BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, January 27, 2023


Reality at times is more unimaginable than the imagination itself

Research Area

Neutron Stars/ Pulsars represent the densest form of matter formed by nature. Almost every aspect of them is exotic be the magnetic field, Mass or radius etc. They present a beautiful amalgamation of nuclear, particle and astrophysics and many other domains as well. We theoretically try to explore the various possibilities over the composition, structure and dynamics of such stars under the light of recent observations and theoretical/ empirical constraints. 
Lately the GW170817 event, opened up entirely a new window to the Universe and we talk about the multi-messenger era of radio astronomy and gravitational waves. They motivate us further to understand the complex and yet magnificent world of these stars. Broadly I have been working in the following research domain.
  • Neutron Stars
  • Nuclear Matter & Phase Transitions
  • The Relativistic Mean-Field Theory
  • Gravitational Waves & Tidal Deformabilities
Ph.D Students:
      1. Naresh Kumar Patra (Ongoing, Joined 4th August 2019)
      2. Prashant Thakur (Ongoing Joined 13th January 2020)
      3. Dr. Debashree Sen (Thesis Defended: 16th August 2019)
      4. Dr. Tuhin Malik (Thesis Defended: 11th March 2020)

Ph.D Students (Completed):

       3. Ms. Debashree Sen

Thesis Submitted: April 2nd, 2019
Defended: 16th August 2019

Thesis Title: Cold Dense Matter Phases and Neutron Star Structure in the Light of Recent Observations.

Based on:


  1. 1  Effects of hadron-quark phase transition on properties of Neutron Stars, by Debashree Sen and T. K. Jha, Journal of Physics G 46, 015202 (2019).
  2. Properties of Neutron Stars with hyperon cores in parameterized hydrostatic conditions, by Debasheree Sen, Kinjal Banerjee and T. K. Jha; Int. Journal of Modern Physics E,Vol. 27, No. 11, 1850097 (2018).
  3. Deconfinement of non-strange hadronic matter with nucleons & Δ-baryons to quark matter in neutron stars, by Debashree Sen and T. K. Jha, Int. Journal of Modern Physics D,Vol. 28, No. 02, 1950040 (2019).

DAC Members: Dr. Deepak Pachattu and Dr. Chandradew Sharma (Department of Physics)

      4. Mr. Tuhin Malik
Thesis Submitted: 29th November 2019
Defended: 11th March 2020
Thesis Title: Equation of state of dense matter from finite nuclei to neutron star merger  

Based on:

  1. Tides in merging neutron stars: Consistency of the GW170817 event with experimental data on finite nuclei by Tuhin Malik, B.K. Agrawal, J.N. De, S.K. Samaddar, C. Providência, C. Mondal, T.K. Jha; Physical Review C 99 (Rapid Communications), 052801 (2019).
  2. GW170817: constraining the nuclear matter equation of state from the neutron star tidal deformability, by Tuhin Malik, N. Alam, M. Fortin, C. Providência, B.K. Agrawal, T.K. Jha, Bharat Kumar and S.K. Patra. Physical Review C 98, 035804 (2018).
  3. Nuclear symmetry energy with mesonic cross couplings in the effective chiral model by Tuhin Malik, Kinjal Banerjee, T. K. Jha and B. K. Agrawal. Physical Review C 96, 035803 (2017).

DAC Members: Dr. V Sunil Kumar and Dr. Chandradew Sharma;  Department of Physics (Department of Physics)

Talks Delivered at Important Places:
  • Neutron stars as potential continuous gravitational wave emitter, collaborative visit talk at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India (26 May - 5 June 2013).
  • Neutron Stars: New window to the Universe, an invited talk in 'National Conference in Nuclear Physics (NCNP-2013)' at Sambalpur university, Odisha, India (1 - 3 March 2013).
  • Applicability of Relativistic Mean Field Theory to Nuclear Reactions, an invited talk in 'SURROGATE - 2013' at M S university, Baroda, India (24 - 25 January 2013).
  • Equation of State and Neutron Star Structure, an invited talk at the workshop on 'Gravitational Wave Data Analysis' at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India (17 - 21 December 2012).
  • Recent trends in Neutron star Physics, an invited talk delivered at the International NUSTAR WEEK 2012 @ VECC, Kolkata, India (8 - 12 October 2012).
  •  Nuclear Astrophysics: Focusing telescopes on nuclear structure, an invited lecture delivered at the UGC Sponsored state level workshop Recent Advances in Theoretical Physics at Navyug Science College Surat, India (January 2012).
  •  Gravitaional waves from rapidly rotating neutron stars, a talk delivered at the International Conference on Theoretical & Applied Physics, at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India (Dec 2011).
  •  Compact Stars, a Lecture delivered at the UGC Sponsored state level workshop Recent trends in Astronomy & Astrophysics at Navyug Science College Surat, India (January 2011).
  •  Application of Relativistic Mean Field Theory (RMF) in Nuclear Physics, Invited Talk, delivered at the DAE-BRNS symposium in Nuclear physics, BITS Pilani, Pilani, India (December 2010).


  •  An Aesthetic journey to the Neutron Stars, a colloquim, delivered at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India (April 2009).
  •  Aspects of Nuclear Matter to Neutron Stars a seminar delivered at Indian Institute of Science and Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India (April 2009).
  •  From Nuclear Matter to Neutron Stars a review talk in DAE-BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics held at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India (December 2008).
  •  Attributes of a Rotating Neutron Star in DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics held at Sambalpur University, Odisha, India (December 2007).
  •  Nuclear Equation of State and Compact Stars in DAE-BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics held at Indian Institute of Technology- Kharagpur, India (December 2006).
  •  Eff ect of Hyperons on Nuclear Equation of state and neutron star structure in an Effective Model in Workshop on Physics and Astrophysics of Hadrons and Hadronic Matter held at Visva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, India (November 2006).


  •  Relativistic Nuclear Equation of State and high density matter in the mean-fi eld approach a seminar delivered at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (August 2005).
  •  Chiral Symmetry and Higgs Mechanism, a course seminar delivered at Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India(February 2005).
  •  Neutron Stars in asymmetric Chiral Sigma Model at the DAE-BRNS Symposium on High Energy Physics held at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India (December 2004).
  •  Hot Nuclear Matter in asymmetric Chiral Sigma Model in Workshop on Relativistic Mean Field Theory in Nuclear Physics at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India (July 2004). 

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