12. Five days E-Workshop on “Stochastic Modelling, Optimization and Soft Computing” organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, School of Basic Sciences, Manipal University Jaipur during August 10-14, 2020.
Invited talk on “Simulation of Stochastic Models using MATLAB”.
11. 20th Annual Conference of Vijanan Parishad of India on Mathematical Sciences and Scientific Computing for Industrial Development, during 24.11. 2017–26.11.2017
Invited talk on "Modelling and Analysis of Fractional Guard Channel Schemes with Buffer for Cellular Mobile Network".
10. Department of Mathematics, CRS University, Jind (Haryana), 03.11.2017.
Expert talk on "Applications of Probability".
9. Department of Mathematics, CRS University, Jind, 14.03.2017.
Expert talk on "Applications of Queueing Theory in Communication Systems".
8. ITC, Gautam Bhuddha University, Greater Noida, (U.P.), 30.01–03.02.2017.
Invited as Expert for Lectures in “Stochastic Modelling Techniques in Short Term Training Program (STTP)” Lecture on "Research Techniques in Information and Communication Technology".
7. Banasthali University, 24.01–26.01.2017.
International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Statistics.
Invited talk on "Analysis of an infinite capacity discrete time G-queue with unreliable server and second optional service".
6. Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, 26.11.2016.
National Workshop on Modelling, Optimization and Simulation of Stochastic Systems.
Invited talk during a workshop on "Stochastic Simulation using MATLAB".
5. Department of Mathematics, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari (Haryana), 24.08–30.08.2016.
National Workshop on MATLAB and LaTeX (NWML-2016)
Lectures as Resource person Lecture on "Symbolic and ODE Toolbox".
4. National Workshop on LaTeX and MATLAB for Beginners in Rajasthan, 24.12–28.12.2014.
Lectures as a resource person on MATLAB (Partially Supported by DST).
3. IIS University, Jaipur, 17.03–18.03.2013.
Lecture during a workshop on "MATLAB Software".
2. Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, 15.04–17.04.2011.
Lecture series: "Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Models" for young research scholars and faculty.
1. Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, 10.03–14.03.2010.
Lecture series: "Reliability Theory and Renewal Theory" for young research scholars and faculty.