The PI is responsible for the conduct of the research in accordance with the institute research policy. 
    • Procurement, utilization and maintenance of equipment will be as per institute policy 
    • The funds have to be utilized within the stipulated period.
    • The grant money has to be utilized in accordance with the approved budget.
    • The PI should submit a progress report every six months in the prescribed format for evaluation by the committee mandated to monitor individual projects. In case it is found that proper efforts are not being made further release of funding may cease.
    • The PI will also be required to report progress or outcomes at the end of one year after the termination of the seed grant, including grants received and publication/IPR arising out of the seed grant. 
    • In any research communication arising out of the funded project, the contribution of the institute should be duly acknowledged.  
    • In case PI leaves the institute before the completion of project, a co-investigator from BITS will assume responsibility as PI. No collaborator from another institution can become PI under this condition.   

    Expected Deliverable:

    • Externally funded projects should be generated as outcome of seed grant scheme. 
    • Publication in peer-reviewed journals/intellectual property generation including product/ process development would be expected as outcomes of the project. Further, it is understood that any IP emerging out of research funded by BITS will be owned by BITS. Such IPR will recognize contributions by all researchers as "inventors", and any resulting royalties will be shared by BITS with the inventors. 

  • Chair Professorship

    A Chair Professorship helps recognize and reward excellence in teaching and/or research by a member of the BITS Pilani faculty at either of its campuses or to induct a professor from outside BITS, Pilani. Such a person would be re-designated as Chair Professor, Each “Chair Professorship” also helps establishment an endowment with significant funds that are used to (a) make available to the Chair Professor a “research grant”, and (b) provide to him/her a small honorarium to cover additional effort required to fulfill the charter laid out for the endowment. 


    Anyone with a track record of an outstanding teacher and/or researcher in the rank of Associate Professor or Professor from within BITS Pilani or from outside BITS, Pilani or a person with significant R&D experience from industry being considered for appointment as regular or Visiting Associate Professor or Professor, would be eligible to be considered for “appointment” against the Chair. Anyone who is being  considered for Chair position would first be appointed against one of the positions available in BITS, Pilani including “regular” faculty, “visiting” faculty positions.
    Further, if the MoU that provides for the establishment of the Chair explicitly identifies a BITS, Pilani Campus, a discipline, an area, or limits the appointment of a woman, then only those who possess the requisite expertise stated in the MoU would be eligible. 

    Duration of Chair:

    The “appointment” against the Chair is normally made for a period of up to five years, but such that it does not extend beyond his/her term of employment as Senior Professor/Professor/Associate Professor or Visiting Faculty/Professor. However, continuation into the fourth and fifth years will be subject to a review at the end of the third year. Further, an individual may be eligible to be considered for reappointment, together with other eligible candidates, for a period of upto 5 years (without a break) any number of times.


    The faculty member who has been “appointed against the Chair” will be called “XXX Chair Associate Professor/Professor” or “Visiting XXX Chair Faculty/ Professor”.

    Research grant and honorarium:

    The faculty so appointed as “XXX Chair” will receive at the beginning of each year a research grant (inclusive of any honorarium to be drawn by him/her) of an amount between Rs. 3 lakhs and Rs. 6 lakhs., Further,
    • The research grant, made available at the beginning of the year, may be used for any academic purpose (including hiring of Research students/staff, undertake domestic or international travel by you or your students or your colleagues, or incur expenses towards specialized training in India or abroad, or procure equipment, supplies and books or source support services, or invite your collaborators for short visits to BITS, Pilani etc.) and to draw, at his/her option, an honorarium of Rs. 15,000 per month for the duration that he/she is appointed against the Chair. The faculty so appointed as “XXX Chair” will operate the research grant in a manner similar to the way he/she currently operate a sponsored R&D project. The unutilized funds at the end of the tenure of the appointment against the Chair, if any, shall be ploughed back to the endowment fund. 
    • Unless otherwise agreed to in the MoU, or by the Vice Chancellor, the following guidelines will be used to spend the research grant, less any honorarium drawn by him/her: up to 60% for domestic or international travel, upto 25% for training, upto 100% for research students/staff, equipment, books and supplies, upto 25% for support services.
    • For each individual Chair the research grant (between Rs. 3 lakhs to Rs. 6 lakhs) will depend upon the earning that accrues from investing the corresponding corpus of the Chair,  or as agreed upon in the MoU that provided for the establishment of the Chair.

