BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, January 27, 2023


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In Refereed Journals
  1. Hyperon bulk viscosity and r-modes of Neutron Stars by O P Jyothilakshmi, P E Sravan Krishnan, Prashant Thakur, V Sreekanth and T K Jha; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 516, Issue 3 (2022).
  2. An Equation of State for Magnetized Neutron Star Matter and Tidal Deformation in Neutron Star Mergers by NK Patra, T Malik, D Sen, T K Jha, H Mishra; The Astrophysical Journal 900 (1), 49 (2020).
  3. Effect of Λv coupling on liquid gas phase transition in warm asymmetric nuclear matter by BK Sharma, S Sathees, MK Meghaa, T K Jha; Nuclear Physics A 1002, 121974 (2020).
  4. Tides in merging neutron stars: Consistency of the GW170817 event with experimental data on finite nuclei by Tuhin Malik, B.K. Agrawal, J.N. De, S.K. Samaddar, C. Providência, C. Mondal, T.K. Jha; Physical Review C 99 (Rapid Communications), 052801 (2019).
  5. Effects of hadron-quark phase transition on properties of Neutron Stars, by Debashree Sen and T. K. Jha, Journal of Physics G 46, 015202 (2019).
  6. Properties of Neutron Stars with hyperon cores in parameterized hydrostatic conditions, by Debasheree Sen, Kinjal Banerjee and T. K. Jha; Int. Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 27, No. 11, 1850097 (2018).

  7. Deconfinement of non-strange hadronic matter with nucleons & Δ-baryons to quark matter in neutron stars, by Debashree Sen and T. K. Jha, Int. Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 28, No. 02, 1950040 (2019).
  8. GW170817: constraining the nuclear matter equation of state from the neutron star tidal deformability, by Tuhin Malik, N. Alam, M. Fortin, C. Providência, B.K. Agrawal, T.K. Jha, Bharat Kumar and S.K. Patra. Physical Review C 98, 035804 (2018).
  9. Nuclear symmetry energy with mesonic cross couplings in the effective chiral model by Tuhin Malik, Kinjal Banerjee, T. K. Jha and B. K. Agrawal. Physical Review C 96, 035803 (2017).
  10. Massive Neutron stars and their Implication by T K Jha and Keshab C. Panda. Pramana 82, 831 (2014)
  11. Tsallis Statistics and the role of a stabilized radion in hte supernovae SN 1987A Cooling by Prasanta Kumar Das, J Selvaganapathy, Chandradew Sharma, V Sunil Kumar and T. K. Jha. Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A 28, 1350152 (2013).
  12. Bulk viscosity in hyperonic star and r-mode instability by T. K. Jha, H. Mishra and V. Sreekanth. Physical Review C 82, 025803 (2010).
  13. Constraints on nuclear matter parameters of an Effective chiral model by T. K. Jha and H. Mishra. Physical Review C 78, 065802 (2008).
  14. Attributes of a rotating Neutron star with a Hyperon core by T. K. Jha, H. Mishra and V. Sreekanth. Physical Review C 77, 045801 (2008).
  15. Neutron star matter in an effective model by T. K. Jha, P. K. Raina, P. K. Panda and S. K. Patra. Physical Review C 74, 055803 (2006).
  16. Hot nuclear matter in asymmetry chiral sigma model by P. K. Sahu, T. K. Jha, K. C. Panda and S. K. Patra. Nuclear Physics A 733, 169 (2004).
  17.  Shape change in Hf, W and Os-isotopes: A non-relativistic Hartree-Fock versus relativistic Hartree approximation by Z. Naik, B. K. Sharma, T. K. Jha, P. Arumugam and S. K. Patra. Pramana- Journal of Physics, 62 827 (2004).
  18. Potential energy surfaces for N = Z; 20Ne - 112Ba nuclei by M. S. Mehta, T. K. Jha, S. K. Patra and Raj. K. Gupta. Pramana- Journal of Physics, 62, 841 (2004).
  19. A relativistic mean-field study of magic numbers in light nuclei from neutron to proton drip-lines by T. K. Jha, M. S. Mehta, S. K. Patra, B. K. Raj and Raj. K. Gupta, Pramana- Journal of Physics, 61, 517 (2003).

