Ph.D Student(s) :
1. Mr. Ghale Vinodkumar Rajlingappa (supported by CSIR-NET JRF)
Joined: 08/07/2019.
Topic of Research: Arithmetic properties of the elliptic curves related to congruent number problem.
Current Status: Ongoing.
2. Mr. Imdadul Islam (supported by CSIR-NET JRF)
Joined: 15/12/2020.
Topic of Research: Class number divisibility of number fields through elliptic curves.
Current Status: Ongoing.
3. Mr. Pankaj Patel (supported by UGC-NET JRF)
Joined: 08/03/2021.
Topic of Research: Selmer and Shafarevich-Tate group of elliptic curves.
Current Status: Ongoing.
4. Mr. Rabindranath Chakrabortty (Supported by Institute Fellowship, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus)
Joined: 16/01/2023.
Topic of Research: Arithmetic of elliptic curves and its application.
Current Status: Ongoing.