BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, September 28, 2023




Researcher Profiles and ORCID iDs

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2023 (Till date):

·         Neena Susan Shaji and Raja Muthalagu, Survey on security aspects of distributed software-defined networking controllers in an enterprise SD-WLAN, Digital Communications and Networks, Elseiver (2023), (IF= 8) (Q1).

·         Neena Susan Shaji, Tanushree Jain, Raja Muthalagu and Pranav M Pawar, Deep-Discovery: Anomaly Discovery in Software-Defined Networks Using Artificial Neural Networks, Computers & Security, Elseiver (2023), 103320 doi: (IF= 5.1) (Q1).

·         Neena Susan Shaji, Raja Muthalagu and Pranav M Pawar, SD-IIDS: Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Software-Defined Networks, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (2023), (IF= 2.57) (Q1).

·         Sadhwani, Sapna, Baranidharan Manibalan, Raja Muthalagu, and Pranav Pawar. 2023. "A Lightweight Model for DDoS Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques" Applied Sciences 13, no. 17: 9937. =2.7) (Q1)

·         Mahadik, S., Pawar, P.M. & Raja Muthalagu "Edge-HetIoT Defense against DDoS attack using Learning Techniques." Computers & Security, Elseiver (2023): 103347. (IF= 5.1) (Q1).

·         Ashish Kumar Jha, Raja Muthalagu and Pranav M Pawar"Intelligent phishing website detection using machine learningMultimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 2023. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF= 2.57) (Q1).

·         Mahadik, S., Pawar, P.M. & Raja Muthalagu. Efficient Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Heterogeneous Internet of Things (HetIoT). J Netw Syst Manage, Springer, 31, 2 (2023). ( SCIE, Scopus) (IF=2.198)  (Q2).

·         H. Chandra, P. M. Pawar, R. Elakkiya, P. S. Tamizharasan, Raja Muthalagu and A. Panthakkan, "Explainable AI for Soil Fertility Prediction," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3311827. (IF=3.9) ( Q1)

·         Mahadik, S., Pawar, P.M. & Raja Muthalagu. Heterogeneous IoT (HetIoT) Security: Techniques, Challenges and Open Issues Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 2023. ( SCIE, Scopus) (IF=2.57)  (Q1).

·         Sivakumar, A., Sriwastawa, A. & Muthalagu, R. Shakey: an improved cipher for protection of Iot devices. Int. j. inf. tecnol., Springer (2023). (Scopus)(Q2)

·         Parth Generiwala, Siddhartha B and Raja Muthalagu “Cross Dataset Analysis and Network Architecture Repair for Autonomous Car Lane Detection” 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2023), Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (CORE RANK-B).

·         Vrinda sati and Raja Muthalagu “Analysis on Hacking the Secured Air-Gapped Computer and Possible Solution”, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol 23, No.2, 2023. (ESCI, Scopus)(Q2).

·         Raja Muthalagu, Anudeepsekhar Bolimera, Kalaichelvi V, Abhilasha Singh" Ego Vehicle Lane Detection and Key Point Determination Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Inverse Projection Mapping” Transport and Telecommunication Journal, Sciendo. Vol.24, no 2, 2023. (ESCI, Scopus )(Q3).

·         "IPAssess: A Protocol-Based Fingerprinting Model for Device Identification in the IoT", P. Ganeriwala, S. Nandanwar, A. Gupta, S. Bhattacharyya, and R. Muthalagu, Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2023.

·         S. Kalpesh Patel, S. Sadhwani, Raja Muthalagu and P. Mothabhau Pawar, "Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems Techniques in IoT - Survey," 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 53-58. (Scopus)

·         S. Sadhwani, A. Verma, Raja Muthalagu and P. M. Pawar, "Network Intrusion Detection: A Study on Various Learning Approaches," 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 161-166 (Scopus)

·         Shalaka S. Mahadik, Pranav M. Pawar, Raja Muthalagu., Dnyaneshwar Mantri, Neeli Rashmi Prasad and Nandkumar P Kulkarni, Chapter 2: Intelligent security for DDoS in HetIoT (6G perspective), 6G Connectivity-Systems, Technologies, and Applications, River Publisher, 2023 (Accepted). (Scopus)

·         Karan Sharma, Kavya Parthasarathy, Pranav M. Pawar, Raja M, Cyber Threat Detection in 6G Wireless Network using Ensemble Majority-voting Classifier, Chapter 12: Connectivity-Systems, Technologies, and Applications, River Publisher, 2023 (Accepted). (Scopus)

·         Ikshit Chaturvedi, Pranav M Pawar, Raja Muthalagu, Tamizharasan P S. Zero Trust Security Architecture for Digital Privacy in Healthcare. Book Chapter on Information Technology Security: Modern Trends and Challenges, Springer, 2023.  