    Salary and benefits

    There shall be no change in the salary or in any other benefit including housing, LTA, medical coverage, increments, leave, etc. In addition to these salary and benefits and as stated above, the incumbent may, at his/her option, draw an honorarium of up to Rs. 15,000 per month.

    Teaching/research commitments

    As a result of the “appointment” against the Chair, there will be no change in the stipulated responsibilities of the faculty member in respect of teaching/research or administration. Additionally, however, the faculty so “appointed” as “XXX Chair” will be expected to fulfill the charter laid out in the corresponding MoU that provided for establishment of the Chair.

    Intellectual property rights

    As a result of the “appointment” against the Chair, there shall be no change in the rights applicable to intellectual property developed by the faculty member and/or his/her students and/or his/her collaborators.

    Selection Procedures

    A Selection Committee specifically constituted for the purpose will “appoint” a faculty member against the Chair. It shall have the following constitution: (a) Vice Chancellor (or his/her nominee) as its Chairman, (b) one expert from outside BITS, Pilani nominated by Vice Chancellor, (c) a nominee of the donor, and (d) Dean (Faculty Affairs) or a senior faculty member in lieu thereof.
    If a person being considered for appointment as a Visiting Faculty/Professor is proposed to be considered for appointment against the Chair as well, then the corresponding committee must also have (a) one expert from outside BITS Pilani nominated by Vice Chancellor, (b) a nominee of the donor and (c) Dean (Faculty Affairs) or a senior faculty member in lieu thereof.
    Further, and unless the MoU specifically says otherwise, the Vice Chancellor may appoint a Search-cum-Screening Committee in order to attract outstanding faculty members from outside BITS, Pilani. Further, as stated earlier, when a person from outside BITS, Pilani is to be appointed as a Chair Professor, he/she will have to be appointed as a regular or visiting faculty at BITS Pilani following the usual process before he/she is appointed against the Chair.

  • OPERA Award

    The awards named OPERA awards (for “Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics”) are to facilitate and incentivize new faculty to join BITS and excel in research and teaching.
    The award is in the form of a “joining bonus” paid over 5 years, plus funds to kick-start their R&D and professional development. The award will help compensate new faculty (or provide R&D funds) at par with the best institutions in India.


    The award carries a grant of Rs. 3 Lakhs per year for 5 years, subject to a performance review at the end of 2 years. The award is given to facilitate and incentivize new faculty to excel in research and teaching.
    The amount will be revised upwards to Rs. 3.60 Lakhs pa from April 1, 2016 and to Rs. 4.20 Lakhs per annum from April 1, 2019. The award may be renewed for one or more years, but only as an exception.

    Grant utilization

    From the grant, the faculty may (at his/her option) take home up to Rs. 15,000 pm as honorarium, and use the balance for any academic purpose that helps him/her to initiate research and grow professionally (including support to research students/staff, undertake domestic or international travel to attend a conference, or procure equipment, supplies or books, etc.). The limit on honorarium will grow to Rs. 18,000 pm from April 1, 2016 and to Rs. 21,000 pm from April 1, 2019.


    To be considered for the award, (a) he/she should be one who is being considered for appointment as Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 or above, Associate or full Professor or one who joined BITS on/after Aug 2011, and (b) he/she has the potential to excel as a teacher and researcher.
    Preference will be given to faculty in those disciplines where BITS has a challenge in inducting or retaining faculty. (Presently, this includes engineering, mathematics, management, humanities, and economics and finance).

