BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Thursday, July 27, 2023




Publication metrics



Peer reviewed Journal articles*


Non-peer reviewed article


Policy Brief


Publication of tools and models


Book Chapters


Book reviews in Current Science


Editorials and Opinion Articles in National English Dailies/weeklies


Reports for Govt. of India


Report for State Governments


Reports for UN and Intergovernmental bodies




Total citations







Details of the publications are available are provided below:



Kulkarni A, Prasad V, Arya Ar, Chaturviedi RK, Singh SK, Ozha  S (2023) differential loss of glaciar stored water in the Indus river basin Current Science. 124 (5) ( Impact factor = 1 )
Kayet, N., Pathak, K., Singh, C. P., Bhattacharya, B. K., Chaturvedi Rajiv Kumar., Brahmandam S.V Anjanikumar & Mandal Chinmoy (Accepted, 2023). ‘Detection and mapping of vegetation stress using AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral imagery in coal mining sites’. Advances in Space Research (Elsevier). ( Impact factor = 3 )


Chaturvedi RK and Ramprasad V (Accepted)  Roadmap to achieving Net-Zero emissions through India's land-use and        food system, Environmental Research Letter ( Q1 Journal, Impact factor = 7)

1.    Edrisi SA, Dubey PK, Chaturvedi RK, Abhilash PC (2022) Bioenergy crop production potential and carbon mitigation from marginal and degraded lands of India, Renewable Energy 192, 300-312 Impact Factor = 9)  


2.    Chaturvedi RK, K Jose, BVR Shruthi, Kariya K P, Garg A (2022) Suitablilty Assessment and Carbon Mitigation Potential of Plantations on India’s Railway land, Anthropocene Science 1 (1), 145-163


3.      Chaturvedi RK, Strapsson A, Garg A (2022) Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: Their Roles in India's Sustainable Development and Climate Action, Indian Forester, Vol 148, I 5, B 539-E 541



4.    Kulkarni A, V Prasad, T Shirsat, RK Chaturvedi, IM Bahuguna (2021) Impact of Climate Change on the Glaciers of Spiti River Basin, Himachal Pradesh, India, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol 49, I 8, B 1951-E 1963 (Impact Factor = 2)  


5.    Edrisi SA, Tripathi V, Chaturvedi RK, Dubey DK, Patel G, Abhilash PC (2021) Saline Soil Reclamation Index as an Efficient Tool For Assessing Restoration Progress Of Saline Land, Land Degradation and Development, 32: 123-138. (Impact Factor = 5)  


6.      Strapasson Alexandre, Jeremy Woods, Vanessa Pérez-Cirera, Alejandra Elizondod, Diego Cruz-Cano, Julien Pestiaux, Michel Cornet, and Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2020) Modelling carbon mitigation pathways by 2050: Insights from the Global Calculator, Energy Strategy Reviews, 29, 100494. (Impact Factor = 8)  


7.    Chi Chen, Taejin Park, Xuhui Wang, Shilong Piao, Baodong Xu, Rajiv K. Chaturvedi, Richard Fuchs, Victor Brovkin, Philippe Ciais, Rasmus Fensholt, Hans Tømmervik, Govindasamy Bala, Zaichun Zhu, Ramakrishna R. Nemani, Ranga B. Myneni (2019) China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management, Nature Sustainability. (Impact Factor = 27)  


8.      Chaturvedi RK, G T Hegde, Shruthi B V (2018) Tree stand structure and floristic composition of tropical forests in Garo hills, Meghalaya, North-East India. Tropical Ecology, 59(4): 619–632, 2018 ( Impact Factor = 1 )


9.      Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2018) Will India's coal power plans pose a threat to limiting global warming to safe levels? Current Science 114 (9) 1812-1814 (Impact factor ~1)


10. Chaitra, A et al including Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2018) Impact of Climate Change on Vegetation Distribution and Net Primary Productivity of Forests of Himalayan River Basins: Brahmaputra, Koshi and Indus. American Journal of Climate Change, 7, 271-294 (Impact Factor = 1.64)