·         T. Praveen, A. Gupta, S. Bhattacharyya and Raja Muthalagu, "Assuring Behavior of Multirobot Autonomous Systems With Translation From Formal Verification to ROS Simulation," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 5092-5100, Sept. 2022 ( SCI, SCOPUS) ( IF= 4) (Q1)

·         Keshkar, Miziya, Raja Muthalagu, Abdul Rajak, and Libin K. Mathew. 2022. "GAE and OBE Enhanced Interference Mitigation Techniques in LDACS" Aerospace 9, no. 1: 45. ( SCIE, SCOPUS) ( IF=1.65)(Q2)

·         Keshkar, Miziya, Raja Muthalagu and Abdul Rajak. 2022. "ROAD Statistics-Based Noise Detection for DME Mitigation in LDACS" Applied Sciences 12, no. 8: 3774.  ( SCIE, SCOPUS) (IF=2.7) (Q2)

·         Shreeya Jain, Pawar, P.M. & Raja Muthalagu. Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Things. Telematics and Informatics Reports, Elseiver, Online first,

·         Samyuktha, Raja Muthalagu “Customer Segmentation Using Various Machine Learning TechniquesInt. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Inderscience, Vol.20 No.4, pp. 480-496, 2022. (SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Shaun Fernandes and Dhruv Duseja. Indoor Location Estimation Using the Received Signal Strength Indicator of Wi-Fi Access Point. JESTEC, Vol.17. no.4, pp.2362-2372, 2022. (ESCI, SCOPUS)

·         Shalaka S. Mahadik, Pranav M. Pawar, Raja Muthalagu, Neeli Rashmi Prasad, Dnyanesh S Mantri,  Smart LSTM-based IDS for Heterogeneous IoT (HetIoT), 25th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 5G Way Forward to 6G, 30 October- 2 November 2022 Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark.

·         Miziya K, Raja Muthalagu, Abdul Rajak, Pranav M Pawar, Neeli Rashmi Prasad, ROAD Value-based DME detection and OBE enhanced DME mitigation for LDACS, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 5G Way Forward to 6G, 30 October- 2 November 2022 Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark.

·         Divija Sanapala, Raja Muthalagu and Pranav M Pawar, Hybrid Deep Face Music Recommendation Using Emotions, 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision (ICICV-2022), 24-25 November, 2022, Jaipur, India.

·         Mukta Mithra Raj, Pranav M Pawar, Raja Muthalagu, Securing Cloud from Data Misconfiguration using Cryptographic Techniques, IEEE International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), 23 - 25 December 2022, Bengaluru, India


·         Raja Muthalagu, Anudeepsekhar Bolimera and V. Kalaichelvi "Vehicle Lane Markings Segmentation and Keypoint Determination Using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksMultimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 2021. (SCIE, SCOPUS) (IF= 2.313) (Q1)

·         Miziya K, Raja Muthalagu, Libin K Mathew, Abdul Rajak “Deep Clipping Based Interference Mitigation Technique for LDACS” IEEE 40th Digital avionics systems Conference, Texas, USA, October 2021.

·         Suriya Badrinath, Raja Muthalagu Modelling Human Activity using Smartphone DataThe Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, Vol. 15, (Suppl-1, M2) 58-70, Oct.2021 (SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Anudeepsekhar Bolimera, Dhruv Duseja and Shaun Fernandes " Object and Lane Detection Technique for Autonomous Car Using Machine Learning Approach” Transport and Telecommunication Journal, Sciendo. Vol.22, Issue 4, 383-391, 2021.(ESCI, SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Sachin Sanjay “Evil Twin Attack Mitigation Techniques in 802.11 Networks” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol.12. Issue.6, pp. 38-41, 2021 (ESCI, SCOPUS)

