BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, May 22, 2023




As an instructor, I have achieved the following:

  1. I have had the opportunity to teach 17 unique courses (multiple times) over a span of 6 Years (2017-22). I taught/co-taught full lectures, labs, and tutorials for a wide variety of courses listed below. 

  2. Successfully taught courses with student populations exceeding 500, demonstrating my ability to manage and engage with large numbers of students.

  3. Managed a team of more than 10 co-instructors, effectively coordinating efforts, providing guidance, and ensuring consistent teaching standards across the team.

  4. Collaborated closely with co-instructors to design and deliver courses, fostering a cohesive learning experience for students and achieving positive outcomes through effective teamwork.

  5. Utilized innovative teaching methods, such as incorporating interactive activities and technology, to enhance student engagement and understanding, resulting in improved learning outcomes.

  6. Received positive student feedback (8-10) and evaluations, highlighting my effectiveness as an instructor and my ability to connect with and positively influence students' learning experiences.

  7. Actively pursued ongoing professional development teaching learning activities to enhance my teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational practices, research areas in the field of biology reflecting my commitment to continuous improvement and growth as an instructor.

2017-2018: SemI (Aug 2017-Dec 2017)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) + 1 Tut (Full)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]

2017-2018: Sem II (Jan 2018-May2018)

WILP: BITS BIOCON AIM 3 : Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Co-Taught)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BIO F342 : IMMUNOLOGY-  IC + Lec (Co-Taught; Half course) + Tut (Co-Taught; Half course)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course)

2018-2019: Sem I (Aug 2018- Dec 2018)

WILP: BITS BIOCON AIM4 : Pharmaceutical Microbiology  (Co-Taught)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY  IC + Lec (Full) + Lab + Tut (Full) 

BIO F211 : BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) + Tut (Co-Taught; Half Course)






2018-2019 : Sem II (Jan 2018-May 2018)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) + 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) 

2019-2020 : Sem I (Aug 2019-Dec 2019)

BIO F110 : BIOLOGY LABORATORY + IC + 1 Section (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BITS F225 : ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES + IC + Lec (Co-taught; ⅓ course)[Course has >500 students]

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) 

2019-20 : Sem II (Jan 2019-May 2019)

WILP:  SSTM ZG512 : Sanitation and Public Health (Co-taught)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY  1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section course has >500 students]

BIO F244 : INSTRU METHODS OF ANAL (Lab) (Co-taught)

BITS F467 : BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + (Co-taught, half course)

2020-21: Sem I (Aug 2020-Dec 2020)

BIO F211 : BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Tut (Co-taught with co-instructor)

BIO G514 : MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY + Lec (Co-taught, half course)

2020-21: Sem II (Jan 2021-May2021)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY + 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section course has >500 students]

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) 

2021-2022: Sem I (Aug 2021-Dec 2021)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full) + Lab (Full with co-instructors) 

BITSF467: BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + Lect (Half course, co-taught)

2021-2022 : Sem II (Jan - May 2022)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Half course, co-taught) 

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY Part 1 - IC [Multi-section >250 Students]

2021-2022 Sem II (May-August 2022)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY Part 2 - IC + Lec (Half course) + 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section >300 students] 

2021-2022: Summer Term (May - Aug 2022)

BITS F467 : BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + Lec (Full course)

2022-2023 : Sem I (Aug 2022-Dec 2022)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY - IC + Lec (Half course, co-taught) + Lab (Full with co-instructors)

2022-2023: Sem II (Jan 2023-May 2023)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO +IC +  Lec (Half course, co-taught) + Lab (Full with co-instructors)

2022-2023 : Sem II (March 2023-July 2023)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section >500 students]

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