BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, August 11, 2023


  • Q1. What are the requirements for taking up courses abroad?

    Students have the option to take up courses at foreign universities which have an MoU with BITS or which are ranked among the top 400 global universities in QS or TIMES rankings. Students who have received acceptance from a university must submit the prescribed credit transfer form to their respective HOD, who will confirm the course equivalence of the courses they wish to pursue at the foreign university. 
    The required form is available on the IPCD web page.

  • Q2. Should the semester abroad program fee be paid only to the concerned foreign university?

    A –It is required to pay the fee at both the universities but students can apply for a partial fee waiver at BITS through the SWD.

  • Q3. Can the semester abroad program (SAP) be done in 3rd year?

    A - It is necessary to complete all the compulsory courses (CDCs) to apply for the semester abroad program. As CDCs cannot be completed by 3rd year, it is not possible to apply for semester abroad program in 3rd year.

  • Q4. Will it be possible to finish my electives in the same institute where I will be going for a summer internship?

    A – Yes if the student applies for the semester abroad program and get the required permission from the concerned divisions before going for the summer internship.

  • Q5. Is it possible to go for the semester abroad program in 1st semester and practice school in 2nd semester?

    A - Yes. However, all the compulsory courses have to be finished to apply for the semester abroad program.

  • Q6. Can I do an internship abroad and get credits instead of practice school 1?

    A – Practice school division should agree. Kindly contact PS division for further information.

  • Q7. Will summer internship be considered for extra credits?

    A – No. Summer internships will not be considered for credit transfer.

  • Q8. If I have completed all my electives by 4th year, can I do additional courses abroad?

    A - Yes. Students are allowed to take up additional courses.

  • Q9. Will the BITS Alumni Association (BITSAA) provide funding for semester abroad program?

    A - There is a provision to provide funding through BITSAA, the details of which can be found on their website.

  • Q10. When should we start applying for off campus thesis?

    A - Applications should be submitted atleast 2 months prior to the end of the previous semester. 
    It is recommended that students start applying to foreign universities at least 4 months prior to the submission deadline. The deadline for submission is provided on the AUGSD/AGSRD webpage (guidelines).

  • Q11. When is the correct time to contact professors in foreign universities for off campus thesis?

    A - Acceptance by a professor will be based on the courses taken and the practical skillset of the student. It is better to work on your resume till 3rd year and start applying from 4th year 1st semester.

  • Q12. If I start doing my thesis on campus and then get an acceptance from a foreign university, how can I convert to an off campus thesis?

    A - The paper work for off campus thesis needs to be initiated well in advance.  If you do not get acceptance from the foreign university within the deadline, pursue it with a supervisor on campus and request AUGSD/AGSRD for extending the deadline, if possible.

  • Q13. Will it be possible to transfer from practice school to thesis after submitting the practice school registration form?

    A – It will not be possible to shift from practice school to thesis after registering for practice school. 

  • Q14. Is it possible to do a 9 credit thesis along with practice school during semester break?

    A - No, it is not possible to do practice school with thesis. An interested student can do a research project without registering if required but no credits will be accepted for it as per BITS rules.

  • Q15. Is it possible to do a one year thesis under different co–supervisors for each semester?

    A - For single degree students who have completed their compulsory courses, they are permitted to do only one thesis in either of their last two semesters. A co-supervisor from the university is required only for one semester. A co-supervisor is not required if the student wishes to extend his/her thesis work unofficially for another six months and does not wish to transfer extra credits from the partner university.
    For dual degree students, it is required to carry out thesis work for each one of their disciplines. So, if the student wishes to pursue a one-year thesis in his/her final year, he/she has to ensure that the thesis work is interdisciplinary and can be considered under either discipline. In this case, the student can work with a co-supervisor from one branch during the first semester and under a co-supervisor from the other branch during the second semester.  The student will need prior permission from the concerned HOD to continue under the same co-supervisor (from another discipline) if desired.

  • Q16. Will doing a project in a foreign university help in the pursuit of higher studies in that university or in any other university abroad?

    A- Specific recommendations from professors are necessary for admissions to foreign universities. Recommendations from professors in foreign universities will definitely carry additional weightage.

  • Q17. Will doing a thesis abroad for a duration shorter than a semester be considered?

    A – As per BITS rules a thesis has to for the full duration of the said semester (summer terms not considered).  The student will have to come back to BITS after finishing work at the partner university and continue the thesis under supervision of co-supervisor till the end of the semester.

  • Q18. I am interested to go to a particular foreign university, but BITS has no existing MOU with that university what should be the course of action?

    A- If a student is interested to go to a particular foreign university for first or higher degree thesis or summer internships he/she can bring it to the notice of IPCD, through the Associate Deans on individual campus. IPCD will make efforts to enable the student to undertake the thesis.

  • Q19. How to exploit a MoU?

    A - Explore the website of the organization to get an idea about the opportunities offered by the organization. MoUs are signed for three purposes – first, to submit a joint research grant under bilateral calls for proposal. Second, to facilitate university immersion program for BITS faculty. Third, at the initiative of the foreign university.

  • Q20. What are the advantages of doing a summer internship in a university BITS has signed MoU with?

    A - Write to the HOD and international relations department of the partner foreign university and inform them that you are accepted at that university for internship and need assistance.

  • Q21. Can MoU be used for summer internship?

    A - While applying to a university, if the student mentions the existence of an MoU, it may increase his/her chances to receive an acceptance from the university.

  • Q22. I want to apply for practice school in a foreign industry. What are the steps required to be taken?

    A - Industry has to be registered with practice school division. Kindly approach practice school division to find out about the registration process.

  • Q23. I am interested in applying to a foreign university for higher studies, but have concerns regarding the financial aspects. Will the Institute help in this regard?

    A - If a student wishes to go to a foreign university for higher studies or collaborative projects, and is eligible for it, but unable to finance it, IPCD will try to facilitate EDUCATIONAL LOANS for such students, from various banks.

  • Q24. Will it be possible for IPCD to help match BITS faculty with faculty in foreign universities with which BITS has not signed MOU?

    A - Yes. IPCD can help in this regard.

  • Q25. Why should there be a co-supervisor from BITS for off-campus thesis?

    A - This is done so as to provide a foothold for faculty to connect to their foreign peers through the students. By doing so, we can improve our collaborations with foreign universities and also sign new MOUs in the process. Moreover, this is a protocol devised by AUGSD/AGSRD.

  • Q26. Can approaching faculty in foreign universities for research collaboration, be done by individual faculty or through IPCD?

    A - Both ways are fine. If you are directly trying to connect with a faculty whose affiliation is with a university with which BITS has signed MoU then, please incorporate the link containing the list of MOUs in your email. This will serve as a proof of an existing MOU with the concerned university.

  • Q27. If a faculty in a foreign university is unable to accept a faculty member into his/her lab due to prior commitments, what should be the next course of action?

    A - Try searching for alternative faculty at the same foreign university, who also share similar subject interests.

An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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