Major seminars and public lectures (select list 2018-2010)
- Paper titled Languages of trust: discourse, institutions and practice in colonial India’ presented at the first IEARN workshop on the Social History of Trust, Nantes
- Paper titled Piracy in India’s western littoral: Reality and Representation’ presented in an international seminar on Concurrent Concepts of Piracy, Vaxho, Sweden, 1-2 March 2018.
- Paper titled ‘Technologies and new musical geographies: understanding national. Regional and glocal flows of Carnatic music’ in the international seminar on Regional Cultures and new Media technologies at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, 26-28 April, 2017.
- Paper titled ‘Responding to the Spatial turn: Littoral regions and connected histories’, presented in the Conference on ‘Crossing Boundaries 27-28 February 2017’ organized by the Department of History, Delhi University.
- Paper titled Masters and Servants in eighteenth century Surat presented in an international conference on Servants Pasts and Presents 18th-20th centuries organised by the Centre for Developing Societies, Delhi 16-18 February 2017.
- Government of India BIMSTEC Initiative Paper presented on Historical and Civilizational Linkages in the Bay of Bengal, 27-28 March 2016, Kolkata.
- Paper titled Ports of Maritime India - A Historical Narrative presented in a Conference on Ports of India in Naval War College, Mandavie, Goa 10 March 2016, "
- Paper titled Musical Publics in twentieth century Madras Competing Narratives of Sonic sociability’ presented in the International Conference on Music, Modernity and the Public Sphere, University of Chicago Centre, New Delhi, 27-28 February 2016
- Participated in a Conference on the Maratha Experiment State and Society Department of History, Calcutta University, 26 February 2016
- Participated in an International Seminar on Radiating Globalities in the University of Dakar, Senegal, 19-22 February 2016
- Paper titled “Regimes of Regulation in the Indian Ocean: Old Questions, New 4. perspectives”, presented in a seminar organized by the CSSSC and University of Glasgow 12-13 December 2015
- Paper titled Gujarat and Western India presented in a Seminar organized by Darshak Itihas Nidhi on Trans-Regional Trade and Traders Situating Gujarat in the Indian Ocean from early times to 1900, Surat 10-12 December 2015
- Paper titled “Piracy in the western littoral” presented in an international conference organized by the Cama Institute in Mumbai, 11 & 12 January 2014.
- Paper titled ‘Petitions and Predation in the North-western Littoral: Making Sense of a Fragmented Archive (1790-1818)’ presented in Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Gottingen, Germany, 21 May 2014,
- Delivered two Special Lectures on “Crime and Law in Colonial India” at IPSIR, University of Warsaw, 29 April 2013
- Invited speaker at the international conference on Politics of law, Poetics of Self, Plymouth University, 5 & 6 September 2013
- Invited speaker at an international seminar on Provincialising the Globe, Princeton University, 19-20 April 2013
- Invited speaker at a seminar on ‘Empires and Networks Maritime Asian Experiences Ninth to Nineteenth centuries’ organized by the Institute of south East Asian studies, National University of Singapore 21-22 February 2011.
- Invited keynote speaker for the conference on ‘Salty geographies: Subaltern maritime networks, spaces and practices’ organized by the University of Glasgow 7-8 October 2010.
- Invited speaker for a one-day Conference on South Indian Music organized by the Southern Methodist University, Dallas on 9 October 2010.
Special Lectures and Address
1. Ranjabati Sarkar Memorial Lecture, 29 March, 2017.
2. Public lecture on ‘Criminalizing the Colonial Subject: Law and Social reform in India delivered at the law faculty, University of Nantes, 39 November 2016.
3. T.S.Parthasarathy Memorial lecture, Chennai, August 2, 2016. 4. Founders Day address to the Bombay Maritime Society, 12 May 2016.
5. Keynote address in workshop on “Texts, tunes, and technologies’ organized at ISER, Pune, 20 and 21 March 2015.
6. Special Address in the ‘Gulf to Gulf to Gulf seminar’ organized by the Bhau Daji Lad Museum in Mumbai, 28 March 2015.
7. Special Address on “Music Histories in India”, International Conference on Historical Methodology”, University of Amsterdam, 24-25 January 2014.
Workshops and Seminars organized (select list)
1. Organized the first of the IEARN workshops on the Social History of Trust along with co-convenor Yannick Lemarchand in Nantes on 21-22 February 2018.
2. Curated an exhibition on The Scholar Musician and the Seni Ustads and organised a conference on Writing and Archiving Music History: Conversations and Challenges, 6-9 December 2017.
3. Organized an international seminar on The city as a site of the political in Kolkata 15-16 December 2016.
4. Organized an international seminar with the University of Glasgow in Kolkata on 12-13 December 2014.
5. Organized an international seminar in collaboration with the University of Plymouth in Kolkata on 11-13 December 2012.
6. Directed and coordinated along with Professor Engseng Ho, Duke University an International workshop on Inter-Asian connections organized by the Social Science Research Council, New York and Asia Research institute, National university of Singapore (7-10 December 2010). Our panel was titled Old Histories, New geographies: Contrapuntal Mobilities of Trade and State across Asia and was selected through a competitive process.