11. Rajiv K Chaturvedi and Mitavachan Hiremath (2017) An alternate energy future for India; its implications for India’s climate pledge and the global goal of limiting warming to safe levels. Current Science 113 (6) 1028-1031 (Impact factor ~1)


12. Sharma J, Upgupta S, Jayaraman M, Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi, Bala G, Ravindranath NH (2017) Vulnerability of forests in India: a national scale assessment. Environmental Management. 60 (3) 544–553 (Impact factor ~2)


13. Asbjørn Aaheim, Anton Orlov, Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi, Priya Joshi, Anitha Sagadevan, N.H. Ravindranath (2017) Lost benefits and carbon uptake by protection of Indian plantations. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-017-9746-z (Impact factor =3.6)


14. Sharma J, S Upgupta, R Kumar, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, G. Bala, N H Ravindranath (2017) Assessment of inherent vulnerability of forests at landscape level: a case study from Western Ghats in India. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 22 (1) 29-44 (Impact factor =4)


15. Ravindranath NH, Rajiv K Chaturvedi and Poornima, N (2017) Paris Agreement; Research, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for India. Current Science (Impact factor ~1)


16. Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2015) India’s climate pledge and the global goal of limiting warming below 2°C. Current Science. 109 (10): 1769-1772 (Impact factor ~1)


17. Rashid Irfan, Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, NH Ravindranath, Raman Sukumar, Mathangi Jayaraman, Thatiparthi Vijaya Lakshmi, Jagmohan Sharma (2015) Projected Climate Change Impacts on Vegetation Distribution over Himalayas. Climatic Change. 132(4): 601-613 (Impact factor =5)


18. Sharma J, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, G Bala, Ravindranath NH (2015) Assessing “inherent vulnerability” of forests: a methodological approach and a case study from Western Ghats, India. Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change, 20(4): 573-590 (Impact factor =3.1)


19. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Y Karyakarte, J Joshi, G. Bala, A Kulkarni (2014) Glacial Mass Balance Changes in the Karakoram and Himalaya based on CMIP5 Multi-Model Climate Projections. Climatic Change, 123:315-328 (Impact factor =5)


20. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, D  Ravindranath, R Kattumuri (2014) Mainstreaming Adaptation to climate change in Indian policy planning. International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 22(1): 23-56 (Impact factor =n/a)


21. Bala G, Devaraju, N, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Rama Nemani and Ken Caldeira (2013) Nitrogen deposition: how important is it for global terrestrial carbon uptake? Biogeosciences, 10:7147–7160 (Impact factor =4.5)


22. Sharma J, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Bala G, Ravindranath NH (2013) Challenges in Vulnerability Assessment for Forest Carbon Management under Climate Change. Carbon Management, 4(4): 403-411 (Impact factor =3.2)


23. Bala G, J Joshi, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, H.V. Gangamani, H Hashimoto, R Nemani (2013) Trends and variability of Satellite-derived NPP in India. Remote Sensing, 5(2):810-829 (Impact factor =3.1)


24. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Jaideep Joshi, Mathangi Jayaraman, G.Bala, N.H. Ravindranath (2012) Multi-model climate change projections for India under Representative Concentration Pathways. Current Science,103 (7):791-802 (Impact factor ~1)


25. N.H. Ravindranath, Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2012) Forest carbon management under the changing climate: Research challenges. Carbon Management, 3 (4): 329-331 (Impact factor =2.1)


26. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Gopalakrishnan R, Jayaraman M, Bala G, Joshi NV, Sukumar R, Ravindranath NH (2011) Impact of Climate Change on Indian Forests: A dynamic vegetation modeling approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2):119-142 (Impact factor =3.1)


27. Asbjørn A, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Anitha A. Sagadevan (2011) Integrated modelling approaches to analysis of climate change impacts on forests and forest management. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2): 247-266 (Impact factor =3.1)


