Registration in the semester of thesis submission
Clearing all pending dues, if any
Clearing all pending grades, if any
Completion of 40 units in Ph D Thesis course
Completion of minimum 2 units in TP courses
Completion of minimum 2 units in Ph D seminar
Any NC/Unsatisfactory grades in immediately preceding semester
Correctness of name and ID as per ARD records
Approval of the Thesis title by the Research Board
Pre-submission seminar before the DAC and DRC
Submission of grades for the semester of thesis submission
Correctness of thesis title as approved by the Research Board/DCC
Submission of 3 spiral bound copies printed on both sides and soft copies of thesis (in a single PDF format) and synopsis written on a CD.
The student will be required to submit two copies of hard bound final thesis, along with the soft copy, after successful completion of viva voce examination by incorporating necessary corrections (if any).
Necessary instructions for title page and certificate are followed or not
Submitting Demand draft for ‘Thesis examination fees’ in favor of BITS, payable at Pilani and drawn on SBBJ, Pilani or UCO Bank Pilani or ICICI Bank, Pilani.
Submission of sealed envelope containing names, communication details and brief bio-data of at least 7 eminent as prospective thesis examiners to be given by the supervisor(s) through DRC.
Submission of Proforma ARD/Thesis/1 and ARD/Thesis/2 in duplicate duly filled in and signed by candidate and supervisor(s)