 Other Important Preprint

  1. Gravitational waves from rotating Neutron Stars by S K Singh, S K Biswal, M Bhuyan, T. K. Jha and S K Patra. arXiv:1312.5840
  2. `f0(600)' and chiral dynamics by T. K. Jha; arxive: nucl-th/0905.4827.
  3. Axially Symmetric Neutron stars: Implication of Rapid rotation by B. K. Sharma and T. K. Jha; arxiv:nucl-th/0905.1549.
  4. From Nuclear matter to Neutron Stars by T. K. Jha; Preprint: arXiv: nucl-th/0902.0262.
  5. The island of deformation and shape co-existence in neutron-de cient nuclei of the Pb region using relativistic mean field model by M. S. Mehta, T. K. Jha, S. K. Patra and Raj. K. Gupta. Preprint: arXiv: nucl-th/0401021.
  6. Role of BCS-type pairing in light deformed nuclei: A relativistic mean fi eld approach by P. Arumugam, T. K. Jha and S. K. Patra. Preprint: arXiv: nucl-th/0311091.
  7. Impact of a light stabilized radion in supernovae cooling, Prasanta Kumar Das, J R Selvaganapathy, Chandradew Sharma, Tarun Kumar Jha, V Sunil Kumar; e-print: arXive: 1210.7407 [hep-ph].
Conferences/ Workshops/ Symposium Presentations
    1. Effects of mesonic cross-coupling on symmetry energy : effective chiral model by Tuhin Malik, Kinjal Banerjee, T.K. Jha, B.K. Agrawal. 2017. Published in DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 62 (2017) 678.
    2. Hyperon Matter in Neutron Star by Debashree Sen, T.K. Jha. 2016. Published in DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2016) 894.
    3. Neutron Stars with Delta Isomers by Debashree Sen, T.K. Jha. 2016. Published in DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2016) 892.
    4. Modified chiral potential and neutron stars by Tuhin Malik, Kinjal Banerjee, T.K. Jha, B.K. Agrawal. 2016.  Published in DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2016) 872.
    5. Effect of non-linear vector interactions in nuclear matter by Tuhin Malik, Kinjal Banerjee, T.K. Jha. 2015. Published in DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 60 (2015) 878.
    6. Equation of State and Neutron star structure, an invited talk delivered at the Workshop on Gravitational Wave Data Analysis at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, India (17 - 21 December 2012).
    7. Recent trends in Neutron star Physics, an invited talk delivered at the NUSTAR WEEK 2012 at VECC kolkata, India (8 - 12 October 2012).
    8. Nuclear Astrophysics: Focusing Telescopes on nuclear structure, an Invited Lecture delivered at the UGC Sponsored state level workshop Recent Advances in Theoretical Physics, at Navyug Science College Surat, (January 2012).
    9.  Gravitaional waves from rapidly rotating neutron starspresented at the International Conference on Theoretical & Applied Physics", at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (Dec 2011).
    10.  Compact Stars, an Invited Lecture series, delivered at the UGC Sponsored state level workshop Recent trends in Astronomy & Astrophysics", at Navyug Science College Surat, (January 2011).
    11.  Application of Relativistic Mean Field Theory (RMF) in Nuclear Physics, Invited Talk, delivered at the DAE-BRNS symposium in Nuclear physics, BITS Pilani (December 2010).
    12. Effect of fast rotation on neutron star structure by B. K. Sharma and T. K. Jha. DAE - BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2009.
    13. Calibrated nuclear matter parameters in an Effective model by T. K. Jha. DAE - BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2009.
    14. From Nuclear matter to Neutron Stars by T. K. Jha and H. Mishra. DAE - BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics, 2008. 
    15. Aspects of Nuclear matter saturation in an effective chiral model by T. K. Jha and H. Mishra. DAE - BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2008.
    16. Attributes of a rotating Neutron star with a Hyperon core by T. K. Jha, H. Mishra and V. Sreekanth. DAE - BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2007.
    17. Effect of Hyperons on Nuclear Equation of State and Neutron Star Structure by T. K. Jha, P. K. Raina, P. K. panda and S. K. Patra. DAE - BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2006.
    18. Nuclear Equation of State and Compact Stars by T. K. Jha, P. K. Raina, P. K. panda and S. K. Patra. DAE-BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics, 2006.
    19. Background study of CdZnTe crystal for Double Beta decay experiments by P. K. Raina, A. K. Singh, T. K. Jha and S. K. Ghorui. DAE-BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics, 2006.
    20. Neutron Stars and the iso-vector scalar correlations by T. K. Jha, P. K. Raina, P. K. Sahu and S. K. Patra. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2005.
    21. Nuclear Equation of State in Asymmetry Chiral Sigma Model by T. K. Jha, P. K. Sahu, S. K. Patra and P. K. Raina. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2004.
    22. The signature of deformation and shape co-existence in neutron deficient Hg and Pb nuclei using relativistic mean field formalism by M. S. Mehta, T. K. Jha, S. K. Patra and Raj. K. Gupta. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2003.
    23. New magic numbers at N=16 and 12 in isospin-nuclei near the neutron drip-line using relativistic mean
      field formalism
      by M. S. Mehta, T. K. Jha, S. K. Patra and Raj. K. Gupta. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2003.
    24. Hot Nuclear matter in asymmetry chiral sigma model by T. K. Jha, P. K. Sahu, K. C. Panda and S. K. Patra. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2003.
    25. New Magic Numbers in the Drip-Line Region by S. K. Patra, T. K. Jha, and L. Satpathy. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2002
    26. Structure of beta-stable and beta-unstable even-even Pt, Hg, Pb, Po, Rn, Ra, Th, U and Pu isotopes in the relativistic mean field approach by T. K. Jha, K. C. Panda and S. K. Patra. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2002.
    27. Multiple Shape Structures in N=Z Neutron Deficient Nuclei by S. K. Patra, B. K. Sharma, T. K. Jha, M. S. Mehta and Raj. K. Gupta. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2002.
    28. A Relativistic Mean Field Study of New Magic Numbers in Light Nuclei at Neutron Proton Drip Lines by B. K. Sharma, S. K. Patra, T. K. Jha, M. S. Mehta, B. K. Raj and Raj. K. Gupta. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2002.
    29. Nuclear Equation of  State in SU(3) Model by T. K. Jha, K. C. Panda, S. K. Patra and P. K. Sahu. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2002.

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