BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, May 15, 2023

Research Profile

Research Profile

Research Interest

Research Interest:

Applied Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes

Queueing Modelling

     Performance Analysis of Computer Communication Networks 
    Cognitive Radio Networks
    Circular Economy
    Supply Chain Management
     Mathematical Biology


Research Publications


1. Madhu Jain, Dinish K. Sharma, Rakhee Kulshrestha, H.S. Hota (eds): Applications of Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning, and Intelligent Computing for Industrial Development. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2023. ISBN: 9781032392646.
2. Rakhee Kukshrestha, Chandra Shekhar, Madhu Jain and S.R. Chakravarty(eds): Mathematical Modelling and Computation of Real-Time Problems: An Interdisciplinary Approach. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

Savita Kumari, Seema Verma, Rakhee Kulshrestha “Performance Evaluation of Indexing Techniques for Wireless Environment” LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, February 2012.

e-Book Chapter
  1. Seema Verma, Rakhee and Savita Kumari: Data broadcast management in wireless communication: An emerging research area, Applied Signal and Image Processing: Multidisciplinary Advancements. IGI Publishing, 2011.
          Release Date: March, 2011;
ISBN13: 9781609604776;

Paper Published in Refereed National/International Journals

Vijaypal Poonia, Rishi Kumar, Rakhee Kulshrestha, Kuldip Singh Sangwan (2023), Optimization of Specific Energy Consumption, Scrap and Surface Roughness during 3D Printing Using Integrated ANN-GA Approach, 30th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference. (Accepted)
Sarita Sheoran, Sakshi Shukla, Sumanta Pasari, Raj Shree Singh, Rakhee Kulshrestha (2022) Wind Speed Forecasting at Different Time Scales using Time Series and Machine Learning Models, Applied Solar Energy, Vol. 58 (5).

Vaishnawi, M., Upadhyaya, S. & Kulshrestha, R. (2022), Optimal Cost Analysis for Discrete-Time Recurrent Queue with Bernoulli Feedback and Emergency Vacation. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math 8, 254.

Savita Sheoran, RS Singh, S. Pasari, Rakhee (2022) Forecasting of solar irradiances using time series and machine learning models: A case study from India, Applied Solar Energy, 58(1):137-151, (Springer).
Shruti Goel and Rakhee Kulshrestha (2022),  Queueing Based Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks with Retrial and Heterogeneous Service Classes, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 13, 2429–2437. (IF: 7.104) (SCIE) (Q1: SJR 0.91)
Shruti and Rakhee Kulshrestha (2022), Analysis of Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks with Heterogeneous Traffic and p-Retry Buffering, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 21 (7), 2318-2331.  (IF: 5.112) (Q1, SJR:1.28)
Rakhee Kulshrestha and Shruti (2021), Performance Evaluation of Call Admission Control Based on Signal Quality in Cellular Mobile Networks. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Inderscience, 20(1), 1-19. [SCOPUS Indexed] (Q3: SJR:0.35) 
Shruti and Rakhee Kulshrestha (2020), Channel Allocation and Ultra Reliable Communication in CRNs with Heterogeneous Traffic and Retrials: A Dependability Theory-Based Analysis. Computer Communications, Elsevier, 158, 51-63. [SCIE]   
Srinivas R.ChakravarthyShrutiRakhee Kulshrestha, A queueing model with server breakdowns, repairs, vacations, and backup server, Operations Research Perspectives, vol. 7 (2019),Article ID 1001313. [ESCI]
Rakhee Kulshrestha, Madhu Jain and Shruti, Performance Analysis of Fractional Guard Channel Scheme with Buffer for Cellular Mobile Networks, Proceedings of the National Academy Science, India, Section A Physical Sciences, July 2019 (Impact Factor:0.681) [SCIE]
Rakhee Kulshrestha, Achal Agarwal and Shruti, An Adaptive Fractional Guard Channel Based CAC Scheme for Heterogeneous Traffic in Wireless Cellular Networks, 2019 6th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 13th - 15th March, 2019 (Published in IEEE xplore digital library) [SCOPUS Indexed]
Vishal Gupta, Amrit Kochar, Sahil Saharan and Rakhee Kulshrestha, DNS Amplification Based DDoS Attacks in SDN Environment: Detection and Mitigation, 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). IEEE, 2019. Doi: 10.1109/CCOMS.2019.8821716 [SCOPUS Indexed]. “Received Best Presented Paper Award”.
Vaibhav, Rakhee, Srikant Routray. State of the art literature review on Inventory Models for Perishable Products, Journal of Advances in Management Research,
March 2018. (ESCI). DOI: 10.1108/JAMR-09-2017-0091.
Ram Singh, Shoket Ali, Madhu Jain, Rakhee. Epidemic Model of HIV/AIDS Transmission Dynamics Based on Treatment. American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 4(5), pp.222-234. 2016
Rakhee, Geetanjali Sharma, Kriti Priya: Analysis of G–queue with unreliable server, OPSEARCH, (DOI) 10.1007/s12597-012-0117-y, vol. 50(3) pp. 334-345, 2013.
Geetanjli Sharma, G.N. Purohit, and Rakhee, "Analysis of Multiple Queue Model in Cellular Networks with Sub Rating of Channels" King Abdulaziz University Journal, (Saudi Arabia), Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.85-128, 2012.
Verma S., Rakhee, Kumari Savita and Artemi M.A.: Query Management for Efficient Data Access in Wireless Environment, International Journal of Computer Applications. Vol. 29 (1), pp. 26-33. Sep. 2011.
Verma S., Rakhee, Kumari Savita and Artemi M.A., “Time Efficient Indexing Technique for Querying Location Dependent Data in Wireless Broadcast”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 7–No.10, October 2010. Available Online at

