BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Monday, July 03, 2023

Seminars & Conferences

Seminars & Conferences


  1. SAS Faculty Development Program on ‘Designing curriculum for Big Data management, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning’ held during 3-6 Nov 2020.
  2. 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference organized by INFORMS held in University of Roma Tre, Rome on June 20-22 2019 and presented a paper titled " Economic Order Quantity Model for Technology Items with Imperfect Quality and Deterioration where Demand follows Multi-Stage Diffusion Dynamic".
  3. Special session in Chalkidki (24 - 25 June 2017) of the 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  4. 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues            (ICCMI) 2017 organized by Alexander Technological Educational        Institute of Thessaloniki (ATEI) and Manchester Metropolitan University held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 21, 22 and 23 June            2017       and will be presented a paper titled "Optimal pricing strategies for two successive generations of consumer durables"
  5. International Conference on Marketing Technology and Society             (MARCONF16) organized by IIM Kozhikode during September 29 -                October 1, 2016 and presented a paper titled “Effective Marketing         Strategy using Two-warehouse Inventory Model”.
  6. Workshop on "Design of Programs / Curriculum with focus on Experiential Learning" 8th to 10th February' 2016 in the Hyderabad campus of BITS Pilani
  7. 7th International Conference on Information Technology & Business Intelligence (ITBI-15) organized by IMT-Nagpur at RIT, Goa Campus during 21-23 Jan, 2016 and presented a paper titled “Impact of Network Externalities and Churn Analysis of Indian Telecom Market”.
  8. FORE International Operations Conference 2015 (FIOC-2015) organized by FORE, New Delhi during 26-27 December and presented a paper titled “Stage wise Innovation Diffusion with a Dynamic Market”. 
  9. 4th Asian Management Research and Case Conference (AMRC) 2015 on Management Issues in Emerging Markets for Sustainable Business  Organized by Universiti Sains, Malyasia during 10 – 11 January 2015 and presented a paper titled "Intergenerational Effects of Diffusion on CDMA and WCDMA Technologies under Direct Network Externalities"
  10. International Conference on Operations Research for Sustainable Development in Globalized Environment Organized by Operational Research Society of India, Calcutta Chapter held during January 6-8, 2012 in the venue of Calcutta Business School and presented a paper titled “Direct and Indirect Network Effects on the Diffusion of Multi Generational Telecommunication Products”
  11. National Meet on History of Mathematical Sciences held during January 7-9, 2010 in the venue Conference Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.
  12. 4th International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology    (ICQRIT)              (Trends   and   Directions)   held   during December 18-20, 2009 in the venue of University of Delhi, Delhi and presented a paper titled “A General Model for Adoption of successive Technologies”.
  13. 11th National Conference of Indian Society of Information Theory and applications held during October 24-26, 2009 in the venue Guru  Gobind  Singh  Khalsa  College,  Sarhali  (Tarn  Taran)  and presented  a  paper  titled “Determining  Adoption  Pattern  with pricing using Two Dimensional Innovation Diffusion Model”.
  14. International   Conference   on   Technology   and   Innovation   in Marketing held during April 18-19, 2008 in the venue Institute of Management technology, Ghaziabad, India.
  15. International   Conference   on   Modeling,   Computation   and Optimization held during January 9-10, 2008 in the venue SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi-16, and presented a paper titled “Optimal Advertising Expenditure Strategies of Two Successive Generations of Consumer Durables”.
  16. International   Symposium   on   Mathematical   Programming   for Decision Making: Theory and Application held during January 10-11, 2007 in the venue SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi-16, and presented a paper titled “Dynamic Optimal Control Policy in Price and Quality for High Technology Product”. 


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