·         Mohammed Afaounodden Ahmed, Adresya   Suresh   Azhakath and Raja Muthalagu “Descriptive Analysis on Products/Services demand and Market conspectus: A quantitative approach” 2021 International Conference on Electrical Energy and Power Engineering, Malaysia IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.1045 012005  2020. (SCOPUS)

·         Narayan and R. Muthalagu, "Image Character Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks," 2021 Seventh IEEE International conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICBSII51839.2021.9445136. (SCOPUS)


·         Raja Muthalagu, Anudeepsekhar Bolimera and V. Kalaichelvi " Lane detection technique based on perspective transformation and histogram analysis for self-driving cars Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elseiver, Vol. 85, July 2020, 106653. (SCIE, SCOPUS) (IF= 2.663)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Subeen Jain " Improved KASUMI Block Cipher for GSM based Mobile Networks Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol.4, issue. 4, pp.197-204, 2020 DOI: 10.1080/23742917.2020.1796252

·         Shaun Fernandes, Dhruv Duseja, & Muthalagu, R. (2020). Application of Image Processing Techniques for Autonomous Cars. Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation. Vol.17, pp.1-12, 2020.

·         Praveen Thachappully Adithya, Raja Muthalagu, and Sapna Sadhwani. 2020. Genesis Net: Fine Tuned Dense Net Configuration using Reinforcement Learning. In 2020 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR2020). Kumamoto, Japan, 46–50. DOI:10.1145/3439133.3439139 (SCOPUS)

·         Sruthi Janardhanan, Raja Muthalagu “Market segmentation for profit maximization using machinelearning algorithms” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1706 012160, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1706/1/012160 (SCOPUS)

·         Raghav venkadesh, Raja Muthalagu “Network security prediction model using neural networks” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1706 012167, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1706/1/012167 (SCOPUS)


2019 :

·         Raja Muthalagu, Subeen Jain, "A Novel Modified KASUMI Block Chiper for Global System for Mobile   Communications” International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis, Vol.43, Issue 8, pp.805-813, 2019. ( ( SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, "A novel Nonlinear and Non-iterative Precoding Technique for Single and Multi-user MIMO Systems” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol. 106, no.4, pp. 2359-2373, March 2019. ( ) (SCIE, SCOPUS) (IF=1.061)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Kishore, "MATLAB simulation of configurable digital hearing aid system with noise reduction filter” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 11 no.4, pp. 37-42, April 2019. (SCOPUS)



·         Raja Muthalagu, "Mitigation of DME Interference in LDACS1 based Future Air-to-Ground (A/G) communications” Cogent Engineering, Taylor & Francis, Vol.5, no.1 Jun. 2018. ( ( ESCI, SCOPUS) ( IF= 1.350)

·         Raja Muthalagu, " Modifying the structure KASUMI to improve its resistance towards attacks by inserting FSM and S-Box” Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 2. no.1, pp. 37-50, 2018 (

·         Raja Muthalagu, "Both the Single user and Multi user MIMO System Design with Individual Transmit Power Constraint and Improper ConstellationInternational Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, Inderscience Publishers,Vol.8 No.2, pp.105 - 114, 2018  DOI: 10.1504/IJSSC.2018.094481 (ESCI)

·         Raja Muthalagu, "Transceiver Design for MIMO Systems with Individual Transmit Power Constraints", Int. Journal of Electrical and computer engineering. Vol.8, No. 3, pp. 1583-1595, 2018. (SCOPUS).

·         Raja Muthalagu, “Non-linear and Non-iterative Based Transceiver Design for SU-MIMO Systems, “Journal of Communications and Information Networks, Springer. Vol.3, pp.14-22, DOI: Apr. 2018.

·         Raja Muthalagu, Subeen Jain, “Reducing the time required by KASUMI to generate output by modifying the FL and FI functions, “Iran Journal of Computer Science, Springer. Vol.3, pp. 33-40. 2018. DOI: Mar. 2018.

·         Raja Muthalagu, Rahul Sudheer, and Seyed Ibrahim, “FPGA Implementation of Optimized QPSK and OQPSK Using VHDL," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 182-186, 2018. (SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, “A Survey on Precoding and Decoding Design in MIMO and OFDM Systems” Journal of Communications, Vol. 13, No.2, PP. 45-59, 2018. (SCOPUS).