    Selection criteria

    To be considered for the award, a faculty member should have a PhD from an institution of high repute and has the potential to excel in research (as evidenced by publications in journals of international repute), and in teaching (as evidenced by contribution to curriculum/lab development and student feedback in courses, where applicable). A faculty member who joined on/after Aug 2011, should have been consistently assessed as “exceeds expectation” in teaching and research in the last 2 years spent at BITS.
    A Selection Committee consisting of (a) Vice Chancellor (or his/her nominee) as Chairman, (b) one or more experts from outside BITS nominated by Vice Chancellor, (c) one or more campus Directors, and (d) Dean, Faculty Affairs will decide on the awards. In case such an award has been established from donation, it would be necessary to obtain the donor’s concurrence on the awardees.
    • While there will be no change in his/her responsibilities, it is expected that he/she will make special effort to excel in teaching and research.
    • Normally the awards will be decided at the time faculty is selected with a view to attract and incentivize faculty to join BITS.

  • Relocation Allowance


    The Policy on reimbursement of Relocation Expenses is designed to cover expenses incurred by faculty members (i) who are newly recruited to BITS system and are either moving from within India or from abroad to any of the BITS campuses in India, as also to those (ii) who are inter campus or off campus transferred within India.


    • Act as an enabling mechanism to attract motivated and high quality faculty to any of the BITS campuses.
    • To provide BITS system with an competitive edge in faculty recruitment related issues.


    • Any new faculty of BITS appointed at the level of an Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 or above, being recruited for any of the campuses of BITS. 
    • Guidelines to reimburse relocation expenses by those appointed as Lecturers or as visiting faculty are also included. 
    • Theses will be equally applicable to existing BITS faculty who are relocating to other BITS campuses or off campus centers. 

    Compensatory Amount

    • The reimbursement of any International relocation will normally not exceed Rs. one lakh for reasonable actuals.
    • The reimbursement for relocation in India will normally not exceed Rs. 50,000/- for reasonable actuals.
    • These norms will also be applicable for relocation of BITS faculty to other BITS campuses or off campus centers. 

    Application Process

    A newly appointed candidate, or an existing faculty member in case of  relocation to other BITS campuses or off campus centers must seek approval in the prescribed form before he/she starts his/her journey or ships household good to the Director of the concerned campus with  cc to the Dean, Faculty Affairs at BITS.

    Evaluation Process

    The application will be reviewed by Dean, Faculty Affairs (or Nominee of Vice Chancellor) in consultation with the Director.

    Guidelines for Expenditure

    • The funds may be used for transportation charges by AIR/RAIL/CAR/BUS as per eligibility from starting location to the campus of BITS for the faculty member as well as his dependents. International travel will be permitted by economy class only.  Domestic travel will be by AC II Tier Rail as per Institute Rules. Separate approval should be taken for any other mode of transportation.
    • The funds may be used to transport personal and household goods.
    • In case husband and wife are recruited to the same campus, expenses to relocate household goods from one location only will be entertained and will be subject to limits mentioned above.
    • In case faculty at the level of Lecturer or Visiting faculty requires relocation, the maximum limit of expenditure allowable will be half the maximum amount permissible for regular faculty.
    • The relocation expenses will have to be paid back to BITS if a faculty resigns before completion of 3 years in service.
    • In case of Visiting Faculty the relocation expenses will have to be refunded to BITS on prorate basis in case the faculty member leaves before the term of his/her appointment is over. No refund will need to be made in case he/she completes three years at BITS.
    • Faculty from International locations relocating to BITS via domestic (home) visit route may only claim for travel to the respective campuses via the shortest/least expensive route.
    • All reimbursements will be done after faculty joins. However, prior approval before finalizing travel plans has to be taken.


    All expenses will be processed in accordance with BITS policies and procedures.

  • Computer Equipment Replacements


    This Policy is to enhance faculty productivity by periodical replacement of computer systems and accessories for all faculty members on campuses in India. This policy will also provide for computers and accessories for all newly joined faculty.  


    • Enable up gradation of computer systems and accessories, and thus enhancing faculty creativity and productivity.
    • Enhance faculty morale, to help retain motivated and talented faculty.
    • Provide for computers and peripherals for all newly joined faculty.