Verma S., Rakhee and Kumari Savita, “Performance Evaluation of Unified Index Hub Using Integrated Signature”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 1, No. 1, May-June 2010, PP:26-33. Available Online at

M. Jain, G.C. Sharma, V.K. Saraswat and
Rakhee, Transient Analysis of a Telecommunication System Using State Dependent Markovian Queue Under Bi-Level Control Policy, King Abdulaziz University Journal, (Saudi Arabia), Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 77-90,July 2009.
Jain, M. and Rakhee, A Subrating channel assignment scheme for cellular radio network with direct retry, Operations Research and Computers, Volume 32, Issue 9, pp. 2407-2417, September 2005.
Jain, M., Rakhee and Maheshwari, S., N-policy for a repairable system with spares and reneging, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 513-531, 2004.
Jain, M., Singh, M. and Rakhee, Bilevel control of degraded machining system with warm standbys, setup and vacation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1015-1026, 2004.
Jain, M., Sharma, G.C., Saraswat, V.K. and Rakhee, Dyanamic channel assignment scheme for cellular radio system with integrated traffic, Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 197-203, Sep. 2004.
Jain, M., Rakhee and Maheshwari, S., Reliability analysis of redundant repairable system with degraded failure, International Journal of Engineering, (IRAN), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 171-182, July 2004.
Jain, M., Kriti Priya and Rakhee, Optimal Channel allocation in cellular systems, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, (Malaysia) Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41-64, Dec. 2003.
Jain, M. and Rakhee, Priority based channel assignment schemes for PCS with integrated traffic, CSI Journal : Computer Science and Informatics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2003, pp. 8-18. (Emerging Convergent Technologies and Systems (SECTAS-2002), Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, (Eds. Prof. S.B. Rao) pp. 79-84.).
Jain, M., Maheshwari, S. and Rakhee, Study of loading policies for k-r out of N: G subject to common cause failure, R & D Quality Quest, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 15-23, 2002.
Jain, M. and Rakhee : Analysis of ordered dynamic channel assignment scheme with integrated traffic, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 21-31, December 2001.
Jain, M. and Rakhee : Queueing analysis for PCS with integrated traffic and subrating channel assignment scheme, CSI Journal: Computer Science & Informatics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1-8, June 2001.


Paper Published in Edited Books /Proceedings of Conferences
14. Apoorav Dhingra, Vijaypal Poonia, Rakhee Kulshrestha (2022). A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Socially Responsible Supply Chain Inventory Planning. In: Sharma, D.K., Jain, M. (eds) Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Inventory and Supply Chain Management. Inventory Optimization. Springer, Singapore. pp 45–62.
13. Rakhee, Shruti (2020) Discrete-Time Analysis of Communication Networks with Second Optional Service and Negative User Arrivals. In: Bansal J., Gupta M., Sharma H., Agarwal B. (eds) Communication and Intelligent Systems. ICCIS 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 120. Springer, Singapore.

    12. Rakhee Kulshrestha and Madhu Jain: “Prioritized Call Admission Control for Cellular Mobile Network, Proceedings of Multicon-W 2018, pp. 307-312.

   11. Seema Verma, Rakhee and Savita Kumari: "Channel Optimization for Wireless Data Broadcast", IJCA Proceedings on National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011 RTMC(1), 2012. Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.

   10. Verma S., Rakhee, Kumari Savita and Artemi M.A.: “Time efficient Extension of Exponential Index”, The Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (LAICEEE – 2010), 2010, Tripoli, Libya, Volume 1 pp405-414.

     9. Seema Verma, Rakhee and Savita K. Sheoran: Two Level Signature Model for Multiple Broadcast Channel Using Unified Hub (UIH), Proceedings on 2nd International Conference on soft computing, ICSC-08, 2008, Alwar, (ed. A.K. Srivastava), Narosa publication, pp.422-431.

     8. Madhu Jain, Rakhee and Sandhya Maheshwari: Reliability Analysis of Redundant Repairable System with Degraded Failure, Operations Research, Information Technology and Industry, (eds M. Jain and G.C. Sharma), Janvadi, New Delhi, 2004, pp.215-230.

     7. M. Jain and Rakhee: Subrating Channel Assignment Scheme for Cellular Radio Network with Directed Retry, Operations Research, Information Technology and Industry, (eds M. Jain and G.C. Sharma), Janvadi, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 269-282.

     6. Jain, M. and Rakhee: On M/Hk/1 with balking and retrial attempts, Electronic Proceedings of XXXV Annual Convention of ORSI and an International Conference on Operations Research for Development, Chennai, 2002, CF 27.

     5.  Jain, M., Rakhee and Kriti Priya: Optimal file Placement in Video on Demand (VoD) system, Electronic Proceedings of XXXV Annual Convention of ORSI and an International Conference on Operations Research for Development, Chennai, 2002, CF 29.

     4.  Jain, M. and Rakhee: Finite capacity controllable Markovian system with single server and Batch service, Proc. of International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, 2001, pp 317-322.

     3. Jain, M. and Rakhee: Delay analysis of integrated mobile indoor wireless network, Proceedings of All Indian Seminar on Recent Trends in Computer Communication Networks, 2001, pp.5-11.

     2. Jain, M. and Rakhee: Analysis of Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) Scheme for Mixed Traffic, Proceedings of XXXIV Annual Convention of ORSI and an International Conference on Operation Research and National Development, Kolkata, 2001, pp.128-130.

            1.         Jain, M. and Rakhee: Channel Assignment Scheme for Integrated traffic in Cellular Network, Proc. of National Seminar-SASESC-2000, March 4-5, 2000, pp.496-502.

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