1. Completion of 40 units in Ph D Thesis course.
2. Completion of the research work and preparation of thesis duly checked and certified by your supervisor(s) following the guidelines for preparing the draft thesis.
3. Submission of two copies of the thesis for review by the members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC).
4. Obtaining the comments of the members of DAC on the thesis.
5. Preparation of presentation for approximately 30 to 35 minutes using Power Point. The presentation must cover the following…
Objectives and Scope of the Study
Literature review (briefly 2-3 slides only)
Identification of the research gaps based on literature review
Problem Formulation
Research Methodology
Experimentation/ Data Collection/Analysis
Results and discussion
General Conclusions
Specific Conclusions /Contributions of the research
Further Scope of Research
6. Clearing of dues till date of the seminar
7. Clearing of pending grades, if any
8. Informing the presentation and accommodation requirements
9. Noting the corrections/suggestions, if any, for necessary action during pre-submission seminar
10. Collecting necessary proforma for Thesis Submission and Prospective Examiners Information.