    Computer systems, peripherals and other accessories will be phased out and replaced every five years with a maximum expenditure of Rs 50,000/- per faculty. A similar amount will be available for all newly recruited faculty members at the time of joining.


    • Any faculty of BITS appointed in India at the level of Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 and above.
    • Retroactively applies to existing faculty in BITS at Lecturer level or above who are in the possession of computer systems for five years.
    • A newly appointed Lecturer will also be provided similar resources once at the beginning of his/her appointment.   


    The consolidated request for computers (desktops or laptops) and peripherals (for existing faculty as well as new faculty) must be sent by HOD of all Departments to the Director by February 1 of each year.  Subsequently, each HOD will engage with CPU and/or IPC Unit to arrange to procure the computers and accessories. IPC Unit will interact with HODs with a view to standardize the configuration of computers/laptops, printers and/or software etc. before procuring the systems through CPU.

  • Professional Development Allowance

    Policy on revised reimbursable Professional Allowance for the Faculty has already been circulated to all concerned on 23 Aug. 2014. Some clarifications of the scheme are given below. These clarifications should be read along with the original policy already circulated.
    • Maximum carry forward amount to next year is Rs 2 lakhs for Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 or above and Rs 50000/- for Lecturer and Visiting faculty. 
    • As per the objective of the policy, the allowance has to be used to cover expenses related to one’s profession. List of heads/items covered under this scheme are as follows:
      • Books and journals
      • Stationery and printer cartridges
      • Supplies of computer consumables like external storage device, battery for UPS/computers/mobile phone, anti-virus and other software tools, calculator, computer repairs;
      • Communication expenses incurred on the use of telephone/mobile phone;
      • Travel (Please see the points mentioned in item3);
      • Membership of professional bodies;
      • Chemicals /Glassware;
      • Photocopying / typing / binding charges;
      • Spare parts replacement and repair / services charges of existing equipment;
      • Charges for recording spectra / other experimental facility utilization charges;
      • Cost of animals for experimental work;
      • Other consumable materials required for experimental studies;
      • Registration/examination fee for participation in professional development programmes;
      • Data cards/ Data purchases for research.
    • Regarding Travel:  
      • HoDs will prepare a list of Tier 1 and Tier 2 conferences;
      • Travel to any conference will be approved by DRC;
      • Funds obtained from other agencies for the particular travel sanctioned will be used to book the expenditure first and only the remaining expenditure to be booked in this professional allowance;
      • for all travel requests for conferences, application should be submitted one month in advance for national travel and two months in advance for international travel.
      • DRC may also allow travel for participation in workshop, visiting other institutes of importance, for collaborative work etc;
    • Expenses by an individual in a particular item (for other than Conference/ Workshop travel) limited to Rs 5000/- on any given item do not need any approval. However, expenses of more than Rs 5000/- on any given item will need the prior approval of HoD.
    • Bill passing procedure by the departments will remain same as being followed now for the special contingency.
    • Expenses already incurred during financial year 2014-15 will be part of this allowance for this year.

    In partial modification of the notice dated Aug. 23, 2014 regarding Revised Reimbursable Professional Allowance for faculty, on-campus non-tenuredVisiting Senior Professors, Visiting Professors, Visiting Associate Professors and Visiting Assistant Professor who have been appointed for one year or more will also be eligible for the Professional Allowance of Rs. 1 Lakh per year with same terms and conditions, in place of contingency allowance. For those appointed for less than one year, allowance will be limited to Rs 25000.

  • Sabbatical Leave


    The sabbatical leave policy of Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani is intended to promote professional improvement and intellectual growth of faculty resulting in enhancing the quality of education and research at BITS.


    • To conduct research in a University, Industry or Government research laboratory in India or abroad which would enhance the reputation of BITS.
    • To undertake well-defined work in industrial concerns and technical departments of Governments, either in India or     abroad, to gain practical experience in their respective fields.
    • Any other purpose for the academic or related development of the faculty member, as approved by the Vice Chancellor in consultation with concerned campus Director / Dean / Faculty-in charge and Chief People Officer.


