BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, July 27, 2023

Awards, Achievements and Recognition

Awards, Achievements and Recognition

Awards, Achievements and Recognition


a. Research Excellence award 2023, Societal Applied Research 

b.     Nominated as a member of Indian official delegation to the UN Climate Panel’s (IPCC) 55th session held in Feb 2022, where IPCC AR6 Working Group Report 2 was adopted

c.      Nominated to the Roster of expert of the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change with the specialization in the Land use Change and Forestry sector

d.       Co-Chair to the Forest Ecosystems Group of the Commission on Ecosystem Management' in ‘The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); For a period of 2021-2025

e.      Co-Chair to the Forest Ecosystems Group of the Commission on Ecosystem Management' in ‘The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

f.      Member of global 'Commission on Ecosystem Management' in ‘The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’ for the Quadrennial Period 2017-2020

g.        Appointed as a member for the ‘Thematic Task Group 6’ (to Promote the quality and coverage of forests consistent with social usages and ecological attributes of forests) constituted by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Govt. of India) to facilitate the preparation of India's Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategy.

h.      Appointed as a Team Leader of the ‘Sub-Committee of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Budgetary Aspects’ for preparation of Goa State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

i.      Nominated as an expert member to Goa Government’s Landslide Committee

j.        Selected as an expert member for the State (Goa State) Governing Council of the State Level Steering Committee for National Adaptation Funds for Climate Change (SLSC for NAFCC) for a period of 03 years, the council is chaired by Chief Minister (Reference: Official Gazette, Govt. of Goa Sept 2021 series II No. 25)

k.        Member, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for India's Third National Communication and BURs to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

l.       Nominated as an experts to the Editorial Board of the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB)

m.        Joined the editorial board of the international journal "Tropical Ecology" in 2018 as an Associate Editor. "Tropical Ecology" is being published by the prestigious publishers Springer-Nature, and currently it has an impact factor of 1.333.

n.    Our online climate policy tool ‘Financial Times climate change calculator’, won Statistical Excellence Award from Royal Statistical Society, London, 2016

o.      Guest editor’ for the special issue "Restoring Degraded Lands to Attain UN-SDGs” for the international journal "LAND" (Impact Factor 4)

p.      Nominated as a lead author to the regional assessment (Asia-Pacific) of Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) – 2015

q.      Nominated as lead author to the regional environmental outlook (Asia-Pacific) of United Nations Environment Programme – 2014

r.      Nominated as an author to the global environmental outlook of the United Nations Environment Programme - 2017

s.       Expert Member Sustainable Development Goals Committee, Govt. of Karnataka

t.       Expert Member WRI, land restoration thematic group

u.        Awarded the prestigious National Environmental Sciences Fellowship, by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India - 2011

v.      Selected and sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India for students and Nobel laureate meet in New Delhi - 2007

w.       Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by CSIR, India - 2006

x.    Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India in the field of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, secured position among top 20% of top CSIR-JRF awardees and invited for prestigious SPM fellowship examinations (2004) 




1.   Member to global 'Commission on Ecosystem Management' in ‘The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’ for the Quadrennial Period 2017-2020 and again for the period of 2021-2025

2.     Co-editing a special issue titled "Restoring Degraded Lands to Attain UN-SDGs” for the international journal "LAND" (Scopus citation index = 4):

3.   Organised a workshop titled “Data and Tool for Climate Resilience Planning in South Asia” on 13-14 August, 2018 at Future Earth South Asia Regional Office, IISc, Bangalore. The workshop was attended by Policy makers, Govt. officers, scientists, NGOs, Corporates and other stakeholders

4.    National Inventory Systems & International Reporting (NISIR), Department of Environment, Govt. of Australia (India-Australia collaboration on the FullCAM GHG inventory model)

5.      Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, Govt. of India Contributed to preparation of BUR-1 and BUR-2

6.      Meghalaya Basin Development Authority, Govt. of Meghalaya, India

7.  Environment and Policy Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka (Training and capacity building of Govt. officials)

8.      Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad (Visitor)

9.     State Academy of Training, Takyel, Imphal (Training and capacity building of Manipur state government officials)

10.  Myanmar Department of Hydrology and Disaster Management, Nay Pi Taw, Myanmar (Expert visitor)

11.  University of Brunei, Brunei (Academic visitor)

12.  Financial Times, London (Collaborated on preparation of climate change calculator)

13.  Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, UN (Lead Author)

14.  United Nations Environment Programme, UN (Lead Author)

15.  Global Environment Facility, UN (Author)

16.   Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Govt. of India, Dehradun (Training of IFS officers)

17.   Forest Survey of India, Dehradun (Collaborator in preparation of India’s national GHG inventory)

18.   National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad (Collaborator in preparation of India’s national GHG inventory)

19.   Administrative Training Institute, Mysore, Karnataka (For training the officers of the Karnataka Govt.)

20.   International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal (Training and capacity building of           scientists from South Asia in CORDEX datasets) 

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