4. Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Nano-based detection of organophosphate pesticides using metal-organic framework conjugates” funded by NASF, ICAR Govt. of India.
Duration of Project: Jan. 2017-Dec .2019 (3 years)
Total amount Rs. 212 lakh (BITS Goa share Rs. 43.20 lakh)
Consortia of BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa Campus, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology and Indian Agricultural Research Institute IARI, N Delhi
Prof Sunil Bhand is CCPI from BITS Goa (Department of Chemistry)
1 SRF supported for 3 years
1 Major Equipment procured worth Rs. 19 lakh procured
5. Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Development of sensing system for residual pesticide and harmful chemical detection in fruits and vegetables" funded by R.D Tata Trust, Mumbai
Duration: Aug. 2016-Jul 2018. (Extended up to Oct. 31, 2018) 2.3 years
Total amount Rs. 212 lakh. BITS Goa with a share of Rs. 53.5 lakh
Consortium of CDAC Kolkata, BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa Campus, Jadavpur University Kolkata for a period of two years and 3 months.
Prof Sunil Bhand is PI from. Co-PI Dr Gautam Bacher (EEE).
1 Research Associate supported for 2.3 yrs
2 Major equipment worth Rs 20 lakh procured
6. Title of the project: “Development of field portable device for the analysis of contaminant in water” funded by BRNS, DAE GOI No. Ref No: (36)/14/25/2014-BRNS-445 (Up to Dec 2018)
Funding & duration: Rs. 24.138 lakh : 3 years (start June 2015), Staff: 1 SRF
Principal Investigator: Prof. Sunil Bhand ( Department of Chemistry)
Principal Collaborator: Dr R. Balasubramaniam, Ashwin Rathod (PED, BARC) Dr VK Suri (MGM ,Mumbai)
1 portable Equipment procured worth Rs. 5 lakh
1 Patent filed
7. National Facility of DAE –Indus II Synchrotron Source: (usage of X-Ray Lithography beam Line).
Novel micro biosensor device for heavy metal analysis in vegetables CSR-IC- BL40/CRS-137-2014-15/1233 for fabrication of micro devices using BL-9 at RRCAT DAE Indore. 2 years PI: Prof Sunil Bhand, Dr Gautam Bacher Co-PI. Dr V. Dhamgaye and Dr G S Lodha, RRCAT, DAE. (2 years 1 year renewal twice) travel and accommodation and equipment time paid by RRCAT DAE Indore. 2014-15 and 2015-16
8. Industry Project: A proof of concept proposal on Bio- Sensory Computing for Detection of Pesticide in Tea
CDAC Kolkata, BITS Goa and TRA Jorhat DR-22(5)/XII Plan Project/Bio-sensor/2015. 3 months (total cost 41 lakh) sanctioned in Jan 2016 ended March 2016.
BITS Goa -PI Prof. Sunil Bhand. (BITS Goa share 5.5 lakh)
1 Patent filed
9. Centre of Research Excellence in Water, Waste water and Energy Management (CORE WWEM) funded by BITS, Pilani.
Subproject title: Development of Field Deployable biosensor for analysis of bacterial contaminant in potable water
Funding to sub-project : Rs. 91 lakh, Duration : 3 years (2014- March 2017)
PI : Proj Ravij Gupta (Pilani Campus)
· Co PI : Prof. Sunil Bhand ( KK Birla Goa Campus) biosensor
Co-Investigator(s) I: Prof. Utpal Roy (Dept of Biological Sciences, K.K. Birla Goa
Campus) microbiology
Co-Investigator(s) Prof. Neeru Sood & Dr Turpti Gokhale : (: Biological Science)
1 RT-PCR Roche procured and in use jointly
1 Patent filed jointly with Co-PI
10. International: The Swedish Research Council
Title: Functional composite materials and their application in smart sensors
Funding Agency: The Swedish Research Council Duration: 3 years (2014-2017)
PI : Dr. Cedtic Dicko, Co-P Dr Estera Dey Pure and Applied Biochemistry, Lund University Sweden
Invited PI: Prof. Sunil Bhand (funding for Exchange visit of PI and researcher), BITS Goa.
11. Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Imprinted polymer for sensing and removal of selected antibiotic and pesticide residue” Project no. NFBSFARA/PHT-4007/2013-14
Funding Agency: National Funds for Basic and Strategic Research in Frontier Areas of Agricultural Science, ICAR, New Delhi
Project Funding Period: 1st October 2013 to 31st March, 2015. (18 months)
1 major equipment procured (Prober) about 12 lakh
1 microfluidic setup Rs 7 lakh
BITS, Pilani-KK Birla Goa Campus: Prof. Sunil Bhand (Principal Investigator)
BITS Goa, Co-Investigator (Prof. NN Ghosh)
NDRI Karnal: Dr. Y.S. Rajput (Cooperating Centre PI, CCPI)
IIT Delhi: Prof Sudhir Chandra (Cooperating Centre PI, CCPI)
Total Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 156 Lakh,
BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus funding share Rs. 54.00 lakh
12. International Bilateral Project (Indo-UK)
Joint Indo-UK project under UKIERI-DST Thematic research awards 2012, “Development and characterization of nanomaterials for biosensors and biocatalysts” (reference number INT/UK/UKIERI/P-41/2013)
Duration 2 years (May 2013-May 2015)
Funding agency: UKIERI (DST and British Council) Amount: Rs 91 lakh
· PI- UK: Prof Paul Millner (Faculty of Biological sciences) biocatalysis
Indian PI BITS Goa: Prof. NN Ghosh (Department of chemistry) nanomaterials
· Co-PI BITS Goa: Prof Sunil Bhand (Department of Chemistry) nanobiosensors
13. Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Development of biosensors and micro techniques for analysis of pesticide residues, aflatoxin, heavy metals and bacterial contamination in milk Project no. Comp 4/C10125.
Funding Agency: National Agricultural Innovation Project, ICAR, India & The World Bank USA.
§ BITS, Pilani-KK Birla Goa Campus: Prof. Sunil Bhand (Consortium PI)
§ NDRI Karnal: Dr. Naresh Kumar Consortium (partner)
§ IIT Delhi: Prof Sudhir Chandra & Prof Ratnamala Chatterjee (partner)
§ Punjabi University Patiala: Prof Neelam Verma (partner)
Total Revised funding ₹ 3107.318 lakh (USD 5 Million)
Project Funding Period: Feb 2008- June 30, 2014.
BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus funding share Rs. 450.4799 lakh
14. Multi-institute Consortium Project entitled “Detection and mitigation of dairy pathogens and adulterants using chemical biology, Project No. C4/C30032
· Funding Agency: National Agricultural Innovation Project “NAIP’ financed by ICAR (Govt of India & The World Bank, USA). Total funding amount: Rs. 695.7363 lakh
BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus funding share Rs. 91.34975 lakh
Funding period February 2009- March 30 2014
IIT Roorkee: Dr Naveen K Navani (Consortium PI)
BITS, Pilani-KK Birla Goa Campus: Dr. Sunil Bhand (Consortium Co-PI)
NDRI Karnal: Dr. YS Rajput (partner)
15. International: The Swedish Research Council
Joint Indo-Swedish project entitled “Validation of field-portable and high throughput biosensor techniques for environmental pesticide analysis”
Funding Agency: The Swedish Research Council, Sweden
Total funding Amount: Rs. 27.50 lakh (550,000 Swedish Kroner)
Funding period: June 2003- Dec. 2007.
Prof Bengt Danielsson (Principal Investigator, Sweden)
Department of Pure & Applied Biochemistry
Lund University, Sweden
Dr. Sunil Bhand (Principal Investigator, India)
16. Novel biosensor techniques for monitoring heavy metals and pesticides in coastal waters and sediments. No. 23(0002)/06/EMR-II
Funding Agency: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), N. Delhi under Monitoring Coastal Hazards program”.
Total funding Amount: Rs. 16.5 lakh
Funding period: Dec. 2006- March 2010 (3yrs)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sunil Bhand, Department of Chemistry
17. Project completed (as Co-Investigator):
Preparation and characterization of Nano- Ferrite Powders and Polybenzoxazine- Nanoferrite Composite, (ERIP/ER/060/5042/M/01/929)
Funding DRDO, Period: May 2007-March 2010,
Duration: 3 years
Principal Investigator: Dr NN Ghosh, BITS, Pilani-KK Birla Goa Campus
Co-PI: Dr Sunil Bhand, BITS, Pilani-KK Birla Goa Campus