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● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Nanoscale friction and wear maps”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 366, Issue 1869, 1405-1424, 2008
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Micro/nanotribological characterization of PDMS and PMMA used for BioMEMS/NEMS applications”, Ultramicroscopy, Volume 105, Issue 1-4 , Pages 238-247, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Friction model for the velocity dependence of nanoscale friction”, Nanotechnology , Volume 16, Issue 10, Pages 2309 - 2324, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Nanotribological characterization of self-assembled monolayers deposited on silicon and aluminium substrates”, Nanotechnology , Volume 16, Issue 9, Pages 1549 - 1558, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Nanowear Mapping: A Novel Atomic Force Microscopy Based Approach for Studying Nanoscale Wear at High Sliding Velocities”, Tribology Letters, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 83 - 90, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Durability studies of micro/nanoelectromechanical systems materials, coatings and lubricants at high sliding velocities (up to 10 mm/s) using a modified atomic force microscope”, Journal of Vacuum Science Technologies A, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Nanoscale friction mapping”, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 86, Issue 19, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Nanoscale friction-induced phase transformation of diamond-like carbon”, Scripta Materialia, Volume 52, Issue 8, Pages 751 - 755, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “A new atomic force microscopy based technique for studying nanoscale friction at high sliding velocities”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 764 - 773, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Identifying materials with low friction and adhesion for nanotechnology applications”, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 86 Issue 6, 2005
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Scale dependence of micro/nano-friction and adhesion of MEMS/NEMS materials, coatings and lubricants”, Nanotechnology, Volume 15, Issue 11, Pages 1561 - 1570, 2004
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “In situ study of nano-cracking in multilayered magnetic tapes under monotonic and fatigue loading using an AFM”, Ultramicroscopy, Volume 100, Issue 3-4, Pages 359 - 373, 2004
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Durability studies of head-disk interface using padded and load/unload picosliders for magnetic rigid disk drives”, Wear, Volume 255, Issue 7-12, Pages 1334 - 1343, 2003
● Bhushan B, Tambe N, “Sliding contact energy measurement using a calibrated acoustic emission transducer”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 881 - 887, 2003
● Bhushan B, Tambe N, “Role of particulate contamination on friction and wear and durability of load/unload and padded picosliders”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 857 - 863, 2003
● Tambe N, Bhushan B, “Effect of load/unload process on friction/stiction and durability of head-disk interface”, Microsystem Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 409 - 418, 2002
Special Recognitions
● Research featured in Nature Materials “Nanozone” news section: Nanoscale friction is a slippery property, 2005
● Most cited researcher of the year: Institute of Physics, 2005
Book and Book chapters
● Tambe, N. S. (2009) Nanotribology, VDM Verlag, Germany
● Tambe, N. S. and Bhushan, B. (2008), "High Sliding Velocity Nanotribological Investigations of
● Materials for Nanotechnology Applications", in Applied Scanning Probe Methods Vol 8, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
● Tambe, N. S. and Bhushan, B. (2007), "Investigations of the Velocity Dependent Nature of Nanoscale Friction, Adhesion and Wear ", in Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
Invited Presentations
● CII CTO Forum (2018) “Beyond Boundaries: Higher Education in times of pandemic”, CII MHRD AICTE jointly organized Education Summit
● “Electric Vehicles & Charging Infrastructure: Commentary on policy evolution in India”, India Energy Storage Alliance and Administrative Staff College of India jointly organized certification training program.