28. Asbjørn A, Gopalakrishnan R, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Ravindranath NH, Anitha D. Sagadevan, Sharma N, Wei. T (2011) A macroeconomic analysis of adaptation to climate change impacts on forests in India. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2): 229-245 (Impact factor =3.1)


29. Afreen S, Sharma N, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Gopalakrishnan R, Ravindranath NH (2011) Forest policies and programs affecting vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2):177-197 (Impact factor =3.1)


30. Gopalakrishnan R, Jayaraman M, Rajiv K Chaturvedi,  Bala G, Ravindranath NH (2011) Effect of climate change on teak in India: A modelling based approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2): 199-209 (Impact factor =3.1)


31. Palm M, Ostwald M, Murthy IK, Rajiv K Chaturvedi  and Ravindranath NH (2011) Barriers for afforestation and reforestation activities in different agro-ecological zones of Southern India. Regional Environmental Change, 11(2): 423-435 (Impact factor =2.8)


32. Ravindranath NH, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Joshi NV, Sathaye J (2011) Implications of Climate Change on Mitigation Potential Estimates   for Forest Sector in India. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(2): 211-227 (Impact factor =3.1)


33. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Gopalakrishnan R, Sukumar R, Ravindranath NH (2010) Carbon management in Indian forests: a policy analysis to assess mitigation potential. Carbon Management, 1(1):109-117 (Impact factor = 2.1)


34. Khatun K, Valdes PJ, Knorr W, Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2010) Assessing the mitigation potential of forestry activities in a changing climate: A case study for Karnataka. Forest Policy and Economics, 12(4): 277-286 (Impact factor =2)


35. Ravindranath NH, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Murthy IK (2008) Forest conservation, afforestation and reforestation in India: Implications for forest carbon stocks. Current Science, 95(2):216-222 (Impact factor ~1)


36. Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Tiwari R, Ravindranath NH (2008) Climate Change and Forests in India. International Forestry Review, 10(2):256-268(Impact factor =1)


37. Ravindranath NH, Murthy IK, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, Andrasko K, Sathaye JA (2007) Carbon forestry economic mitigation potential in India by land classification. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12(6): 1027–1052 (Impact factor =3.1)


POLICY BRIEF (Policy Communication to Govts, academia and general public)


1.      Chaturvedi RK et al (2018) Co-benefits of power sector decarbonisation for air quality and human health in India, Policy Brief, January 2018, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science (





1.      Rajiv K Chaturvedi and Woods Jeremy (2015) How we developed the COP21 Calculator. FT Data. Financial Times, London (

2.      Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2020) How climate change is affecting Goa? Published in Dudhsagar, A periodical by Department of Environment & Climate Change, Government of Goa 1(1):46-48,





1. Jose k, Bandyopadhyay A, Arya A, Chaturvedi RK (2023) Forest Ecosystem Modeling for Policy Planning: A Review in ‘Ecosystem and Species Modeling for Conservation and Restoration: Mainstreaming modeling approaches in policy planning’. Editors : Shalini Dhyani, Dibyendu Adhikari, Rajarshi Dasgupta and Rakesh Kadaverugu. Springer 2023

2. Bandopadhyay A, Arya A, Rajiv K. Chaturvedi, ( 2022 ) Identification of priority areas for cropland restoration in India through Agroforestry and soil carbon enrichment in ‘Sustainable plant nutrition and soil carbon sequestration’ Springer Nature.


