BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, March 26, 2024

About Practice School

About Practice School

Practice School

Practice School Program provides students an opportunity to Practice what they have learnt, in marque Organizations under the supervision of a mentor. Students work on cutting edge technologies and could choose to Practice in their own discipline of study or cross discipline areas. This flagship program not only nurtures students to work in roles needing multi-functional skills but also provides them an opportunity to secure a PPO.

Practice School-I (PS-I)

Practice School-I is an EIGHT weeks course conducted during the summer term after the second year of study. Students are stationed in an organization during this program and after a comprehensive orientation, students largely learn through observation and work on group projects, under the guidance and mentorship of industry experts and a faculty member from BITS. This not only serves as a first exposure of students to the corporate world, but also helps in nurturing their personality traits, communication and presentation skills.

Practice School-II (PS-II)

Practice School-II offered in the final year of study is a TWENTY-TWO weeks’ full time program. First Degree students in their final year of study, can register for this either during the first semester or second semester and Dual Degree students can register for a double semester PS-II program. For Higher Degree students, the course is titled Practice School and such students can register for this in their final semester of study.

While students can opt for this program and give their preferences of the company where they wish to Practice, the allotment of students to a particular company follows a merit based allotment process.

Students get the opportunity to practice what they have learnt, by working on live projects, under the supervision of industry experts and faculty member of BITS. This program provides students the opportunity to put theory to Practice, work on cutting edge technologies, understand company work culture and hone their behavioral skills. About 80% of the participating companies are long term partners who dote on BITSians to build their talent pool. This speaks for itself about the performance of our students, which in turn, is in part due to our curriculum and the stress on all round development.

Practice School Process

Partnering companies share their requirements with the Practice School Division, which makes it available to the students on a digital platform. Students get the opportunity to give their preference. The selection of students and their allotment to a company is done by the Practice School Division following a merit based allotment process.

An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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