BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, August 05, 2022



Checklist for Semester's Work

  1. Payment of fees for the particular semester to Dean, SWD
  2. Signing and sending of registration card to Dean, ARCD
  3. Making the plan of work for all the courses registered in consultation with Supervisor(s) / Mentor
  4. Dispatch of the plan of work by email to ARD for necessary approval
  5. Carrying the work as per the work plan
  6. Submitting mid semester’s reports and grades forms duly signed by supervisor
  7. Submitting end semester’s reports and grades forms duly signed by supervisor
  8. Informing the ARD, changes in address, telephone, E-mail etc., if any
  9. Informing the ARD the change of locale, supervisor, topic, if situation warrants
  10. Requesting the Doctoral Counseling Committee for extension of time for thesis submission, if situation warrants

Checklist for Preparing Draft Thesis

Objectives, Scope and Limitations

  1. Are the objectives clearly spelt out?
  2. Are the objectives based on in-depth literature review?
  3. Does the thesis clearly mention scope and limitations of research?

Literature Survey

  1. Is the literature survey up-to-date and exhaustive?
  2. Has the researcher referred international/national journals of repute?
  3. Are the research gaps clearly identified?


  1. Is the methodology adopted described exhaustively?
  2. Has the researchers mentioned all data sources?
  3. Is the research methodology adopted up-to-date?

Results and Discussions

  1. Are the outcomes of research discussed at length?
  2. Has the candidate come out with knowledge addition in the area of research?
  3. Has the candidate come out with publications in international/national journals of repute?
  4. Has the candidate presented his work in international/national conferences?

Conclusions and Future Scope of Work

  1. Are the conclusions clearly spelt out?
  2. Has the candidate mentioned specific contributions to the field of research?

Checklist for Pre-Submission Seminar on Ph D Thesis

1.    Completion of 40 units in Ph D Thesis course.

2.    Completion of the research work and preparation of thesis duly checked and certified by your supervisor(s) following the guidelines for preparing the draft thesis.

3.    Submission of two copies of the thesis for review by the members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC).

4.    Obtaining the comments of the members of DAC on the thesis.    

5.    Preparation of presentation for approximately 30 to 35 minutes using Power Point. The presentation must cover the following…

  • Objectives and Scope of the Study

  • Literature review (briefly 2-3 slides only)

  • Identification of the research gaps based on literature review

  • Problem Formulation

  • Research Methodology

  • Experimentation/ Data Collection/Analysis

  • Results and discussion

  • General Conclusions

  • Specific Conclusions /Contributions of the research

  • Further Scope of Research

6.    Clearing of dues till date of the seminar

7.    Clearing of pending grades, if any

8.    Informing the presentation and accommodation requirements

9.    Noting the corrections/suggestions, if any, for necessary action during pre-submission seminar

10.  Collecting necessary proforma for Thesis Submission and Prospective Examiners Information.

Checklist for Thesis Submission

  1. Registration in the semester of thesis submission
  2. Clearing all pending dues, if any
  3. Clearing all pending grades, if any
  4. Completion of 40 units in Ph D Thesis course
  5. Completion of minimum 2 units in PLS courses
  6. Completion of minimum2 units in Independent Study
  7. Any NC/Unsatisfactory grades in immediately preceding semester
  8. Correctness of name and ID as per ARD records
  9. Approval of the Thesis title by the Research Board
  10. Pre-submission seminar before the DAC
  11. Submission of grades for the semester of thesis submission
  12. Correctness of thesis title as approved by the Research Board/DCC
  13. Submission of 4 hard bound copies and one soft copy, in a CD, of the thesis
  14. Submission of 5 copies of synopsis of the thesis
  15. Necessary instructions for title page and certificate are followed or not
  16. Submitting Demand draft for ‘Thesis examination fees’ in favor of BITS, payable at Pilani and drawn on SBBJ, Pilani or UCO Bank Pilani or ICICI Bank, Pilani.
  17. Submission of sealed envelope containing names, communication details and brief bio-data of at least 7 eminent as prospective thesis examiners to be given by the supervisor(s)
  18. Submission of Proforma ARD/Thesis/1 and ARD/Thesis/2 in duplicate duly filled in and signed by candidate and supervisor(s)

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