BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, September 22, 2023




20. Neha Priyadarshini#, Navinchandra Venkatarama Puppala#, Jayasree Peroth Jayaprakash, Piyush Khandelia, Vivek Sharma, and Gireesha Mohannath*. (2023). Downregulation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cells is linked to rDNA promoter hypermethylation. Gene. Sep 9:147793. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2023.147793.

(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
19. Gireesha Mohannath*, Anastasia McKinlay#, Navinchandra Venkata Puppala#, Ramya Enganti#, Gargi Prasad Saradadevi#, Todd Blevins and Craig S. Pikaard*. Multimegabase-scale DNA hypermethylation and condensed chromatin correlate with chromosome-specific rRNA gene silencing in Arabidopsis.
(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)


18. Gargi Prasad Saradadevi#, Dalen Fultz#, Murali Krishna Ramgopal#, Abirami T. Subramanian, Gerin Prince, Vivek Thakur, and Gireesha Mohannath*. (2023). Structural variation among assembled genomes facilitates development of rapid and low-cost NOR-linked markers and NOR-telomere junction mapping in ArabidopsisPlant Cell Reports. 42, 1059-1069.

(*Corresponding author;#equal contribution)


17. Shifa Bushra Kotwal#, Nidhi Orekondey#, Gargi Prasad Saradadevi#, Neha Priyadarshini#, Navinchandra V. Puppala#, Mahak Bhushan, Snehasri Motamarry, Rahul Kumar, Gireesha Mohannath* & Ruchi Jain Dey*. (2023). Multidimensional futuristic approaches to address the pandemics beyond the COVID-19. Heliyon (Cell Press). 9 e17148.

(*Corresponding authors; # equal contribution)


16. Gargi Prasad Saradadevi, Abirami T. Subramanian#, Shryli Kedambadi Shreekar#, and Gireesha Mohannath*. (2023). Characterization of a new histone deacetylase 6 (hda6-11) mutant allele in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 32, 503–510.

DOI: 10.1007/s13562-023-00831-7. 

(*Corresponding author; # equal contribution)


15. Navinchandra Puppala, Purnima D*, Gireesha Mohannath. (2023). Recent advances in the use of Nanocellulose and Nanolignin in the delivery of biological and non-biological  drugs: A review. Cellulose 30: 1335-1354.

(* Corresponding author)

14. Gargi Prasad Saradadevi#, Debajit Das#, Satendra K. Mangrauthia#, Sridev Mohapatra#, Channakeshavaiah Chikkaputtaiah#, Manish Roorkiwal#, Manish Solanki, Raman Meenakshi Sundaram, C.N.Neeraja, Akshay S. Sakhare, Suneetha Kota*, Rajeev K Varshney,*, and Gireesha Mohannath*. (2021). Genetic, epigenetic, and genomic approaches to enhance salt tolerance of plants. Biology 10, 1255

(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)

 - The article has been selected as one of the excellent articles published in Biology during November-December 2021

- The article has been published as part of the Special Issue 'Crop Improvement Now and Beyond'.

13. Gargi Prasad Saradadevi#., Neha Priyadarshini#, Aveepsha Bera# and Gireesha Mohannath*.(2020). Together we are on; together we are off- A conserved rule for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene regulation? Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 29(4):743-753.

(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)

12. Aaron N. Bruns*, Sizhun Li*, Gireesha Mohannath and David M. Bisaro. (2019). Phosphorylation of Arabidopsis eIF4E and eIFiso4E by SnRK1 Inhibits Translation. FEBS Journal. 286(19): 3778-3796.

(*Equal contribution) 

- Highlighted as the Editor’s choice (2019) FEBS Journal. 286 (19).

 - Highlighted in the commentary article: Miller and Dinesh-Kumar. 'A new mechanism for translational control in plants'. (2019) FEBS Journal. 286(19): 3775-3777.


11. Gireesha Mohannath, Frederic Pontvianne and Craig S. Pikaard. (2016). Selective nucleolus organizer inactivation in Arabidopsis is a chromosomal position-effect phenomenon. (2016). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 137(47): 13426-13431.

10. Chinmayi Chandrasekhara, Gireesha Mohannath, Todd Blevins, Frederic Pontvianne and Craig S. Pikaard. (2016). Chromosome-specific NOR inactivation accounts for selective rRNA gene silencing and dosage control in Arabidopsis. Genes & Development 30:177-190.

- Highlighted as an “Editor’s Choice” in the journal Science. For rRNAs, its location, location, location. Science, 22 Jan 2016: Vol. 351, Issue 6271, pp. 351.

- Recommended by Faculty 1000 (interesting hypothesis): Renate Schmidt, F1000, 2016: DOI: 10.3410/f.726063326.793521106.


- Highlighted as ‘NORs as units of rRNA gene regulation’ in: McStay B. (2016).Nucleolar organizer regions: genomic ‘dark matter’ requiring illumination. Genes & Development 30:1598-1610.


9. Gireesha Mohannath* and Craig S. Pikaard. (2016). Analysis of rRNA Gene Methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana by CHEF-conventional 2D Gel Electrophoresis. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 1455: 183-202.

    (* Corresponding author)


8. Gireesha Mohannath, Jamie Wolf, Hui Wang, Cody Buchman, Veena Patil, Youn Lee, Allie Varner and David M. Bisaro. (2014). A complex containing SNF1-related kinase (SnRK1) and adenosine kinase (ADK) in Arabidopsis. PLoS One. 9(1):e87592. 


7. Lien B. Lai, Pilar Bernal-Bayard, Gireesha Mohannath, Stella M.Lai, Venkat Gopalan and Agustín Vioque. (2011). A Functional RNase P protein subunit of Bacterial origin in some eukaryotes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 286 (5-6):359-69. 


6. Cody Buchmann, Shaheen Asad, Jamie N. Wolf, Gireesha Mohannath, and David M. Bisaro. (2009). Geminivirus AL2 and L2 proteins suppress transcriptional gene silencing and cause genome-wide reductions in cytosine methylation. Journal of Virology. 83(10): 5005-5013.  


- Highlighted by the Editors of Journal of Virology in the ‘Spotlight’ section of the journal: Geminivirus Proteins Suppress Transcriptional Gene Silencing and Methylation. (2009). Journal of Virology  p.4717. 


5. T.N. Girish, T.M. Gireesha, M.G. Vaishali, B.G. Hanamareddy and Shailaja Hittalmani. (2006). Response of a new IR50/Moroberekan recombinant inbred population of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from an indica x japonica cross for growth and yield traits under aerobic conditions. Euphytica 152: 149-161. 


4. Nadaradjan, S., Gireesha, T. M., Sheshashayee, M. S., Shankar, A. G., Prasad, T. G., and Udayakumar, M. (2003). Progress in genetic polymorphism studies via molecular markers in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) - A review. Journal of Plant Biology. 30 (3): 285 – 292.


3. Mahmoud Toorchi, H.E. Shashidhar, T.M. Gireesha and Shailaja Hittalmani. (2003). Performance of backcross transgressant doubled haploid lines of rice under contrasting moisture regimes: Yield components and Marker heterozygosity. Crop Science 43:1448-1456. 


2. Mahmoud Toorchi, H.E. Shashidhar, Shailaja Hittalmani and T.M. Gireesha. (2002). Rice root morphology under contrasting moisture regimes and contribution of molecular marker heterozygosity. Euphytica 126(2): 251-257. 


1. Gireesha, T. M., Shashidhar, H. E. and Shailaja Hittalmani. (2000). Genetics of root morphology and related traits in an indica-indica based mapping populations of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Research on Crops 1(2): 208-215.


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