·         Raja Muthalagu , " Application of cognitive radio and interference Cancellation in L-Band based Future Air-to Ground Communication System", Digital Communications and Networks, Elsevier, Online First (DOI:, PP. 1–26, Sep. 2017. (SCIE, SCOPUS) (IF=5.382)

·         Raja Muthalagu and Subeen Jain, “Application of FSM Machine and S-Box in KASUMI Block Cipher to Improve its Resistance against Attack" International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), Vol.20, No.5, PP. 1-8, Nov. 2017. (SCOPUS),

·         Raja Muthalagu, “Design of MIMO System with Individual Transmit Power Constraint and Improper Constellation” Advances on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer, Vol. 12, 2017. ( (SCOPUS).

·         Raja Muthalagu and Subeen Jain, "Modifying LFSR of ZUC to Reduce Time for Key-Stream Generation", Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Vol. 5- 4, PP. 257–268, Aug. 2017. (SCOPUS)

·         Raja Muthalagu, "Joint Precoder and Decoder Design for SU-MIMO System with Individual Transmit Power Constraint and Improper Constellation, International Journals of Computers and Communications, Vol. 11, PP. 26–33, 2017.


Previous Publications:

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, “Multiuser MIMO Transceiver design for Uplink and Downlink with Imperfect CSI. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 75, pp. 12151234, Mar. 2014. (SCI, Impact Factor - 0.951)

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "A Novel Nonlinear Constellation Precoding for OFDM Systems with Subcarrier Grouping”. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 73, pp. 867-884, Dec. 2013. (SCI, Impact Factor - 0.951)

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, “SVD-Assisted Joint Precoder and Decoder Design for the Uplink of MU-MIMO Systems with Improper Modulation”. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 73, pp. 1129-1142, Dec. 2013. (SCI, Impact Factor - 0.951)

·         Raja Muthalagu, P. Muthuchidambaranathan and Ha H. Nguyen, "Transceiver Design for MIMO Systems with Improper Modulations”, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol.68, pp. 265280, Jan. 2012. (SCI, Impact Factor - 0.951)

·         Raja Muthalagu, Ha H. Nguyen and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Joint Optimization of Precoder and Decoder in Multiuser MIMO Systems”, REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC) (IEEE Communications Society), vol. 2, No. 1-2, June 2012.

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "SVD-Based Transmit Beamforming for Various Modulations with Convolution Encoding”, ICTACT Journal on Communication and Technology, vol.2, Issue. 03, pp. 393-399, Sep.2011.

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Performance Analysis of Closed-Loop MIMO system”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), vol.4, No.12, pp.14-19, Aug.2011.

·         Raja Muthalagu, “Design of MIMO System with Individual Transmit Power Constraint and Improper Constellation” 12-th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2017 .

·         Raja Muthalagu, A. P. Vinod and A. S. Madhukumar, “DME Interference Mitigation Technique for L-Band Digital-Aeronautical-Communications-System1 (LDACS1) based on Decision-Directed Noise Estimation Approach”, IEEE Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference, Virginia, United States, L4-1 - L4-10, 2015.

·         Kalaiselvan, Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Performance Analysis of Multiuser MIMO Systems using Non-Iterative Technique" Proc. of International Conference of Signal processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (ICSIPR'13), India, Feb.2013.

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, ''Joint Optimization of Precoder and Decoder in Multiuser MIMO Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information (CSI)” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT-2012),pp. 1-5, 2012, India.

·         Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, ''Joint Precoding and Decoding in MU-MIMO Downlink Systems with Perfect Channel State Information (CSI)” International Conference on Communication, Computing and Security (ICCCS-2012), Procedia Technology, Elsevier, vol. 6, pp. 708-715, Oct. 2012. India.

·         Raja Muthalagu, Sanka, K., and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Minimum Total MSE based Transceiver Design for Single-user MIMO System”, Proc. of 17th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Malaysia, Oct.2011, 720-725.

·         Sanka, K., Raja Muthalagu and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, “Improved minimum total MSE transceiver design with imperfect CSI at both ends of a MIMO link” 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), April 8-10, 2011, India, pp.23-27.

·         Raja Muthalagu, P. Muthuchidambaranathan, ''BER Performance of SVD-based Transmit Beamforming with Various Modulation Techniques”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems ( ICIIS), NITK, Surathkal , Jul 29 - Aug 01, 2010, India, pp.155-160.

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