3. Co-editor Sustainable Plant Nutrition and Soil Carbon Sequestration, Springer Nature (accepted)


4. Sukumar R, Jagmohan K Sharma, Rajiv K Chaturvedi, NH Ravindranath (2016) The Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystems in India. in Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities. Oxford University Press





1.      Chaturvedi RK,Ravindranath, NH (2013) Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific – How can Countries Adapt? Venkatachalam Anbumozhi et al (eds). SAGE Publishers India Pvt Ltd. Current Science, 104: 1716-1717


2.      Chaturvedi, RK (2013) "Energy, the Environment and Climate Change" by Peter E. Hodgson. Imperial College Press, UK. Current Science, 105: 256-257




i) Financial Times climate change calculator (2015):


ii) The Global Calculator (2014): (incorporated RCP scenarios RCP2.6, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 in to Global Calculator)




1.      Co-author to “STAP (2012) Climate Change: A Scientific Assessment for the GEF”. A STAP Information Document by N.H. Ravindranath, R.E. H. Sims, D. Ürge-Vorsatz, M. Beerepoot, R. K. Chaturvedi, and L. Neretin. Global Environment Facility, Washington, DC. The report can be assessed here:”


2.      Lead author to “UNEP 2016. GEO-6 Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. The report can be assessed here:


3.      Contributing author to Chapter 4, ‘Modelling impacts of drivers on biodiversity and ecosystems’ of Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of UN (IPBES) report titled: “The methodological assessment report on “Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” 2016. The report can be assessed here:


4.      Lead Author to the forthcoming IPBES report on “Regional assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem for Asia-Pacific” ( 2018




1.   Chaturvedi RK, Jallu PR, Rajesh SBV, Zare N, Ashutosh S, Lakhchaura P, Ghosh S and Rao V (2020), Mapping Climate Change Hotspots in Indian Forests based on Observed Climate Change and High Resolution Climate Model Projections, A Study done by BITS Pilani Goa campus and Forest, Survey of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.

2.   Contributed to FSI Technical Information Series, Volume 2, No. 5, 2020, Mapping Climate Change Hotspots in Indian Forests based on Observed Climate Change and High Resolution Climate Model Projections;

3.      Contributed to India’s Third Biennial Update Report (BUR) to UNFCCC: (2021) - Upcoming

4.      Contributed to India’s Second Biennial Update Report (BUR) to UNFCCC: (2016)

5. Contributed to India’s first Biennial Update Report (BUR) to UNFCCC: (2012)

6.   N.H. Ravindranath et al. with Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2013) “Environmental Benefits and Vulnerability Reduction through Mahatma Gandhi NREGS 2013” - Synthesis Report, Submitted to Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India (The main objective of this assessment is to generate empirical evidence from different parts of India, to assess the potential for delivery of environmental benefits to promote conservation of natural resources, sustained water supply and food production, in addition to sustained employment livelihoods through MGNREGS)




1.      Chaturvedi RK, Shruthi BV, Karthik K, Hussain S (2021) Implications of Ujjawala scheme for forest conservation in the state of Jharkhand, A report by BITS Pilani, Goa submitted to the Forest Department, Govt. of Jharkhand

2.      Shruthi BV Rajesh and Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2021) Impact of Negative Factors and Importance of Monitoring Natural Wetland Ecosystems in Jharkhand: Report on Economic Aspect, A report by BITS Pilani, Goa submitted to the Forest Department, Govt. of Jharkhand

3.      Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2020) How climate change is affecting Goa? Published in Dudhsagar, A periodical by Department of Environment & Climate Change, Government of Goa 1(1):46-48

4.      Vignesh Venkateswaran, Sachita Nishal and Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi (2020) Climate Change in Goa: Observations and Projections, A report by BITS Pilani Goa campus submitted to NABARD Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., in preparation of Goa’s State Action Plan on Climate Change; A commentary on the report is available here; Our work is covered in a front page story in Times of India her: 

5.      Rajiv K Chaturvedi et al (2017) Vulnerability of the forests and biodiversity of Meghalaya to Climate Change, Report submitted to the Govt. of Meghalaya

6.      Rajiv K Chaturvedi (2016) Impact of Climate Change on the Forest and Biodiversity of Madhya Pradesh, Report to the State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

7.      Co-authored a chapter titled “Climate Change, Environment and Biodiversity” in the Human Development Report for the State of Karnataka, 2016 (in Publication)

8.      Co-authored a report titled “Historical and Climate change projections for Karnataka” for Govt. for Karnataka, 2014

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