A Chair Professorship helps recognize and reward excellence in teaching and/or research by a member of the BITS Pilani faculty at either of its campuses or to induct a professor from outside BITS, Pilani. Such a person would be re-designated as Chair Professor, Each “Chair Professorship” also helps establishment an endowment with significant funds that are used to (a) make available to the Chair Professor a “research grant”, and (b) provide to him/her a small honorarium to cover additional effort required to fulfill the charter laid out for the endowment.
Anyone with a track record of an outstanding teacher and/or researcher in the rank of Associate Professor or Professor from within BITS Pilani or from outside BITS, Pilani or a person with significant R&D experience from industry being considered for appointment as regular or Visiting Associate Professor or Professor, would be eligible to be considered for “appointment” against the Chair. Anyone who is being considered for Chair position would first be appointed against one of the positions available in BITS, Pilani including “regular” faculty, “visiting” faculty positions.
Further, if the MoU that provides for the establishment of the Chair explicitly identifies a BITS, Pilani Campus, a discipline, an area, or limits the appointment of a woman, then only those who possess the requisite expertise stated in the MoU would be eligible.
The “appointment” against the Chair is normally made for a period of up to five years, but such that it does not extend beyond his/her term of employment as Senior Professor/Professor/Associate Professor or Visiting Faculty/Professor. However, continuation into the fourth and fifth years will be subject to a review at the end of the third year. Further, an individual may be eligible to be considered for reappointment, together with other eligible candidates, for a period of upto 5 years (without a break) any number of times.
The faculty member who has been “appointed against the Chair” will be called “XXX Chair Associate Professor/Professor” or “Visiting XXX Chair Faculty/ Professor”.
Research grant and honorarium:
The faculty so appointed as “XXX Chair” will receive at the beginning of each year a research grant (inclusive of any honorarium to be drawn by him/her) of an amount between Rs. 3 lakhs and Rs. 6 lakhs., Further,
- The research grant, made available at the beginning of the year, may be used for any academic purpose (including hiring of Research students/staff, undertake domestic or international travel by you or your students or your colleagues, or incur expenses towards specialized training in India or abroad, or procure equipment, supplies and books or source support services, or invite your collaborators for short visits to BITS, Pilani etc.) and to draw, at his/her option, an honorarium of Rs. 15,000 per month for the duration that he/she is appointed against the Chair. The faculty so appointed as “XXX Chair” will operate the research grant in a manner similar to the way he/she currently operate a sponsored R&D project. The unutilized funds at the end of the tenure of the appointment against the Chair, if any, shall be ploughed back to the endowment fund.
- Unless otherwise agreed to in the MoU, or by the Vice Chancellor, the following guidelines will be used to spend the research grant, less any honorarium drawn by him/her: up to 60% for domestic or international travel, upto 25% for training, upto 100% for research students/staff, equipment, books and supplies, upto 25% for support services.
- For each individual Chair the research grant (between Rs. 3 lakhs to Rs. 6 lakhs) will depend upon the earning that accrues from investing the corresponding corpus of the Chair, or as agreed upon in the MoU that provided for the establishment of the Chair.
There shall be no change in the salary or in any other benefit including housing, LTA, medical coverage, increments, leave, etc. In addition to these salary and benefits and as stated above, the incumbent may, at his/her option, draw an honorarium of up to Rs. 15,000 per month.
Teaching/research commitments
As a result of the “appointment” against the Chair, there will be no change in the stipulated responsibilities of the faculty member in respect of teaching/research or administration. Additionally, however, the faculty so “appointed” as “XXX Chair” will be expected to fulfill the charter laid out in the corresponding MoU that provided for establishment of the Chair.
Intellectual property rights
As a result of the “appointment” against the Chair, there shall be no change in the rights applicable to intellectual property developed by the faculty member and/or his/her students and/or his/her collaborators.
Selection Procedures
A Selection Committee specifically constituted for the purpose will “appoint” a faculty member against the Chair. It shall have the following constitution: (a) Vice Chancellor (or his/her nominee) as its Chairman, (b) one expert from outside BITS, Pilani nominated by Vice Chancellor, (c) a nominee of the donor, and (d) Dean (Faculty Affairs) or a senior faculty member in lieu thereof.
If a person being considered for appointment as a Visiting Faculty/Professor is proposed to be considered for appointment against the Chair as well, then the corresponding committee must also have (a) one expert from outside BITS Pilani nominated by Vice Chancellor, (b) a nominee of the donor and (c) Dean (Faculty Affairs) or a senior faculty member in lieu thereof.
Further, and unless the MoU specifically says otherwise, the Vice Chancellor may appoint a Search-cum-Screening Committee in order to attract outstanding faculty members from outside BITS, Pilani. Further, as stated earlier, when a person from outside BITS, Pilani is to be appointed as a Chair Professor, he/she will have to be appointed as a regular or visiting faculty at BITS Pilani following the usual process before he/she is appointed against the Chair.