    • A faculty member is eligible for one-year Sabbatical Leave after the completion of six years of continuous service at Assistant Professor, Grade-I in Academic Level-12 or above, with the Institute, and once every six years of continuous employment thereafter.
    • At the time of availing the Sabbatical leave, the faculty member should have at least two years of service before superannuation.
    • Service in BITS as a Visiting Faculty or a Visiting Scientist will not be considered for Sabbatical Leave.
    • The faculty member should have a satisfactory record of performance in the most recent annual performance review.


    • The period of Sabbatical Leave may not exceed one year at a time.
    • Sabbatical Leave cannot begin or end in the middle of a semester.
    • The sabbatical leave can be broken up in two equal halves of 6 months each. However, in such a case the faculty member should be present at BITS for at least 3 years between the two periods.
    • One may combine “vacation leave” of up to 2 months with the sabbatical leave.
    • During the period of Sabbatical Leave the faculty member is entitled to full salary and allowances admissible under the normal rules but will not be provided traveling allowance or any other allowance in India or abroad. The faculty will receive 50% of the salary during the Sabbatical Leave, while the balance will be paid in 4 equal installments over the next two years together with interest calculated @ 6% per annum.
    • The faculty member would be required to specify the purpose of visit and the nature of work proposed, and how the sabbatical work would contribute to his/her professional development and hence benefit the institute.
    • A member of the faculty may not undertake any regular appointment with any other organization in India or abroad during the period of Sabbatical Leave. Any financial benefit received from outside the Institute during sabbatical should be disclosed to the Institute by the Faculty, and prior permission should be taken before receiving such amounts.
    • The faculty member interested in proceeding on Sabbatical Leave would be required to intimate his/her intentions in writing to the concerned group leader and controlling officer at least one semester in advance.
    • The work load of the faculty member on leave will be distributed among the remaining faculty members. However, in exceptional cases temporary substitutes may be employed.
    • While recommending sabbatical leave the Group Leader would be required to certify to Dean/Faculty-in-charge that alternative arrangements have been made for sharing of the academic, research and project activities and other Institutional duties and commitments of the faculty member during his/her absence.
    • A faculty member having a sponsored research project at BITS for more than two years may normally avail Sabbatical Leave only after completion of the project.
    • No more than 10% of faculty (rounded off to the next higher integer) in a Group may be on Sabbatical Leave at a time.
    • The Vice chancellor will be the final approving authority based on recommendations from the concerned campus Director / Dean / Faculty-in-charge and the Chief People Officer. 

  • Extraordinary Leave

    An option to faculty will be provided to avail “extraordinary leave” (EOL) without pay for up to 2 years at a time subject to:
    • He/she avails EOL with a view to enrich his/her background and/or experience that will benefit BITS upon his/her return to BITS,
    • EOL will normally be available only after three years of service at BITS,
    • The total of such EOL (together with sabbatical leave) is limited to 20% of time spent at BITS,
    • One would normally be required to spend 3 years at BITS before he/she can avail similar paid or unpaid leave again.
    • The family member of the faculty will normally be provided only minimal access to on-campus medical facility. Medical reimbursement will normally not be available to self and family during this period.
    • The faculty member will contribute his/her share of PF as well as that of BITS to his/her PF account.
    If the faculty decides to not return to BITS at the end of EOL,
    • the faculty member will be required to pay significantly higher rent for on-campus house if retained during his/her EOL,
    • the faculty member will normally have to pay back the amounts received from BITS on account of children’s education, or pay to BITS the equivalent of tuition and other fee waived for education of self, spouse or children at BITS.

  • Guidelines for Faculty - Industry Immersion Scheme

    Following information can be viewed only by employee of BITS Pilani.
    For more information, Please contact Dean, Faculty Affairs.

  • Guidelines for Faculty - University Immersion Scheme

    Following information can be viewed only by employee of BITS Pilani.
    For more information, Please contact Dean, Faculty Affairs.

An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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